The Launch of “AUPD2019” Summer School


Today marks the start of the 3rd international summer school on “Advanced Urban Planning & Architectural Design” organized by IEREK in collaboration with university of Rome Tor Vergata.

First day of the course includes the registration process for students. It also some introductory lectures such as:

  • Welcome and Intro to the course.
  • Introducing the project brief.
  • Student led themed discussions.
  • Theory and practice of Urban Planning and Design.

Summer School instructors are:

  • Prof Hocine Bougdah, Founding Director at IERS-UK.
  • Prof Antonella Falzetti, Department of civil & computer Engineering, university of Tor Vergata, Italy.
  • Prof Barbara Barboni, PhD from 2015-2016 professor runnig the course of Urban Planning + Laboratory (10CFU) of Civil Eng. – Architecture at Università degli studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”.
  • Prof Serena Piselli, PhD Candidate – Architecture and Construction- University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Civil Engineering Department.

You can find the detailed program on this link:

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