GPS Operation for Engineers & Technical Professionals (3-Day course)
GPS Operation for Engineers & Technical Professionals (3-Day course)

IEREK Workshop

  • 09, Dec / 09, Dec 2016
  • Cairo, Egypt
Workshop Email
[email protected]
Course Objectives

– To provide detailed information on the GPS basics and the techniques by which GPS obtains position, velocity and time.

– To bring professional GPS users, technical sales staff, and others up to speed quickly on GPS, DGPS and the new PPP techniques.


None. However, some familiarity with engineering terms is helpful but not essential.

The course is designed in a way that an engineering background is not required or expected.

Almost no math will be included in this course.

Who Should Attend

This course is ideal for:

– Technicians and engineers who need a rapid grounding in GPS and DGPS principles, techniques, status & applications.

– Engineers and technical professionals seeking conceptual and detailed explanations of GPS technology, operation, capabilities.

– Sales, marketing and advanced development staff requiring a better understanding of GPS and DGPS operation, applications, and potential markets.