Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH) & 2 Session Workshops


Special Offer Architectural Heritage

Architectural Heritage

You can have it all!
Don’t miss out on our exclusive #November offer!

#Register, and pay the fees for your accommodation only and enjoy the whole program (limited seats).

Accommodation fees will include:

Visit the most important heritage and cultural sites in the world.

-All of the visits to the spots and sites include free pickups and drop offs from and to the cruise boat.

-Full Board Meals, and the transportation from Luxor airport to the cruise boat and from the city to Aswan airport as well.

-It will also grant you a luxurious 5-star experience and services.

Moreover, you will get the opportunity to enjoy the all the sight seeing trips and more .

The following parallel events are as follows:

1-International conference on “#Conservation of Architectural Heritage (#CAH) – 2nd Edition” The conference proceedings will be published in Resourceedings, that is by “SSRN by Elsevier”, where also selected papers from the conference proceedings will be published in the “Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation – ASTI” a book series that is the fruit of collaboration between #IEREK, and #Springer, where the papers will be supervised by highly professional members of the scientific committee of both IEREK and Springer.

Apply here:

2-International Workshop on “Urban Conservation in Historical Cities” to learn more about #Heritage which will be instructed by Dr. Nabil Khelifi and Dr. Maria Luisa.

Apply here:

3-“New trends in scientific publishing” a workshop instructed by Dr.#Nabil_Khelifi, Senior Publishing Editor at #Springer to learn the academic writing and publishing process.
Apply here:

As IEREK always provides the best services and scientific content for its registrants and members, we would like to announce the attendance of Dr #Maria_Luisa Germana, and Dr #Monica_Hanna as keynote speakers

Venue: Grand Princess #Nile_cruiser, Luxor-Aswan, Egypt.
Date: from 5 to 9 Feb. 2018.

#Join our amazing sightseeing program

#Egypt #Luxor #Aswan

Upcoming Workshops

The new version of successful workshops took place in CAH-2018, will be provided during the 3rd edition of CAH. So, if you wasted your chance before, don’t waste it this time and register online now at the CHA-2019 official webpage.

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