List of top 5 smart cities in the world


I totally believe in the quote says “Use your imagination not to escape reality but to create it”

Of course creating solution for our present problems is the best way to create better future and there’s no doubt that the most of the cities suffer from population growth, consume a lot of energy, output most of the world’s carbon emissions, and account for the consumption of the majority of the world’s natural resources.

Accordingly, the urge for transforming traditional cities into smart cities arose.

Future smart city

But, first what’s the definition of a Smart Cities?

There are so many definitions of smart city but in general we can say that a smart city is a city that uses information and communication technologies (ICT) & the Internet of Things (IoT)  to enhance the quality and performance of urban services such as energy, transportation, and infrastructure to avoid resource consumption, wastage and overall costs. The overarching aim of a smart city is to enhance the quality of living for its citizens through smart technology.

We are going to present five cities considered the smartest in the world based on the following criteria such as (Smart Mobility – The Consumption of Energy – the Use of Technology – Protection of the environment -etc)

Here is the list:

  • Barcelona

Barcelona is one of the smartest cities in the world. The European Commission officially recognized Barcelona as a smart city in 2014 leading to its ranking of 5th on the list of top smart cities of the world. It was one to win the first European capital Innovation Award because it has brought the city closer to its citizens by introducing new technologies, its extensive use of the internet of things, and high scores on the environment & smart parking.

Barcelona City

  • Singapore

The Republic of Singapore has announced its quest of becoming the first smart nation; Therefore Singapore has applied “smart, connected traffic solutions” together with a very strong policy curtailing car ownership in an effort to reduce the number of vehicles on its roads. That’s why Singapore Scores high for its smart mobility policies and technology as well as its wireless connectivity & Creative use of Technology.

Singapore City

  • London

London began to take early action in using technology to help tackle congestion and make parking simpler. One of the tech hubs of the world & ranks among the best cities for international outreach, human capital, innovative economies, and WiFi hotspots and of course scored high on Technology and open data.

London City

  • Amsterdam

When you think of Amsterdam, you may initially think of a city of canals, cannabis, and culture with a cycle-mad population. But beyond the overt tourist precincts is a city that has embedded the Internet of Things into its ecosystem so successfully that it’s considered Europe’s most successful smart city. Amsterdam has strong infrastructure, open data, the collaboration between startups and big businesses and government, real solutions for city’s problems and strict environmental preservation policies.


  • San Francisco

San Francisco, the cradle of innovation and the birthplace of revolutionary tech giants Google, iPhone, and Tesla is one of the foremost cities that have redefined the concept of technology. The city’s attitude remains firmly grounded in giving a spur to ideas that solve the real world challenges.

Having an environment concentrated with technology, the city of San Francisco believes in diverting the role of tech services in enhancing the quality of life for people. Its vision lies in people-centred initiatives and equitable smart city decisions. How this vision is transforming into beneficial reality is discussed ahead.

San Francisco City

If you are interested to know more about this important and interesting topic, you can join us in the international conference on “Future Smart Cities” taking place in Cairo, Egypt from 28 to 29 September 2018.

Learn more,

International Conference on Future Smart Cities
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