Smart City, What is it?



Globalization have a major impact on the planet, it did not only affect the business, but also it had a huge impact on Architecture.

Here comes the role of Smart City, as it’s on the next technological verge in Urbanism.

The world is heading technologically toward a smart city where it affects different life styles, as it focus on changing the quality of life, challenges the impact changes in socio-cultural, economic and environmental development changes.

Not only smart cities are applied on large cities but also it’s applied on medium sized cities.

It changes the design scope of buildings into more technological E-buildings.

Smart city has a great impact on bench marking, as it’s a way to have a high market share in the market and a comparative advantage than other cities.

Smart City are ranked in a Database called “Urban Audit Database” where the city is ranked according to a education, cultural tourism, transport and environmental and climatic changes.

Global conferences around the world have stated the main topics that challenges smart cities concerning E-services and listing the best practices and strategies for developing user oriented services in those cities.

Those cities integrate the use of ICT (Information and communication technology) which is highly needed in any organization or city to enhance the design of building and enhance the quality of life.

ICT improves the quality and performance of Urbanism to reduce costs, reduce Environmental& Energetic consumption and support the communication between population and government.

The development of smart cities should be paralleled with its goals by improving urbanism management.

Smart city is the Future of Globalization as it improves the quality of life and prosperity. 

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