History of heritage rehabilitation


Cultural heritage can be defined as a legacy of material resources of mobile and non-mobile Characteristics of a group of non-physical or what inherited from previous generations and society that still exist in the present and will be allocated for the benefit of future generations.

It also includes tangible or physical buildings and historical places and monuments (non-metastatic Heritage) and crafts (mobile Heritage) Ect., Which is worthy of preserving them for the future. It includes significant effects in engineering or science or technology.Heritage also includes cultural views (natural properties may enjoy a distinctive cultural attributes).

Any cultural heritage, especially heritage sites, has economic value as an element particularly important in the field of tourism in which the country attracts (Sometimes huge numbers of) local and international visitors. However, the non-renewable resource heritage bears responsibility for the present generation to Keep it and use it in a sustainable manner.

The Heritage Management tool is in constant evolution used to guide the protection of natural and cultural sites and monuments associated structures, purposes and landscapes, conservation and management,And enjoy the heritage management plans, especially in the World Heritage Site at any heritage site last importance.

In 1965 the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) adopted the Charter of Venice that enact the principles guiding the protection of heritage Locations and sets international standards to preserve the heritage. It emphasizes the importance of collecting accurate documentation for any intervention, in order to respect the original fabric, and the importance of the contributions of all of eras in the character of the building and maintenance of historic buildings for the purposes of socially useful. Mostbet BD

It also indicate the fundamental belief of what is acceptable today and appropriate to deal with the philosophical terms of historic buildings,Depending on the recommendations of the ICOMOS singled in the preparation of the Charter fits each individual country’s culture and traditions.

Several other charters and recommendations related to the preservation of buildings associated with the task of safeguarding sites and formal agreements came after the Venice Charter. Including:

  • In 1987 Washington released a document on the protection of historical cities and regions Which consider the main principles of the planning of civilian areas of historical
  • In 1990 the “protection of archaeological heritage management” Charter focused on the subject of archeology under the following headings: tariffs, protection and integrated policies, legislation, and scanning, and maintenance and protection, presentation, and reconstruction, and international cooperation……
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