International Master Course on Conservation of Architectural Heritage –Level 1
International Master Course on Conservation of Architectural Heritage –Level 1

  • 01, Sep / 30, Jun 2020
  • Kore University of Enna,Italy

The educational path of the Master Course in “Conservation of Architectural Heritage” provides advanced training in the field of Architectural Heritage with the aim to form practitioners able to both restore and respectfully transform the built environment in its monumental, architectural and historic elements, empowering architectural resilience and affordance. 

The main idea is to build an interdisciplinary learning process, which combines technical knowledge with humanistic knowledge and pointing to a professional able to gather aesthetic and functional qualities.

The focus is on the conservation and the regeneration of monumental fabric, as well as of historical urban sites, on interventions of building restoration, extensions, adaptive reuse, structural retrofitting and valorization. The Master offers the possibility of deepening the most important topics of Architectural conservation and reuse. The courses have been conceived to ensure a correct balance among theoretical, practical and applicative aspects, by integrating in the design process the necessary requirements of feasibility.