Albert Sezent once said, “Research is to see what everybody else has seen and to think what nobody else has thought.” As scientists, professors and scholars you aim to make achievements that would lead to improvements in the way we are living. Once it is decided to make a difference, the researcher needs to find a way by which he/she could share their knowledge with the rest of the world with the aim not only to publish the work but to be recognized and have a noticeable effect in their field of study. One of the most suitable ways of making such work accessible is publishing the papers in an academic journal. This workshop is designed to walk researchers through the professional Academic publishing process. Moreover, with the help of Springer team, the workshop is designed to inform and guide researchers through the requirements of reputable publishers look for in desired papers and how to develop a high-quality research paper.
Objective Of The Workshop
Researchers go through a lot of hassle hoping that their work is published and recognized in their field. Throughout this 2-day workshop, a team of professionals, from Springer; a top tear publishing company that publishes books, e-books and peer-reviewed journal articles in science, technology, and medicine, will walk you through the steps and procedures needed to publish your work (as Authors).
During the workshop, different teams are going to teach current and future scholars, who wish to publish their work, the steps and procedures they should go through to choose, finance, and finally publish their work.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Learning how to pick a trendy topic that would attract readers in the field.
- Learning the technical, expressive, and critical skills required of writers to prepare their papers for publication.
- Learn how to use the services and tools provided by Springer
- Learn the submission process of submitting a paper.
- Learning how to make a research paper accessible to the public and professionals in the field.
- Learn the publication ethics
- Gain knowledge on how to promote own career
About The Author Workshop
- Providing early-career scientists and research students with tips and hints on how to increase their chances of getting their papers published.
- Explaining to them how to shape a well-organized structure for their papers and how to learn Effective Scientific Writing.
- Walking them through the stages of choosing a proper journal and how to submit it using an attractive, relevant Cover Letter to the Journal Editors.
- Providing some useful techniques and online tools on how to select the most appropriate journals to their research.