
 Associate Professor The University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Civil Engineering in Sarajevo and Institute for Materials and Structures, University of Sarajevo, Patriotske lige 30, 71 000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina ▪

Main activities and responsibilities are teaching different subjects at the Bachelor and Master Level at the Faculty of Civil Engineering. I am involved in teaching Mechanics II and Basis of Bridges and Tunnels. I am teaching a course Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity and conducting exercises.

▪ Conducting different projects, from bridge design, design of different structures, an audit of the main design of various structures, static and dynamic testing of buildings and bridges, assessment of the structural bearing capacity of various buildings and giving expert opinions, production of rehabilitation projects of various structures. Business or sector Academic and practical application in the field of civil engineering Academic year 2018/2019-on going CIS- Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, Zmaja od Bosne 8, 71 000 Sarajevo,

▪ Master study “Natural Disasters Risk Management in Western Balkan Countries” The purpose of this study program is to educate a master of natural disaster protection in accordance with the needs of society and their academic training in accordance with the contemporary requirements of risk management from natural disasters. The study program is designed to provide the acquisition of competences and the development of academic skills in the field of risk management from natural disasters. The overall objective of the project is to educate experts in the prevention and management of natural disasters in the Western Balkans region based on national and European Union policies.

Academic year 2018/2019-on going Member of the Ph.D. study at the University of Padova December 2012-December 2017 Assistant Professor Faculty of Civil Engineering in Sarajevo and Institute for Materials and Structures, University of Sarajevo, Patriotske lige 30, 71 000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina