The Need of Regional Planning


Why Regional Planning?

Regional Planning encompasses even larger area when compared to city planning; Number of cities might be covered when considering a region but rural area remains at the core for which planning is to be done. Along with rural areas many lower level towns in addition to the villages witnessing transformation to towns also adds up to area for which regional plans are made. Regional plans can cut across the boundaries of different states.


In the image below the four black marks highlight 4 different cities which are covered under the same regional plan (NCR – National Capital Region).

NCR – National Capital Region
Map of India ( CC0 Public Domain image)











Integrating a much wider areas for overall growth of “region” is the purpose served by regional planning; Planning for integration of rural area and the overall balanced development of the region. Fulfilling the needs of a backward region and providing higher order services for relatively developed areas. Strategies are formulated carefully to keep the goods and resources available to all the places as per their requirements.

Regional planning also helps in reducing the conflicts and competition for resources between cities in a region. Developing small towns or satellite towns helps in relieving the stress from higher order town thus increasing efficiency.

Regional plans takes into account the economic, spatial and environmental goals and tries to address national level issues. Integrated development and critical analysis of functional linkages is one of the key to achieve the desired growth.

Unlike city planning where land use plans are prepared regional planning lays emphasis on policy for the region. Policies are them elaborated and objectives are formed which differ from area to area within the region.

Regional plans are a must when cities start to influence development even in far places which might end up in under-utilization and wastage of resources without proper planning.

Polices have a larger and longer impact on the overall growth of region and might conflict with the land use plan or plan prepared for a specific city; Generally a new body is formed which takes up the work of coordinating between all the individual departments working in the region especially with the development authorities and local bodies.

Allocation of funds for different activities and different areas can also be taken up by the regional planning board/authority. Government intervention such as implementing a new scheme or policy for a region can also boost the growth perspectives and aide the policy prepared by regional board. Black Wolf 2 – Read more at:

Reduced disparities help directly and indirectly by reducing forced migration, reducing trip lengths, providing better and more job opportunities in nearby areas, having the required services instead of letting them emerging randomly. A special economic zone (SEZ) are also established to support the growth of a region and attract investments.


International Conference On: Urban Planning and Architectural Design for Sustainable Development (UPADSD)


If you are eager to know more about Urban Planning and Sustainable Development, Luckily IEREK is organizing The 2nd Version of International Conference On: Urban Planning and Architectural Design for Sustainable Development (UPADSD) to be held in Italy at 30 October / 31 October 2017, follows the success of the first version which took place in Lecce, Italy  during the year of 2015.

UPADSD 2017 aims to bring together, scientists, urban planners, architects and other stakeholders from across the globe to discuss the latest scientific advances in the field.

Critical Topics will be exposed during this conference as following:

  • City planning.
  • Regional planning.
  • Rural developments.
  • Sustainability and the built environment.
  • Sustainability indicators.
  • Policies and planning.
  • Environmental planning and management.
  • Energy resources.
  • Cultural heritage.
  • Quality of life.
  • Community planning and resilience.
  • Sustainable solutions in emerging countries.
  • Sustainable tourism.
  • Learning from nature.
  • Sustainable Transportation.
  • Social and political issues.
  • Community planning.

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