The management of heritage sites values


The definition of Heritage management depends on our views and our values​​. In the past the values ​​take into account only the historical value of the site or the craft assessments (historical monument) and context. While the values ​​of the new management principles is much more holistic in its approach to assess the values ​​of a cultural asset.

Heritage professionals in particular are increasingly aware that there is not enough tangible heritage management as a cultural and economic resource.

One of the rules that must be followed in the planning of the province is the analysis of different values ​​associated with the site. This is for those who consider the importance of the place and why it’s important.

First we will discuss the economic values:

  • Direct usage value (destructive, optimal tourism, rent and re-use, demolition and removal, etc.).
  • The value of indirect usage or non-use value (genetics, and landscape aesthetic and glamorous, and commemorative value, etc.);
  • The value of the option (to leave the site without use).

Heritage can be a source of strength to generate revenue and economic growth at the local and national levels, particularly through tourism and other related activities. However, the heritage management requires much more than increase the access of visitors to places of heritage for money.

They finally relate to promote awareness about the heritage value of the site and the need for sustainable use and maintain it.

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