How Living in Sustainable Smart Cities Can Help Improve Lives?


The importance of living in sustainable smart cities cannot be neglected anymore, especially with the noticed increase in urban population.

Indeed, living in them will improve peoples’ lives.

That is mainly due to the modernization and optimization of the cities’ management in most of its characteristics using technology.

In fact, people living in sustainable smart cities will feel the improvements in the available services.

Besides, they will receive better education, and get exposed to better modes of transportation.

Green Urbanism (GU) – International Conference

The 4th international conference on “Green Urbanism (GU)” is taking place in Rome, Italy, from 24 to 26 November 2020.

GU-2020 aims to bring together, scientists, urban planners, architects and other stakeholders from across the globe to discuss the latest research findings in all aspects of sustainability.

Moreover, GU international conference avails the opportunity for interested researchersscholarsscientistsarchitects, and engineers from around the globe to submit their research papers and get them published in highly-ranked international journals by the esteemed publishers Springer and IEREK Press. Noting that submitted researches must be in the scope of at least one of the official conference topics and abiding the submission instructions.

Many critical topics will be discussed during the GU conference, such as:

  1. The Evolution of Green Urbanism
  2. Formulating the Principles of Green Urbanism
  3. Urban Design for Nature, Conservation of Natural Resources
  4. Passive Designs: Green Buildings for Sustainable Use
  5. Green Districts: Bike, Cycles, and Pedestrians’ Corridors
  6. Urban Growth of Developing Cities
  7. City Urban Form and Natural Resources
  8. Landscape, Gardens, Streetscapes, and Urban Biodiversity
  9. Urbanization of Rural Area: Energy, Water, and Food Security
  10. Urban Governance, Leadership, Best Practices, Research, and Awareness
  11. Green Infrastructure and Sustainable Environment
  12. Regeneration of the City Center and Urban Transit Hubs
  13. Waste Management, Pollution, and Health Risks
  14. Energy Efficiency in the Built Environment
  15. Effects of Sustainable Environments on Human Health
  16. Advancing Solutions towards Zero Waste Cities
  17. Transformation to Green Environment

For more information & registration, visit the conference’s official page:

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