A Review of IEREK’s Successful Publications & their Upcoming Editions


It is through the publishing of high quality research that IEREK conferences succeed in their aim of spreading new and advanced knowledge in diversified fields by disseminating selected scientific and practical contributions. Maintaining numerous editions of its most successful conferences, IEREK continues to offer its researchers with the best opportunities to make their work more discoverable.

IEREK has established numerous agreements with publishers for the publication of its conference proceedings and selected manuscripts such as Elsevier and Taylor & Francis. Some of its most successful publications can be found below:


Taylor & Francis:


In extending its collaborations with world-renowned publishers to better serve its community of professionals, researchers and academics, IEREK established its first book series on Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (ASTI); a joint collaboration with Springer.

Now indexed in Scopus with more than 60 published titles, this series redefines the current disciplinary boundaries in science, technology and innovation (STI) in order to develop integrated concepts for sustainable development. It discusses the progress made towards securing more resources, allocating smarter solutions, and rebalancing the relationship between nature and people, as well as provides in-depth insights from comprehensive research that addresses the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) as set out by the UN for 2030. Drawings its selection of research papers from various IEREK conferences, other international conferences and external book proposals, the series welcomes conceptual and empirical contributions from various interrelated fields of science, technology and innovation, with an emphasis on digital transformation, that focus on providing practical solutions to ensure food, water and energy security to achieve the SDGs.

Here is a list of upcoming 2021 and 2022 events and their previous successful publications:

Urban Planning and Sustainable Development 2021
– the 6th Edition  

First held in 2015, the Annual UPADSD conference discusses environmental challenges of the world and informs researchers of new technologies, tools and approaches used for successful planning and development, transportation planning, renewable energy generation and sustainable urban land use.  

Previous Publications:
UPADSD-2017 (click here)

  • Indexed in Scopus
  • Indexed in Web of Science

Cultural Sustainable Tourism 2021
– the 3rd Edition  

There exists a need to better comprehend the link between culture and natural environment as a way of protecting and re-creating its resources. Tourism represents an exchange of culture & plays a role in the world we live in. The CST conference addresses the need for practical solutions to achieve sustainable tourism and discusses the complex relations, and inextricable link, between culture, heritage, sustainability and tourism.  

Previous Publications:

CST-2017: Springer (click here)

  • Indexed in Scopus
  • Indexed in Web of Science

Conservation of Architectural Heritage 2022 – the 5th Edition  

There is a wealth of architectural heritage worldwide, from historic city centers and cultural landscapes to some of the largest archaeological sites in the world. CAH builds up on previous editions and covers discussions on challenges in the field as well as the importance of conserving cities’ legacies.  

Previous publications:

CAH-2018: Springer (click here)

  • Indexed in Scopus

Cities Identities through Architecture and Arts 2021 – the 5th Edition  

Every city has its valuable and unique identity that is revealed through its physical and visual form and constructed over time from physical, cultural and sociological perspectives. CITAA makes sense of the transformation of cities and urban cultures and investigates new approaches developed in contemporary Arts and Architecture disciplines.  

Previous Publications:

CITAA 2018 & CAH-2019: Springer (click here)

  • Indexed in Scopus

Building up on previous editions and existing research, CITAA 2019 enriches planners’ and decision-makers’ understanding of utilizing a city’s unique features to address current urban problems.  

Previous Publications:  

CITAA-2019: Springer (click here)

  • Indexed in Scopus

Utopian and Sacred Architecture Studies – 2021
The Second Edition   An idea born in 2015, the Utopian and Sacred Architecture (USAS) conference explores theories and practices stimulated over the last five centuries in a wide range areas of thought such as: Historiography, political sciences, social sciences, literary and art studies, social activism, and the visualization of possible worlds. It is the optimum opportunity to address the disputations that surround utopia and its successors from its origin to our present time and explore the impact on and by the utopian religious and cultural ideals.  

Previous Publications:

USAS-2019: Springer (click here)

  • Indexed in Scopus


What’s Next?

In exploring new frontiers in its organized events and expanding its body of researchers, IEREK has introduced new themes for its international conferences for the years 2021 and 2022 and in collaboration with world-renowned universities:

Register to one of these conference and get the opportunity of selection in the ASTI series by Springer at

Stay tuned for more details on the following volumes:

Visit the ASTI series by Springer for more information on the following IEREK publications and conferences.

To learn more about the series, watch:

The series accepts proposal submissions of single and multi-authored books as well as edited volumes and conference proceedings in the topics of the series. Contact our Editors here.

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