HERMES Workshop
HERMES Workshop

IEREK Workshop

  • 19, Jan / 19, Jan 2022
  • online event, Perugia, Italy.
Workshop Email

Our era has witnessed multiple substantial changes in its climate. One can see this in the many sudden or relatively new extreme weather conditions, and the multiple large-scale infectious diseases and viruses that have been plighting the entire world collectively.

These inconsistencies have been changing our Built Environment (BE) and how we perceive it. Recent dilemmas have shown the physical and even mental damage that has been caused by limitations of building efficiency, living conditions, and deficits of the different dimensions of the Built Environment in, both, the indoors and outdoors. This unfortunate reality has been driving the world towards reinventing structures and urban settings. It also motivated the search for and application of innovative sustainable solutions.

With the COVID-19 pandemic proposing a new vantage point on the dangers and risks our current living environment forces, experts aim to produce research that attempts to highlight the importance of the role of the Built Environment in supporting public health measures, as well as provide strategies that assist in reducing the risk of infections and creating a positive force for the development of healthy urban centers.

Due to the major role the Built Environment plays in the wider social and economic environments, we are faced with a responsibility to take part in the development of the field, knowing that there is no better way to provide solutions for challenges than to prepare ahead of them. And what better way to prepare for the future than with collaboration, collective efforts, and active participation?

Accompanying IEREK’s first edition of the International Conference on Health & Environmental Resilience and Livability in Cities (HERL), this intensive 1-day workshop facilitates an exploration of the different ways we can invest in our Built Environment and its structure.

Workshop Objectives

This one-day workshop brings together a large network of high-quality participants from the European Union (EU) and the United States to discuss the role of environmental agents in urban areas on health issues and comfort, in general, and, both, in the indoors and outdoors of the built environment. Following the conference topics & themes, it will tackle topics on Urban Systems Design, Urban Climate, Climate Changes, Urban Heat Islands and Heat Waves, Urban Resilience to Climate Change, Indoor and Outdoor Comfort, Building Energy Efficiency, Smart Cities, Urban Environmental Impact, Urban Environment & Health Issues and more –all through the delivery of lectures, simulation of fruitful discussions and the creation of beneficial and applicable strategies.

This workshop welcomes the conference participants, University of Perugia PhD students and other interested participants.


1. Urban systems design

1.1 Urban climate

1.2 Climate change mitigation

1.3 Urban tactic design and planning


2. Livability at the heart of a City’s Urban Planning

2.1 Green Infrastructure and Climate Strategy

2.2 Social Bonds and Healthy Behaviors

2.3 Medical management and urban issues


3. Environmental quality, wellbeing and comfort

3.1 Indoor and outdoor comfort

3.2 Building energy efficiency

3.3 New and smart mitigation strategies


4. Smart Cities

4.1 Environmental monitoring

4.2 Citizen science in smart cities

4.3 IoT in smart cities

4.4 Big data analytics in smart cities


5. Health Implications in a Changing Environment

5.1 Urban environmental impact

5.2 Urban environment and health issues

5.3 Urban heat islands and heat waves

5.4 Urban resilience to climate change



Anna Laura Pisello

Associate Professor of Environmental Applied Physics at the University of Perugia, Italy.

Doctor Anna Laura Pisello is an Associate Professor of Applied Physics at the University of Perugia in Italy. She is the author of more than 80 papers, 50 of which are published in international peer-reviewed journals. She is the winner of five international academic awards 2013–2017. Her research falls into two main areas of interest: innovative smart materials for multifunctional optimization and thermophysical characterization of building envelopes, and indoor-outdoor microclimate for environmental comfort and energy saving, with a focus on the resilience of dense urban areas and cities to climate change. Within the framework of these two main themes, she investigates the following topics: energy efficiency and thermal-energy performance optimization in buildings; new analysis methods to estimate the effect of innovative strategies; continuous monitoring techniques to detect the thermal-energy performance of buildings; high albedo solutions for passive cooling and as a mitigation strategy against the urban heat island phenomenon; local climate boundary conditions affecting building thermal-energy behavior; indoor-outdoor microclimate analysis for the preservation of cultural heritage.  


Masoud Ghandehari

Urban Systems Professor, Faculty of Civil and Urban Engineering, New York University, Tandon School of Engineering.

Masoud Ghandehari serves on the Faculty of Civil and Urban Engineering at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering and is an associate faculty at the NYU Center for Urban Science and Progress. His research focus is on urban systems engineering and the application of advanced instrumentation and data analysis targeting the aging, health, and performance of infrastructure systems. Through the application of sensing and modeling, he works on methodologies that generate data on the interaction of physical, natural, and human systems in cities. His research in optical spectroscopy, sensing, imaging, and data analytics has led to the development of applications and technologies suitable for diverse environments and multiple scales; ranging from the molecular to the urban landscape. Professor Ghandehari is the author of Optical Phenomenology and Applications: Health Monitoring for Infrastructure Materials and the Environment, 2018, the founding investigator of the New York State Resiliency Institute for Storm Events, and founder of Chromosense LLC., which is supported by the National Institutes of Health for innovation in environmental sensing.  


