5 most disastrous energy industry accidents


A few years ago in Fukushima nuclear complex, a triple meltdown occurred, and it had a disastrous effect. But is it the worst energy disaster that ever happened in the modern age? Or did any other disaster precede it on the list?
Well, for one we can say that Chernobyl is considered the worst nuclear accident that ever happened in history. However, all energy industries had a disastrous accident of their own.
The “Business Insider” site alone monitored 24 energy industry disaster in only one year, while Big Think created a list of the 5 most disastrous energy industry accidents according to their effect on the environment and the lives lost in it.

  1. Chernobyl 1986

    Whether you are with or against the nuclear power, you surely have to know that the Chernobyl accident was the most horrific nuclear accident in human history, though there was a huge cover-up, but now it is well known that 985,000 people died in result to this disaster.

  2. Gulf War Oil Spill (1991)

    During the end of the first gulf war, when retreating from Kuwait, the Iraqi army followed a scorched earth strategy, with 700 oil wells were burned which went on for 10 months. Carl Sagan Compared this incident to the eruption of Mount Tambora in 1816 “The year without summer” which caused an effect on atmosphere till 1915. Additionally, oil valves at the Sea Island Oil Terminal were opened causing the spilling of 4 to 8 million barrels of oil into the Persian gulf.

  3. Ixtoc 1 Oil Spill (1979) and Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (2010) – Tie

    In the bay of Campeche, 1979, an oil platform collapsed causing the spilling of an estimated 3.2 to 3.5 million barrel into the Gulf of Mexico, which was a disaster that lasted for a whole year. On 2010 another nearly similar disaster happened when BP company had spilled 4.1 to 4.9 million oil barrels into the same gulf, these incidents were considered to be the largest accidental spill in history.

  4. Bhopal Disaster (1984)

    On the year of 1984 in Bhopal, India at a pesticide plant of Union Carbide had a leak of a toxic gas causing the death of 2,259 immediately and nearly 11,000 later. A governmental report on 2006 showed that 558,125 people have been affected by the gas leak including about 38,478 temporary or partial injuries and 3,900 were permanently or severely damaged.

  5. China’s Coal Mining Industry (ongoing)

    The ongoing coal mining in china has been having a large cost of human losses per year.
    Today 6.6 lives are lost in mines, though it is still a disastrous loss, but it has, kind of, improved from 9 per day on 2009, and down from 19 deaths in 2002. All these deaths have been known to be due to lax regulation and corruption.

    In the US, compared to China, 100,000 mining deaths occurred during the 20th Century, with Its peak in 1907 by 3,200 deaths. And 28 lowest on 2004, compared to 6,027 in China in the same year. Some think that the true death toll might be as double as the reported.

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