Urban Complexity Of Heritage Areas
Urban Complexity Of Heritage Areas

IEREK Workshop

  • 16, Feb / 20, Feb 2015
  • Cairo, Egypt
Workshop Email

By working collaboratively in practice and by discussing the different strategies for handling the challenges of the development of “El DARB EL AHMAR” district, we reached a new insights that enriched the experiences of all participants

Reaching the workshop goal was to study the urban complexity of the chosen area in order to develop and maintain the historical value and heritage life of “EL KHALIFA” district including the improvement of people life was a success.

This happened by producing a detailed guideline and strategic plan for the selected area with a new vision for urban design that do consider the social, human and cultural aspects of the selected area. Knowing how to act and design a multi layering complicated layers of urbanism design in heritage areas was the general target of this workshop that has been achieved.