Urban Planning in Ancient Egypt.


Ancient Egyptian civilization is one of the most important civilizations that influenced human heritage. It is one of the most necessary civilizations established on the premise of urban construction. This was done by rulers and kings who ruled Egypt both in the pre-Christmas period and beyond. The ancient Egyptians relied on the construction of cities because of the population density at the time, and with regard to the existence of the Nile River as the Lifeline of the Egyptians, both in Upper Egypt or Lower Egypt.

The foundations of building ancient Egyptian civilization.

Urban planning is the subject of constant discussion regarding ancient Egypt as a result of it’s sometimes left of the previous historical cities solely the remains of the town and not the complete, which gives curiosity and a desire to know more about them. There are many Egyptian cities that were impressive and typical from the first moment of their establishment, and you can know any period of time or era that belongs to this city.

Types of Cities in Ancient Egyptian Civilization.

The ancient Egyptians divided the cities into two types, the first type and they called it NWT, and the second type they called my blood, NUT refers to the city which grew and formed naturally under the influence of nature and climatic conditions.
Demi refers to the cities that were built and settled according to predefined planning, and examples of these cities were evident in the city of LahounTell el-Dab’a, and Deir al-Madina. In addition to the presence of other cities established on the planning of civilization as well.

Tell al-Dabaa.

The Daba Hill area is one of the main cities in the early Middle Kingdom, around 2000 BC. It was discovered by the remains of the city located so far with an area of about 100 square meters. The city streets are surrounded by a wall, each containing 10 rows of houses in each row. He discovered that the city’s design contains a larger building than the remaining buildings, plus a gate on the east side of the city. It was observed that the houses on the eastern side were divided into blocks, each containing 12 houses, 5 meters long and 5 meters long. Looking at the western side, there are at least 20 houses, where people live for at least 20 years.

Lahoun City.

Lahoun returns to the reign of Senusert II of the Twelfth Dynasty. The town lies on the banks of the Nile Canal on the road to Fayoum Oasis. The city is the home of the workers who built the pyramid of Senusret with some priests who kept the royal rite. There are researchers who point out that the king himself lived with them in the same city. Flinders Petrie, who discovered the city of Lahoun , said the streets were designed in an organized manner, as well as a sewage system to transport dirty residues outside homes.

If we moved to the east side of town where the large buildings, where the guards and manned facilities, in addition to the buildings have not yet reached the target.

Urban Planning in Ancient Egypt.

Deir el-Medina.

Due to the interest of the ancient Egyptians in the category of workers and peasants of the time, who in turn contributed greatly to the construction of ancient Egyptian civilization, the village of workers was built in the monastery of the city, which was located on the west bank of the Nile and the city of Taiba, was first constructed under Thutmose I of the Nineteenth Dynasty, whose purpose was to shelter the workers who had built tombs in the Valley of the Kings.

It was found that the design of Deir Al Madina contains the main street and is surrounded by a wall made of mud bricks. It is decorated on both sides of rows of houses connected, which is almost a single roof.

After many expansions of the city, the number of houses reached 120, and it has 600 inhabitants.

In light of the above, we find that the ancient Egyptian civilization was based on interest in construction and construction on the basis of modern science and modern at that time. Which is currently known as urban planning, development, and construction.

-Now you can join to many researchers from across the globe in Urban Planning and Architectural Design for Sustainable Development (UPADSD) – 3rd Edition

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  1. City Planning And Urban Fabrication.
  2. Cultural Places And Urban Spaces.
  3. Rural Developments And Urban Growth Limitations.
  4. Sustainability And The Built Environment.
  5. Environmental Planning And Natural Resources Management.
  6. Cultural Heritage Management And Sustainable Tourism.
  7. Quality Of Life And Sustainable Solutions In Emerging Countries.
  8. Learning From Nature And Biomimetic Architecture.
  9. Public Transportation Planning And Sustainable Networks.
  10. Social Interaction And Citizens’ Behavior With Sustainable Development.
  11. Waterfronts And Community Planning.
  12. Historic Preservation, Management And Rehabilitation.
  13. Arts, Culture, Identity And Creative Placemaking.
  14. Planning Inspiration From Past And Innovation.
  15. Forecasting, Evolving And Envisioning Of Architecture: Predicting Probabilities – Imagining Possibilities.
  16. Public Involvement In Sustainable Development.
  17. Future And Contemporary Cities.
  18. Infrastructure, Facilities, Systems: New Ict Technologies And Sustainable Economy.

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