graduated cum laude in Architecture in 1980, is Architect, Designer, and Full Professor of Industrial Design at the Department of Architecture and Industrial Design (DADI) of the Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”. - formerly known as Second University of Naples. He is currently working on two main research branches: the first one concerns a new concept of company museums, that he has been studying for years, to create a distinctive identity that differentiates them from other types of museums. On this topic he directed a series of publications for publishing company Alinea, being the author of the first publication entitled “IL SISTEMA MUSEALE REGIONALE DEL DESIGN E DELLE ARTI APPLICATE” (2005, English version: “OFFICIAMUSEUM. THE REGIONAL MUSEUM SYSTEM OF DESIGN AND APPLIED ARTS”, 2008). From 2016 he has been directing the series “THE 3RD INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. Futuro e memoria del Design”, for publishing company Altralinea. He is scientific advisor and artistic director for the project “Temporary Museum of Enterprise” devoted to product of excellence in Campania, under construction in Pompeii, under an agreement between the city of Pompeii and Campania University. He has been project coordinator of "Summer School in designing of company museum systems in Euro-Mediterranean area" of SUN in collaboration with OKAN ÜNİVERSİTESİ of Istanbul and FACHHOCHSCHULE KÖLN approved in 2013 from INDIRE/MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research). The second research branch he is focusing on is about the preservation and enhancement of those forms of design that are capable of connecting with local craftsmanship, thus developing what Gambardella calls “Handmade in Italy”, i.e. a kind of design that is strongly linked to local diversity over the country, competing with the more globalized “Made in Italy”. He is part of the Academic Board of the PhD programme in “Architectural and Urban Design and Architectural Restoration” of Campania University. Moreover, he is one of the members of MUSA Scientific Committee (University's Museum of Sciences and Arts) of his University. He curated the Materials Library project for SUN, first ever in Southern Italy, in collaboration with Material Connexion Italia. He was also curator of the 2013 and 2016 editions of the DADI/SUN booth at SALONE SATELLITE, a section of the SALONE DEL MOBILE dedicated to young talents and universities, both Italian and foreign, in Rho-Fiera, Milan. Chairman of Board Master's Degree (Aggregated Study Course in IT/EN) in Architecture: Interior Design and for Autonomy from October 2013 to 2016; currently scientific director, managing relationships with Okan University (Istanbul) and East China Normal University (Shanghai). He has been one of the three congress chairs of BEYOND ALL LIMITS, a congress on sustainability held at Cankaya University, in Ankara (TR) in October 2018. He is member of the Scientific Committee of IEREK - International Experts for Research Enrichment and Knowledge Exchange, based in Egypt, and member of Collegium "Scriptorium Fontis Avellanae" - Eremo di Monte Giove (Fano, Italy). He is President of I LOVE POMPEI, a non-profit association to promote Architecture, Design and Conserving Cultural Objects; a successful exhibition he curated in 2002 at Villa Pignatelli Museum in Naples was named after the association. He was the president of ADI - Association for Industrial Design Campania Delegation from 2004 to 2011. He also designs, creates and curates design exhibitions. From 2008 to 2010, he was artistic director of the Trends/Design section of the Ravello Festival. Within this section, he conceived and curated the exhibitions “Shoes on exhibit: the treasures of the Ferragamo Museum”, “The Richard Ginori Museum: a new lease on life” and “ZERODISEGNO: madness is freedom” set up respectively in 2008, in 2009 and 2010. In 2011, he curated the exhibition “more craft, more design. Annibale Oste|Studio Azzurro”. Moreover, Gambardella organized the CERAMIC TRILOGY, three conference-exibitions in Naples and Pompeii (2016/2018). His design objects and architectural projects have been exhibited and published in Italy and abroad. He also worked for several years as an editor for specialized magazines such as DOMUS, INTERNI, MODO, SPAZIO& SOCIETA’.