
2006: Winner by open competition of a single post as Assistent Professor (Ricercatore universitario), class ICAR 21 (Urban Planning) called by the Architecture Faculty of Palermo  

2014: ASN 2012, Scientific National Qualification to Associate Professor (II level). 

- Since a.y 2017/18 Teaching professor of Urban planning laboratory (and responsible of infrastructure for mobility and transport), 12 CFU, at the Architecture Faculty of Palermo (University of Palermo). 

- From a.y. 2014/15 to a.y.2016/17 Teaching Professor of Urban Planning (Urbanistica), at the Architecture Faculty of Agrigento (University of Palermo). 

- Since a.y 2016/17 Teaching professor of Urban planning laboratory (and responsible of infrastructure for mobility ad transport), 16 CFU, at the Architecture Faculty of Agrigento (University of Palermo). 

- a.y. 2014/2015 and a.y.2015/2016: Teaching Professor of Territorial Planning Elements (Elementi di Pianificazione Territoriale), at the Architecture Faculty of Agrigento (Palermo University). 

- Since 2007/08 to 2014/15 Teaching Professor of Urban Planning 1 (Urbanistica 1), at the Architecture Faculty of the Agrigento seat of the Palermo University. 

 - from a.y. 2006/2007 to a.y.20012/13 Teaching Professor of Urban and Regional Geography (Geografia Urbana e Regionale), at the Architecture Faculty of the Agrigento seat of the Palermo University. 

- a.y.2003-04, a.y. 2004-2005, a.y. 2005-06: Contract Professor of Urban and Regional Geography (Geografia Urbana e Regionale) (4 cfu), at the Architecture Faculty of the Agrigento seat of the Palermo University.  

- a.y. 2004-05 and a.y. 2005-06: Contract Professor of Territorial Planning (Pianificazione Territoriale) (4 cfu) within the Specialistic Degree of Environmental Analysis and Management (corso di Laurea Specialistica in Analisi e Gestione Ambientale), at the Science MM.FF.NN. Faculty of Palermo. 

- 2005 a.y. 2004-05 Contract Professor of Territorial Planning (Pianificazione Territoriale) organization of a round table on: Sustainability/Territory/Urban Planning  

- a.y.2000-01, a.y. 2001-02, a.y. 2002-03: Tutor of the following sujects: Urban Planning I (Urbanistica I) and Analysis of the urban systems (Analisi dei sistemi urbani) at the Agrigento seat of the Palermo Architecture Faculty; 

- a.y. 2000-01, a.y. 2001-02, a.y. 2002-03, a.y. 2003-04: Expert (Cultore della materia) in the field of Urban Planning at the Palermo Architecture Faculty. 

- a.y. 1993-94 and a.y. 1994-95: Expert (Cultore della materia) in the field Architectonical Planning (Progettuale Architettonica) (Department of History and Project in Architecture) at the Palermo Architecture Faculty.