Green Transportation


Green Transportation Advantages and Disadvantages

What is Green Transportation?

Transportation simply is a mean that takes passengers or goods from one place to other. Yet the traditional modes of transportation are depending on fossil fuel which contributes with 27% according to U.S environmental protection agency (EPA). So now the trend is to turn transportation green by starting relying on eco-friendly means of transportation.

Types of green transportation advantages and disadvantages:

 Bicycle :

Green Transportation

Electric Bicycle:

It’s a modified kind of bicycles in which there is a small electrical engine that needs the power to work and this power comes from just light peddling the advantages are faster than a traditional bicycle, does not emit any gases that cause pollution. Yet the disadvantages of this type are its complexity which means that this bicycle is consisting of many parts which makes its repairing much harder, also its engine malfunctions after short while.

Green Transportation

Electric cars:

This car is simple in terms of how it works, a battery is included in the car and stores electricity once the car works electrical current power the engine it can be charged once in the day. But unfortunately, the main disadvantage of this car is its limited range as most of the car has low range, on the other hand, it’s very cheap and affordable, the recharging of the battery doesn’t take time.

Green Transportation

Green trains (eco – friendly trains):

With most of the governments are now supporting the shift towards eco- friendly transportation electrical trains became a necessity, the electric trains work with hanging wires and electrified rails it can go up to 200 MPH which saves a lot of time and gives more efficiency in connecting destinations with each other. However, any failure in electricity supply would lead to brain malfunction.

Green Transportation

Service and freight vehicles:

According to the U.S environmental protection agency (EPA), 9% of the transport sector pollution are because of trucks and busses. So the usage and utilization of biofuel and electricity would help to reduce the number of gasses emission and it has the economic impact as the low cost of biofuel would be reflected on the cost of transporting hence the price of either the service or the goods.

Green Transportation

Electric Motorcycles:

It’s a bike that rely completely on battery, it’s equipped with plug to recharge and it does not emit any kind of gases, nonetheless contain many disadvantages which are the cost of production as the cost of 1 unit is about 7,000$, in addition to that lack of maintenance shops and finally the cost of spare parts.

Green Transportation

Hybrid Cars:

Hybrid cars which can go with either fuel or electricity the main advantage of this car is being automatically recharged while the car is in braking stage. The disadvantage of this car is that the main source of power that runs the engine is the fuel, not the electricity hence in terms of pollution it will not be 100% clean.

Green Transportation

New Hybrid Buses:

Mercedes-Benz had launched the hybrid bus series which is called Mercedes-Benz Citaro G BlueTec Hybrid Bus which is working with fuel whether it’s diesel or natural gas and with 4 electrical wheel hub motors together with automotive lithium-ion batteries. The lithium-ion battery is regarded as the world’s largest. The battery has the capacity to store up vast amounts of energy derived from a diesel generator. The bus also generates energy in the course breaking.

Green Transportation


Many consider walking as an eco-friendly mode of transportation because it doesn’t cost money and it’s healthy.

Green Transportation

The Advantages of green transportation

-Limitation of gas emission

The main aim of the green transportation is to reduce or cut the amount of gas emission which leads to decrease in pollution rates.

-Low cost

Most of the green transportation modes are made from low-cost materials and it’s using low-cost energy. As for example, the charge of the electric car would cost 3.64 £ compared to 1.16 £ per liter.

The fully charged electrical cargoes for 115 miles (185 KM) however this distance would consume about 18.5 liters of fuel on average basis which costs 20.88 £

-Building sustainable economy

Going green will lead to huge investments in the sector of transportation as the less operating cost will lead to creating many jobs because more industries will grow, As for example in rural areas or inhabited areas people will leave the city.

UTSN 2nd Edition is about the importance of urban transit and networking system and how can it affect the environment either positively or adversely. This conference will be aimed to solve and provide technical solutions that will help the non-Eco-friendly cities to change into eco-friendly ones.

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