7 World’s Strangest Cars you have ever seen!!


Written by: Allaa Muhammed

As transportation becomes a critical issue in our life. There are more designs appear every day to make mobility easy for people. You will see in this blog strangest cars.

  1. Colim
    It is a multi-functional car. Designed by Christian Susana. It is a great mix of a car and a camper. The front part of it can be separated if you do not want to use the camper part. It is a very flexible vehicle.
  2. The pyramid car: Dream car 123
    pyramid car
    It is a pyramid but on wheels! The Dream Car123 is an electric car that carries only one person. There is also a special 65-foot tower covered solar panels and a wind turbine to provide the car with power.
  3. Peel 50
    peel 50
    The p50 is officially the world’s smallest car, as it is a three-wheeled microcar. Made in 1962, it is legally allowed to take to British roads.
  4. Evolution
    It is eco-friendly but is a unique one. As it does not depend on hybrid, but on its weights. It has one front wing door instead of two side doors for the drivers.
  5. Peugeot Capsule
    Peugeot capsule It is an escape pod cars. This escape pod car is not designed to take to space, but it is designed to take you to the road in a smarter way. The “Peugeot Capsule” is one person, electric vehicle that integrated with GPS and internet access.
  6. Venturi Eclectic
    It is the world’s first energy- autonomous vehicle. It has solar charge and wind turbine so, it is a self-efficient car. It also has a plug for electric charging.
  7. Mattrack Truck
    It is a skinning car, as it is a usual car which wheels replaced by Mattrack belts. Put on your mind the depth of snow depth while you are driving. Whenever the snow goes too deep, you will need longer belts.
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