As a result of the success of the first workshop in Italy in 2015, IEREK has proudly hosted the second Architecture Week!
The 2nd Architecture Week was held before the “Green Urbanism” (GU) Conference, it was held at Roma Tre University, Italy
It offered an opportunity to bring people from diverse places, cultures, and backgrounds together to collaborate and exchange information with one another.
The workshops sessions contained:
Workshop 1 “Searching for urban patterns”:
It is valuable to search for repetitive spatial configuration patterns at various scales at the edges of historical cities and across case studies; these patterns would assist, as indicators, in further understanding of the spatial, land-use and architectural conditions at historic edges in terms of their interrelation with their surrounding context. Therefore, measuring the connecting features, such as permeability, visual accessibility and the sense of continuity, related to the current urban form, architectural features or a specific series of activities would reveal such urban pattern. This workshop emphasizes on the quantitative relationship between different urban variables, including spatial, architectural and environmental features.
Workshop 2 “URPAs- Urban Regeneration of Peripheral Areas”
The output of the workshop will be social involvement, urban recycling, and new technologies for green buildings.
Workshop 3 “DGI – Designing (Green, Blue, Grey) Infrastructures. A key turn in Urban Landscape”
The contemporary cityscape is organized with infrastructures and networks through which people, energy, food, physical and intangible communications and, not least, waste, altogether move. Despite such a crucial importance, the infrastructure is still exclusively the result of policy maker's decisions and then designed by engineers. Thus the complexity of infrastructural systems is only conceived in terms of pure functionality and so developed and managed merely in technocratic terms.
Final Case Study “Designing infrastructure: a key turn in urban landscape, case study the valle Aurelia- Vigna Clara train line- Rome”
Workshop Topics
The workshops are:
Workshop 1 “Searching for urban patterns” :
It is valuable to search for repetitive spatial configuration patterns at various scales at the edges of historical cities and across case studies; these patterns would assist, as indicators, in further understanding of the spatial, land-use and architectural conditions at historic edges in terms of their interrelation with their surrounding context. Therefore, measuring the connecting features, such as permeability, visual accessibility and the sense of continuity, related to the current urban form, architectural features or a specific series of activities would reveal such urban pattern. This workshop emphasizes on the quantitative relationship between different urban variables, including spatial, architectural and environmental features.
Workshop 2 “URPAs- Urban Regeneration of Peripheral Areas”
The workshop will be discussing:
Green Design
Urban Design
Technologies for smart cities
Output of the workshop will be social involvement, urban recycling, and new technologies for green buildings.
Workshop 3“DGI – Designing (Green, Blue, Grey) Infrastructures. A key turn in Urban Landscape“
The contemporary cityscape is organized with infrastructures and networks through which people, energy, food, physical and intangible communications and, not least, waste, altogether move. Despite such a crucial importance, the infrastructure is still exclusively the result of policy maker's decisions and then designed by engineers. Thus the complexity of infrastructural systems is only conceived in terms of pure functionality and so developed and managed merely in technocratic terms.
Final Case Study“Designing infrastructure: a key turn in urban landscape, case study the valle Aurelia- Vigna Clara train line- Rome”
Workshop Instructors
Workshop 1 “Searching for urban patterns” : Dr. Nabil Mohareb.
Head of Architectural Engineering, Arts and design, Beirut Arab University Tripoli Campus.
Workshop 2 “URPAs – Urban Regeneration of Peripheral Areas” :
Scientific responsible: prof. Ferdinando Trapani, professor of Urban planning, Palermo University
Didactic coordinators: prof. Giuseppe di Benedetto and Prof. Maria Luisa Germanà, Palermo University
Tutor’s coordinator: Prof. Marta Serra, Escola d’Arquitectura del Vallès, ETSAV UPC – Barcelona Tech
Workshop 3 “DGI – Designing (Green, Blue, Grey) Infrastructures. A key turn in Urban Landscape”
Arch: Davide Marchetti
Workshop Venue
Ex Mattatoio – Testaccio – Opening and closing sessions:
Roma Trey University
Via Ostiense, 159, 00154 Roma, Italy
Workshop Fees
NOTE : These Workshops themes is attached to “Green Urbanism” International Conference and supposed to act as a complementary to the conference as it will support the workshop from the theoretical side.
Payment during the conference days is strictly prohibited.
2nd Architecture Week Fees (4 Workshops- for Students - with special discount)
Please notice that we will endeavor to assist you in obtaining a visa (if needed), by sending an invitation letter, but the responsibility is yours and the decision rests solely with the appropriate Embassy. Delegates in any event (conference, workshop, summer school, or any others activities) who cancel their registration due to special circumstances or due to visa rejection for any reason and they do not have a paper published in the proceedings will receive a complete refund minus a 20% administration charges, and the bank commissions. If the proceedings book has already been published or any of the events, where a refund is requested, has started, the fees cannot be refunded.
Featured Workshops
Mohammed Abdullah
+2 03 5763827
+2 01000028021