What is ICAHM & what does it do?


The International Scientific Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM) advises ICOMOS and the World Heritage Committee on matters that pertain to all aspects of the management of archaeological sites and landscapes. These include formulating and propagating standards and best practices for both archaeological research and cultural resource management.

Following the mandate of the World Heritage Convention, ICAHM is concerned not only with World Heritage Sites and site being considered for inscription on the World Heritage List, but with all archaeological sites, landscapes, and related resources, around the world. ICAHM collaborates with international, national, regional, and local organizations that pursue related goals. ICAHM is unique among them in its focus on the development and propagation of effective and efficient international cultural resource management standards and practices.

The functions of ICAHM are as follows:

  • To establish, promulgate, and encourage adherence to high standards and best practices for a) management of archaeological sites and resources, b) archaeological research, and c) aspects of cultural resource management.
  • To develop and enhance a network of professional archaeologists and archaeological site managers for the purpose of transmitting theoretical and practical skills and encouraging high standards and best practices for a) management of archaeological sites and resources, b) archaeological research, and c) aspects of cultural resource management.
  • To organize conferences and workshops, to produce publications, websites, and other mechanisms utilizing a variety of media to promulgate high standards and best practices for a) management of archaeological sites and resources, b) archaeological research, and c) aspects of cultural resource management
  • To provide the best qualified ICAHM Expert Members for desk audits and site visits to archaeological sites that have been nominated for inscription on the World Heritage List
  • To provide the best qualified ICAHM Expert Members for monitoring of condition of archaeological sites that are inscribed on the World Heritage List
  • To encourage the nomination of appropriate archaeological sites to the World Heritage List, and to assist in nominations by contributing to comparative studies, giving advise about the preparation of nomination dossiers, management plans or other relevant steps.

The ICAHM website is here:

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