Project Budgeting and Financial Control.
Project Budgeting and Financial Control.

IEREK Workshop

  • 08, Dec / 08, Dec 2016
  • Alexandria,Egypt
Workshop Email
About The Course

Determining the cost of a project is one of the most important initial steps for a project manager. If a project manager cannot stay within a controlled budget, they may not have the funds to complete the project.

 The budget and financial plan is typically created during the initial stage of project development. Costs and resources should be set during the initiation stage to adequately plan and allocate costs.

Course Outline

– Defining cost management sciences.

– Financial methods of calculating project budget.

– Cost evaluating methods:

-Direct cost.

-Indirect cost.

– Project cash flow:



– Balancing between project time & project cost.

– Controlling project expenses:

-Cost control.

-Time control.

– Different case studies.


Dr. Rymond Fayeq

Workshop Fees

Fees For All

L.E 1000

Course Duration

40 Hrs