Guiding Principles for the Implementation of the Goals of Sustainable Development


In order to achieve the goals of sustainable development it needs a consistent system of technological policy, economic and social development in the comprehensive plan. this plan must ensure the recruitment of natural resources and human capital in a way to achieve economic growth Economic aims to increase Quality of Life Egyptian citizen with maintaining the quality of the natural environment and sources for present and future generations.

The following are the guiding principles that can be utilized to ministries and bodies in the development of effective policies to help achieve the objectives of sustainable development.

1. The principle of strategic planning.

Achieving sustainable development requires a political and institutional changes carefully designed to meet identified needs. This is achieved through the application of the principle of “strategic planning”.  This requires the application of strategic environmental assessment and environmental assessment cumulative when setting goals, and then environmental impact assessment for each draft approves. The application of the strategic planning should be based on the broad participation of all relevant beneficiaries to achieve the best results of the benefit of all.

2. The principle of building the process of the preparation of the strategy on good technical analysis.

National sustainable development strategy will depend on the precise analysis of the current and future potential risks, with the identification of linkages between local, national and global challenges. For example be included foreign pressures imposed on the state, resulting from globalization or the impacts of climate change, in this analysis, which will be based on documented information on environmental conditions change, social and economic pressures and how to respond to them and how they relate to the strategic objectives and indicators, and will use local capacity and information available in full for the analysis also reflect analysis also view of all partners.

3. The principle of a realistic and flexible policy objectives.

The objectives are to assist in determining the quantity and quality of outputs expected or unwanted situations. Are the objectives that are accompanied by incentives of the most effective tools for the implementation of the policy and will be used when available capacity, will be a challenge, however, the objectives are realistic and achievable.

 4. The principle of the interdependence between the budget and priorities of the strategy.

The strategy must be included in the budget planning process to ensure that the provision of financial resources components of the strategy to achieve its objectives.

5. The principle of integrated policy between different sectors.

The committee will work to support national sustainable development policies for sustainable development and will be forming a joint committees between the concerned ministries, as required by the need, therefore, in addition to that, it is necessary to operate the central authorities, departmental units and local administration to the inclusion of the protection of the environment social cohesion in all sectorial policies.

6. The principle of good governance.

To achieve sustainable development must be based on national and local levels and governorates on transparency in decision-making and participation of citizens and civil society in the decision-making and the responsibility and accountability in the implementation. There must also be clear grounds with respect to resource allocation and use of public funds and reduce cost and rationalizing expenditure and attention to social issues.

 7. The principle of decentralization and devolution of power.

It is necessary to be achieved gradually decentralization of decision-making to the lowest possible level. The terms of reference and responsibilities from the central level to the regional and local levels. However, the upper hand in the government policies and legal frameworks to enable them to achieve their objectives.

8. The principle of raising awareness.

Confirms this principle on the importance of education and capacity building in raising awareness and absorb all the categories of the people issues of sustainable development and increased public interest in these issues sustainable development will not be realized without effective cooperation between all groups of society.

9. The principle of justice between generations.

Natural resources must be left to future generations by the same amount as received by current generations that wealth, even available for generations to come the same opportunities or better opportunities to meet their needs such as current generation.

 10. The principle of achieving justice among the current generation.

Calls for the principle of equitable distribution of income with the basic human needs of all groups of society. Note that the lack of social equity within this generation can lead to social frustration and ill-use and destruction of natural resources.

 11. The principle of preserving the natural resources.

Calls for this principle to the rational use of natural resources to ensure the sustainability of the development and use of natural resources in a manner that would ensure the maintenance of biological diversity and the protection of values and landscapes so that use renewable resources, including not later than its ability to regenerate itself. Non-renewable resources are used in a manner that ensures the continued use of the long term effectively through replaced by other resources available or manufactured articles such as replacing fuel stone non-renewable energy sources and renewable energy sources and restore power resulting from waste.

  1. The principle of the polluter the party causing the pollution.

Calls for the principle that the activity which caused the events of pressures on the environment, or if produced, used or traded in raw materials or semi-finished products, or products that contain environmentally harmful substances, these actors to pay fees for caused by the deterioration. They also bear the full cost to avert those environmental risks and treatment damage that occurred. The imposition of the costs of pollution and helps to provide a strong incentive for industry to reduce or limit pollution, where it will be clear that the cost of the reduction of pollution investment return to rewarding.

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