Francesca Tosi, Architect, is Full Professor of Industrial Design at Department of Architecture - DIDA, University of Florence.
Currently develops her research and didactic activities in the fields of Product and Interior Design, Ergonomics in Design, Design for All.
In particular on: daily use products and environments, and products and services for health and care.
On the same subjects: she is author of books, essays and articles on topics and she organized conferences and events.
She has been scientific responsible of research programs funded by: the European Union 7th FP; the Italian Ministry of University; the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy; public administrations; private enterprises.
Since 1996 until 2007 she was Assistant and then Associate Professor at the Faculty of Design of Politecnico di Milano.
Since November 2007 she is full professor at the Faculty (now Department) of Architecture, University of Florence, where she was:
Responsible of "Design” section of the PhD in "Architecture", University of Florence (2011-14).
Director of “Master in Ergonomics, of envinronment, products and organizations” (first edition 2012-13, second edition 2013-14).
She is currently:
Head of Degree Course in “Industrial Design” (first mandate 2012-16, second mandate 2016 today).
President of CUID, Italian Design Conference (first mandate 2013-16, second mandate 2016 today).
Scientific Director of LED, Ergonomics & Design Laboratory (since 2013)
She is/was also:
- National President of SIE, Italian Society of Ergonomics and humanb factors (first mandate 2010-13, second mandate 2013-2018).
President of the scientific committee of the “Rivista italiana di Ergonomia/Italian journal of Ergonomics” (2013-today)
Director of the two series of publisher Franco Angeli, Milano.:
- “Design, innovazione, territorio/Design, innovation, territory” (director with G. Lotti, S. Follesa, A. Rinaldi – 2011-today);
- “Ergonomics in Design” (director, 2016-today).