Albert Sezent once said, “Research is to see what everybody else has seen and to think what nobody else has though”. Being part of the academic sphere, we dedicate our efforts and time for the cause of making the world we live in a better place. Taking the initiative to spread knowledge is definitely a sacred mission that could be sought through publishing academic journals. Accordingly, this workshop is designed to walk the people seeking a career as editors through the publishing world, starting from how to choose the guidelines and topics, how to judge and evaluate the papers, how to establish the revising and editing processes, to the final process of marketing and promoting the publications. In other words, the workshop will let the participants get hands-on experience and will make them familiar with the different paths of the journal-editing realm. Most importantly, with the help of Springer team, the workshop will help you realize the criteria that let a paper stand out in order to be chosen by the reputable publishers. In addition to the aforementioned information, the workshop will cover a case study to engage the attendees with the material to have a thorough knowledge and a deeper understanding of the process’s dynamics.
About The Editor Workshop
Researchers go through a lot of hassle hoping that their work is published and recognized in their field. Throughout this 4-day workshop, a team of professionals, from Springer; a top tear publishing company that publishes books, e-books and peer-reviewed journal articles in science, technology, and medicine, will walk you through the steps and procedures needed to develop your journals (as editors). During the workshop, different teams are going to be working on a simplified case study that would give a better feel of the market. The workshop will be an opportunity for journal editors to get some insights on how to develop, promote, and index their journals.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Learn the editorial workflow of journals published by Springer
- Learn how to increase the quality and visibility of journals
- Learn how to prepare a successful proposal for publishing journals with Springer
- Learn how to attract the best authors and increase citations for journals
- How to develop journals and get them indexed
- Learn the publishing ethics in academia
- Learn to understand and interpret the journal’s statistics
Objective Of The Editor Workshop
- Shaping a successful journal’s concept and managing the editorial workflow.
- Creating or developing a journal theme.
- Allocating\designating the research paper according to the journal theme.
- Managing the revision process.
- Managing journal indexing and marketing.
- Providing journal editors and academics with the information and knowledge needed to increase the chances of getting their journals well cited and indexed.
- Discussing the best strategies and approaches in order to increase the visibility of their journals, to attract the best authors and reviewers, and to publish high-quality papers.
- Explaining them the steps needed to index their journals in most prestigious Abstracting and Indexing databases.
- Providing necessary information on how to shape a successful proposal to co-publish their journals by reputable international publishers, and how IEREK can play a role in this process.
Day 1:
1- Registration for the workshop
2- The future of Journal publishing
The current market of journal publishing has been growing and benefiting from different challenges. Where is the marketing heading and how to benefit from it?
3- A model to present (Example)
4- How to finance your journal?
How to create an offer for the society where all parties can benefit from the revenue without dwelling in the risk that is associated with publishing.
5- Choosing a topic – Why do societies publish?
What are societies and consultants looking for?
Day 2:
Introducing the Case study
A- Questions and answers on the case study
B- The Progress of Journals in Egypt and the Middle East
How has the market been improving and growing and what to expect in the Egyptian/MENA market?
C- Journal Development
Why is it important to have development plans for journals and how to take a strategic approach to planning?
D- Dissemination
How to market and ease the access to publication?
Questions and answers on the case study.
E-Journal Production.
F- Publishing ethics
G- Bibliometric
H- The statistics, how to use the numbers and benefit from them for your favor.