Ephemeral Design for the Marginal Urban Spaces in the Slopes of Enna.
Ephemeral Design for the Marginal Urban Spaces in the Slopes of Enna.

IEREK Workshop

  • 07, Mar / 13, Mar 2016
  • Enna (Italy)
Workshop Email

IEREK held the winter school for “Ephemeral Design for the Marginal Urban Spaces in the Slopes of ENNA” KIWI 2016” in ENNA Italy, IEREK main aim was to cross the social-cultural restrictions. Involved students and young designers in discussions that will have impacts on designs and urban planning, students were groups of 10 with one leader and one instructor who taught them new design paradigms and clarified how the process of construction is deployed. The main project that IEREK gathered students for was under “Integrated Project” principles. IEREK with the collaboration of KIWIS university gathered more than  50 students from all over the world and more than 10 experienced Instructors and local community representatives to represent the winter summer school and a great contribution from IEREK to enhance and inspire the Architectural world.
