5 Transport technologies that will change the future
Transportation planners try to do their best to provide transportation systems to have the capacity for large numbers of people and also to be safe, Eco-friendly, sustainable systems. Here comes the role of transportation technologies to make it match our needs, shaping transportation systems which in turn help us to shape our lives, landscape, and culture. By improving technology in transportation we reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses, improve air quality, and support economic development. Here are future technology examples in the transportation field:
String Theory:
You might hear about string theory in quantum physics, but have you ever heard about it in transportation field? The concept is based on the use of two strings with a wheeled vehicle riding on them. It is a new low-cost transport system, and it can go through everything water, deserts or forests, towers.
Fig.1: String Theory -
Straddling Bus:
As urban transport planners put on their minds how to get more buses on the road and speed the traffic flow, they have come up with the Straddling Bus. It looks like a subway system, but it can bestride the road. It is powered by solar energy, and its 4.45m high with two levels; passengers on the upper level
and the lower level that vehicles can go through.Fig.2: Straddling Bus -
Shweeb “Human Mass Transit”:
This can be an adventure. It consists of tubes that take only one person, and it is transparent that you can see everything around you. It has inspired Google to put 1 million dollars to apply the idea.
Fig.3: Shweeb -
The Solar Bullet Project:
It is an alternative energy transport system. The project will need 110 megawatts of electricity to work which would be generated by overhead solar panels above the tracks.
Fig.4: The Solar Bullet Project -
Space Elevator:
A new space transportation system. A space elevator will be made of carbon nanotubes composite ribbon. The early plan is to put asteroid as a counterweight. The elevator will be powered by a free electron laser system near to the anchor station. The laser will be gathered from photovoltaic cells attached to the elevator.
Fig.5: Space Elevator