Art in the Bridges architecture
what is bridges architecture?
Bridges architecture is the preferred type of many engineers, and some call it the engineering of marvels. This is due to the difficulties faced by some cities in the construction of giant bridges, in addition to creating special aesthetic designs for each bridge.
Bridges are not just build to connect cities or area, bridges have become part of the city’s landmarks and a center of attraction for visitors. In recent years, the cost of building bridges has reached billions of dollars and others have been designed by the best architects of the day.
From around the world, we chose the most beautiful modern and historic bridges:
1. Banpo Bridge.
Banpo Bridge is located in the center of the capital, Seoul, over the Han River. It extends 10,000 meters from which the water comes out to form a visual spectacle.

2. Forth Scotland Bridge.
The bridge was inaugurated in 1890 and is still used today to transport passengers and goods. The bridge draws its shape.

3. Kintai Bridge, Iwakuni, Japan.
Historic Bridge in the form of wooden arches built in 1673 The bridge is a very popular tourist destination in Japan, especially during the Spring Cherry Festival.

4. Brooklyn Bridge, New York, USA.
It’s one of the oldest bridges in the United States of America extends over the East River (1825 meters) between Manhattan and Brooklyn in New York City.

5. Tower Bridge London, United Kingdom.
The Tower Bridge is a bridge built during the period 1886-1894. It is a bridge between the canoe and the suspension located in London that crosses the River Thames, which is close to the Tower of London and has become an iconic symbol of London.

6. Sky Bridge, Langkawi Island Malaysia.
One of the most unusual bridges in the world, its name derives from its location near the sky.

7. Rialto Bridge, Venice.
Rialto Bridge is one of the four bridges on the Grand Canal in Venice, Italy. It is the oldest bridge crossing the canal.

8. Sydney Harbor Bridge, Australia.
The center of Sydney connects its northern coast. The aesthetic view of the bridge and its proximity to the Opera House made them famous tourist icons for the city of Sydney in particular and Australia in general.

9. The spiral bridge, Singapore.
This bridge is considered the world’s first double helix and curved bridge. Its structure resembles the DNA structure that adds to its formal attractiveness. During the night, the bridge offers spectacular views of LED lights, which shine in a more beautiful experience.

10. Milo Bridge, France.
The Milo Bridge is the tallest and longest bridge in the world followed by the Rion-Anterion Bridge in Greece. The Mello Bridge is located in the French south on the Tarn River valley and on the highway.

11. Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, USA.
Is a suspension bridge across the California Golden Gulf Straits, which is a meeting point between San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean.

12. Mackinac Bridge – Michigan, United States.
The fifth longest suspended bridge in the world with a length of 2626 m. The Upper Peninsula of the US state of Michigan reaches the lower peninsula.

13. Bridge Maing Ma – Hong Kong.
The bridge is the longest suspension bridge in the world.

14. Glass bridge – China
The bridge is 430 meters of glass that extends over a 300-meter-deep valley, giving visitors the opportunity to experience the walk-by-air experience in a scene reminiscent of science fiction movies.
Architecture engineering will be one of the main topics in Al Azhar’s 14th International Conference on Engineering, Architecture, and Technology. (#AEIC) will be held in #EGYPT during the period: 12– 14 December 2017.
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