
Mohammed obtained his Ph.D. in  Architectural Engineering about “Architectural Creativity Between Methodical & Spontaneous Thinking: An Analytical Study of Contemporary Egyptian Architecture.”
from the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University.

His most recent research is about “Design Thinking Reviewed: Towards a Better Understanding of Design Thinking in Architecture Practice, Research, and Education.”

Dr. Ghonim has many interests either Academic or Research or Professional such as

  • Interest in teaching architectural design in an interactive manner that works to engage students in the educational process through ongoing discussions, as well as interest in teaching studio-based courses such as construction, and visual skills.(Academic)
  • Interest in research areas relevant to design thinking, process, and methods, also research associated with architectural education and its development, as well as interest to research topics related to the architectural profession and technologies.(Research)
  • Interested in designing residential, office, commercial and educational buildings. Also, I have an interest in attending real estate and construction exhibitions, as I am interested in the field of real estate appraisal.(Professional)