What is City Planning


City Planning Definition:

City planning often goes by different names such as Town Planning, Urban Planning, City Planning, Spatial Planning, Physical Planning and at times simply “Planning”.

This is one of the recent field which came into existence some decades ago and is yet to find its independent position. It is often confused and mixed with architecture, civil engineering, geography and sociology because of its roots coming from the respective discipline. It is yet to be acknowledged and accepted that City Planning is an independent field on its own.

The confusion arise because of the nature of work and academics involved in making on a “Planner”. A well-known statement about planners is that a “Planners are jack of all trades, master of none”, it perfectly describes role of a planner but is somewhat contradictory and portrays negative image of the profession as some think only “masters & experts” can solve the problems.

This notion needs to change as having a diverse knowledge and experience is far more crucial than the in depth knowledge. The fine details are crucial but identification of the problem is necessary to put the expertise in use. That’s where planners into play.

Now,  let’s watch the below video in order to know “What does a Town Planner do?” in less than 4 minuets.

Why do we need to study city planning?

Cities are no longer simply places for people to live. They are no less than an organism and each unique in its own. The complexity keeps on increasing day by day and each attempt to understand then unveils something new.

This complexity is further fueled by the technological changes which drives the growth of cities. Retrofitting by using the latest technology results in something which was never seen before thus requiring more and in depth study.

When we hear the name of any well-known city like London, Delhi, Mumbai, Paris, Washington DC, San Francisco etc, the first thought that cross our mind is nowhere related to the “place for living” but rather the city life, architectural marvels, some peculiar built form, power, brands come to our mind. This supports the fact that cities are much more than their dictionary definition.

These complex forms needs number of people to keep them in good form. All the vehicles needs  to be kept moving, security needs to be at best, basic facilities like water, electricity needs to be provided 24×7, jobs needs to be created, identity needs to be formed and at times a brand to be created; All this would have not been possible without “City Planning”.

Planners work in diverse fields and use their dissimilar knowledge to link all everything which keeps happening in the city. All inter linked and interdependent elements and networks needs to be understood. The effect of one on another needs to be thought of for a city to function efficiently.

City planning thus deals with basic yet most critical information about each system. These include transportation, social and physical infrastructure, housing, sociology, economic among many other. This one of a kind education of planners helps in overall planning for city or “City Planning”.

International Conference On: Urban Planning and Architectural Design for Sustainable Development (UPADSD)


If you are eager to know more about Urban Planning and Sustainable Development, Luckily IEREK is organizing The 2nd Version of International Conference On: Urban Planning and Architectural Design for Sustainable Development (UPADSD) to be held in Italy at 30 October / 31 October 2017, follows the success of the first version which took place in Lecce, Italy  during the year of 2015.

UPADSD 2017 aims to bring together, scientists, urban planners, architects and other stakeholders from across the globe to discuss the latest scientific advances in the field.

Critical Topics will be exposed during this conference as following:

  • City planning.
  • Regional planning.
  • Rural developments.
  • Sustainability and the built environment.
  • Sustainability indicators.
  • Policies and planning.
  • Environmental planning and management.
  • Energy resources.
  • Cultural heritage.
  • Quality of life.
  • Community planning and resilience.
  • Sustainable solutions in emerging countries.
  • Sustainable tourism.
  • Learning from nature.
  • Sustainable Transportation.
  • Social and political issues.
  • Community planning.

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