3D Printing, is it the Future of Architecture?


Many architectural companies compete nowadays to create the first built 3D Printed house.

Both in the United Kingdom and Netherlands architecture teams race to have the first habitable 3D printed building in the world. This technology might change this concept forever.

Apparently they all head for the same directions, but each team has their methods and materials used for such fabrications.

The first steps were initiated by a Dutch team called Universe Architecture.

On January, this year, a design by them was revealed showing a Two-Story landscape building to be printed on site of concrete material. The shown house resembled a Möbius strip.








Soon after, an English Architecture team called Softkill Design, unveiled the design of a single-story house called Protohouse 2.0. It is created of plastic, in structure and will be created in a factory then assembled on site. The design resembled the boney structure.







Another Dutch team, DUS Architects, which is based in Amsterdam, revealed a project to print a canal house room by room using a homemade 3D printer.








Another American team at Massachusetts Institute of Technology announced a project of creating a small building emulating the way of how a silkworm creates a cocoon, using a robotic arm.

Up until this moment these tactics are not tried yet. And there are some doubt to it as these methods were not used to create such large objects and were only used on a small scale. Which did not require to put in mind the performance and environment which the house may face. But the designers and architects working in the this field are clearly optimistic about how these methods will occupy a major part in the future of building houses.

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