Net Zero Energy Buildings..Let’s produce our energy


Net zero energy:

Net zero building, Net zero energy building (NZEB), Zero net energy (ZNE) or zero energy building(ZEB), All of these refer to a building with zero non-renewable energy consumption.

Renewable energy generated by the building or other sources of renewable energy are used, This contributes overall greenhouse gas less than other non net zero energy buildings.

Near zero energy buildings:

Near zero energy buildings are buildings that consume slightly more energy than they produce, While energy plus buildings are those who produce more energy than they consume.

Energy consumption:

Normal buildings consume around 40% of the fossil fuel energy of the European union and US, They are high submitter of Greenhouse gases.

That’s why we try to make as much as near zero energy buildings, It helps reducing the dependence of fossil fuels.

Zero energy building specifications:

Zero energy buildings are full of energy saving features, Using high efficiency devices for heating & cooling with good insulation and high efficiency windows.

The ability to have natural breath is mandatory in zero energy buildings.

These features differ from one constructing zone to another.


  • avoiding future energy price increasing.
  • stable interior temperatures.
  • less required energy.
  • lower cost of ownership due to improved energy efficiency.
  • monthly living cost deduced.
  • lower risk of loss from grid blackouts.
  • extra cost is minimized for new construction.
  • higher resale value as potential owners demand more ZEBs than available supply.
  • the value of a ZEB building relative to similar conventional building should increase every time energy costs increase.
  • future legislative restrictions, and carbon emission taxes/penalties may force expensive retrofits to inefficient buildings.
  • contribute to the greater benefits of the society, e.g. providing sustainable renewable energy to the grid, reducing the need of grid expansion.


  • higher initial costs – effort required to understand, apply, and qualify for ZEB subsidies, if they exist.
  • very few designers or builders have the necessary skills or experience to build ZEBs.
  • possible declines in future utility company renewable energy costs may lessen the value of capital invested in energy efficiency.
  • new PVSC  equipment technology price has been falling at roughly 17% per year – It will lessen the value of capital invested in a solar electric generating system – Current subsidies will be phased out as photovoltaic mass production lowers future price.
  • challenge to recover higher initial costs on resale of building, but new energy rating systems are being introduced gradually.
  • while the individual house may use an average of net zero energy over a year, it may demand energy at the time when peak demand for the grid occurs. In such a case, the capacity of the grid must still provide electricity to all loads. Therefore, a ZEB may not reduce the required power plant capacity.
  • without an optimised thermal envelope the embodied energy, heating and cooling energy and resource usage is higher than needed. ZEB by definition do not mandate a minimum heating and cooling performance level thus allowing oversized renewable energy systems to fill the energy gap.
  • solar energy capture using the house envelope only works in locations unobstructed from the sun.


While the cost of traditional fossil fuel energy is increasing and the cost of alternative  energy technologies is decreasing by the time, The Net zero energy is becoming more popular.

Most NZEB are using electrical grids for storing the energy but some are not, Energy is produced through energy producing technologies (Solar,Wind,etc..), also using newer technologies in lightning systems and devices for decreasing energy usage.

Disaster resiliency:

using the NZEB concept is highly applicable to various resources, Resources conserving like energy,water and waste is highly targeted and expected to be more efficient, with the ability of allocation and distribution will improve disaster resiliency.

Conference Topics:

  1.  Ramping Up Net Energy Zero Buildings
  2.  Future Proofing And Occupant Satisfaction Of Net Energy Zero Buildings
  3.  Energy Efficient Urban Areas
  4.  Resource Efficiency & Circular Processes
  5.  Governance
  6.  Water Management In The Built Environment
  7.  Business Models
  8.  Maintenance For Buildings
  9.  Transformation Of Environments
  10.  Renewable Energy Generation
  11.  Sustainable Buildings
  12.  Architecture And Urbanism
  13.  Economic Developments
  14.  Changing Demographics
  15.  Communication Technologies
  16.  Construction Sector
  17.  Green Objects And Sustainable Urban

For more information and registration please visit the conference’s official webpage

Resilient and Responsible Architecture and Urbanism

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