
Nancy M. Clark is co-founder and Director of the Consortium for Hydro-generated Urbanism (CHU), an international group promoting prospective studies of adaptation, resiliency, environmental justice and asset preservation of waterway cities around the world. She is also the Program Coordinator of Global Lab, a cross-disciplinary research initiative with the University of Florida focused on the study of emergent global trajectories in architectural practice, building technology, and urban policy making. Clark is an Associate Professor at the University of Florida and served as head of the Graduate Program in the School of Architecture from 2008-2014. Clark has lectured and exhibited her research worldwide including Mexico, South Africa, Brazil, and France. She is Editor of Urban Waterways: Evolving Paradigms for Hydro-Based Urbanisms, L’ADC UNESCO Series #3 and is Special Guest Editor of “Between City and Water: Architecture Landscape and Infrastructure” New Architecture Magazine(newarch.cn) forthcoming spring 2017.   She is currently a Leadership Consultant for the Van Alen Institute’s “South Florida Challenge: Innovations in the New Climate Ecology”. Other recent activities include co-hosting the UNESCO World Field Laboratory 2016 “Sea Level Rise and the Future of Coastal Settlements and serving as the Chair of the Urban Waterways Program and as Proceedings Guest Editor of “Architecture OtherWhere: Resilience, Ecology, Values” for the International Union of Architects (UIA) 2014 World Congress. She was Chief Curator and contributor to “Florida 3.0: Reinventing our Future”, an exhibition in the fall of 2015 at the Miami Center for Architecture and Design based upon ongoing research projects by members of the CHU who are studying the history and future of Florida’s water based settlements and hydro-environments within the broader context of new paradigms for the evolution of water based cities. She is a program organizer in partnership with UNESCO for the upcoming UNESCO Sea Level Rise Conference to be held in Rome in October 2016 and her ongoing CHU research directed in collaboration UNESCO World Field Laboratory participants will be presented at the Congress XXXIV Environmental Day: Strategies of Adaptation to Climate Change at the Accademia dei Lincei Rome in November 2016.