Norma Verdolini

Psychiatrist and Post-doctoral fellow, MD, PhD, Bipolar and Depressive Disorders Unit, Institute of Neuroscience, Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona, Spain.

Norma Verdolini graduated in Medicine in 2011 and performed a clinical residency in Psychiatry at the University of Perugia (Italy). In 2014 she performed a research attachment at the South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust in collaboration with the University of Cambridge, UK. In the last year of the specialty (2016) she collaborated with the Bipolar and Depressive Disorders Unit of the Hospital Clínic in Barcelona (Spain) and got involved in a project that aims to understand the psychiatric correlates of self- or hetero-aggression in bipolar disorder and decided to further my Ph.D. thesis on this topic. After completing her clinical residency, she worked as a psychiatrist and clinical investigator. In January 2018 she joined FIDMAG Hermanas Hospitalarias Research Foundation (Spain) with a “Río Hortega” contract by the “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” to study the neurobiological basis of bipolar disorder. In November 2018 she defended her Ph.D. thesis entitled “SELF- AND HETERO-AGGRESSION: Clinical Implications in Bipolar Disorder and the Mixed States” at the University of Barcelona. The Ph.D. thesis included a few of her previous articles, for example, “Aggressiveness in depression: a neglected symptom possibly associated with bipolarity and mixed features” published in Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, and “The aggressor at the mirror: Psychiatric correlates of deliberate self-harm in male prison inmates” published in European Psychiatry, among others. In May 2019 she became a post-doctoral fellow of the “Biomedicine international training research program for excellent clinician-scientists-BITRECS”, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 754550 and from “La Caixa” Foundation, at the “Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi Sunyer-IDIBAPS”, Barcelona. She is currently working in the research line focused on early stages in bipolar disorders, trying to identify the prodromes and predictors of the development of bipolar disorders.  


Alfonso Tortorella

Full professor, chair Dept. Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Perugia, Italy.

 Alfonso Tortorella is a Full Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Perugia. He is chief of the Section of Psychiatry and chief of the post-graduate School of Specialization of Psychiatry of the University of Perugia. His clinical expertise is mainly focused on bipolar and depressive disorders, perinatal psychiatry, and eating disorders. He participated in many national and international research projects concerning clinical and biological psychiatry. He developed growing expertise about the relationship between environment, air pollution, and mental health and conducted research projects in this field. He is the author of more than 150 scientific publications and served as a referee for peer-reviewed journals. He participated as an invited speaker in several national and international conferences. He is a member of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium and a member of the Italian Association of Biological Psychiatry and the Italian Association of Neuropsychopharmacology board.  


Marcel Schweiker

Head of the Healthy Living Spaces teaching and research area, Aachen University Hospital, Germany.

Prof. Dr. Marcel Schweiker received a degree in Architecture from the University of Kassel and then spend 4 years at the Tokyo City University in Japan, where he received a Ph.D. in Environmental and Information Sciences in 2010. Until 2020, he was a researcher and lecturer at the Department of Architecture at the KIT and habilitated in 2017. Since April 2020, he is leading the Teaching and Research Area Healthy Living Spaces, which is embedded in the Institute for Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine at the University Hospital RWTH Aachen.

Marcel Schweiker was in charge of building the LOBSTER, a unique facility for experimental studies, and is a sub-task leader in two international working groups under the umbrella of the International Energy Agency – Energy in Buildings and Communities program. First, the Annex 69 on adaptive thermal comfort to lower energy use in buildings, and second, the Annex 79 on Future pathways to integrate occupant behavioral models into building design and control. He is a member of DIN/ISO standardization committees on ergonomics of the physical environment. His core interests are in improving our understanding on those indoor environmental conditions promoting well-being and health within the built environment.  


Giulia Menculini

MD, Psychiatrist, Researcher, Neuroscience PhD student, Section of Psychiatry, University of Perugia.

Giulia Menculini is a Psychiatrist working at the University of Perugia, Italy. She graduated in Medicine from the University of Perugia in 2013. She trained in Psychiatry at the Post-Graduate School of Specialization in Psychiatry, the University of Perugia since 2014 and completed her training in 2019. In 2017-2018 she was Research Fellow at the Bipolar and Depressive Disorders Unit of Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona, Spain. She worked in inpatients and outpatients settings, with main clinical and research interests in mood disorders, psychotic disorders, early diagnosis, and addiction. She is currently a Ph.D. student in Neuroscience at the University of Perugia, working on a project focused on psychopathology in neurological diseases. During her residency in psychiatry, she also developed a specific interest on the effects of the environment and pollution on mental health. She is the author of scientific papers published in peer-reviewed journals. She participated as a speaker in national and international conferences and is a member of scientific societies, such as the Italian Society of Psychiatry and the European Psychiatric Association.  


Workshop Fees

Online Workshop Attendance

Held online from the comfort of your own home, the fees below guarantee your virtual attendance for the workshop and all days of the International Conference on Health & Environmental Resilience and Livability in Cities (HERL) - The challenge of climate change

Workshop Attendance

EUR 100


Conference Program