5 Most colorful cities that you would like to visit


Sometimes all we need is a little more colors in our lives What if you could live in a city filled with delightful and brightful mix of colors that will grab your attention and give you inspiration, although many cities around the world are turning to be iconic metropolises that are filled with towering skyscrapers, glass and steel facades, the city seems so gray but there are still cities that concentrate on identities and other things than architecture the color of a city’s architecture and creativity of its people could turn a dull city into a beautiful and brightful city that will Lift Your Soul .

Join us to explore 5 most colorful cities around the world.

1 -Amorgos Island, Greece

Amorgos is one of the most beautiful Greek islands in the Aegean Sea. The architecture of Amorgos is known for its rich diversity due to the numerous invasions that the island suffered throughout the ages, characterized by its little round-roofed white houses with blue windows and doors

Amorgos Island

2 – Burano Island, Italy

Burano is an island in the Venetian Lagoon, northern Italy. Famous for its lace-making and for its brightly-colored fishermen’s houses. The first houses of Burano were built on palafittes, later these raw houses were replaced by houses made of bricks and the inhabitants began painting them with bright colors. The origin of the colors is unknown but the story goes that years ago, when the fishermen returned from the sea, they couldn’t recognize their homes through the fog, so they started painting them with different colors.

Burano Island

3- Wroclaw, Poland

Wroclaw is the largest city in western Poland, characterized by it’s fantastic mix of colorful buildings in different architectural styles Wroclaw is actually made up of 12 islands with dozens of canals and more than 100 bridges. And having belonged to Germany, Austria, Prussia and now Poland, it’s got a real colorful history too.


4- Chefchaouen, Morocco

Chefchaouen is a city in northwest Morocco, Chefchaouen is known as the blue city and often called “The Blue Pearl of Morocco.” You’ll find the blue color spreading across the streets, the walls, and even inside the homes on nearly every street and alleyway.



5- Bo-Kaap, South Africa

The Bo-Kaap neighborhood of Cape Town, South Africa, is famous for its colorful buildings. The bright colored walls are a new addition, perhaps born out of the optimism of the “Rainbow Nation”


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