Martin is a Chartered Engineer and a member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. He has recently taken up the Chair of Engineering Design at the University of Sheffield after 25 years in practice as a Director of Ove Arup and Partners Ltd, holding a portfolio including Sustainable Building Leader for the UK, Middle East and Africa, Education Leader for the UK, Middle East and Africa and Leader of the Arup office in Sheffield, leading a team of professional Engineers, working on a diverse array of projects in the UK and overseas.
Within this team, he led a Built Environment research group, providing thought leadership to the wider group and Arup on the future of sustainable design and the opportunities that this will present to designers, commercial research projects for clients, identifying and driving the research strategy, horizon scanning and leading the technical progression of sustainable building design.
He has led and supported many applied research projects for major industrial clients, IMechE and the TSB covering a range of issues in the field of sustainable and low energy building design including projects such as the definition of a route to zero carbon for the Further Education sector, defining Scope 3 carbon foot-printing for the Higher Education Sector and the design of the UK’s only Hydrogen powered zero carbon building. He is a regular speaker at conferences on Sustainable Buildings and Cities.
Martin is passionate about helping to develop Engineering Graduates capable of making a difference in the world through their ability to engage with society to deliver creative engineering solutions to address global issues.
His research interests are in the Built Environment, City Systems and infrastructure interdependencies, in particular Urban Energy Systems and how they respond to stress and shock events.
Current research projects include: