Does New Architecture Buildings Help Tourism: The Brazilian Case


New buildings such as hotels, restaurants, cafeterias, and other service facilities are a key asset of a country’s tourism abilities to attract more tourists, but the most important asset of any country is its own people, and the major question is does people benefit from touristic service facilities in their county or not?

Some counties attract tourism in many ways, one of them is football, and that’s what Brazil did to attract tourism to it and add to its sources of income, but the major questions were Did new hotels, railway stations, restaurants help the local tourism in Brazil? Did those new buildings increase the welfare of the locals in Brazil, or not?

For example, in the preparations for the Olympics that was held in Brazil, the government built new stadiums, hotels, railway stations, new trains, new restaurants and lots of new facilities to improve the services provided to foreigners attending the Olympics.

The new railway stations and new trains goes all the way from one Olympic city to the other without stopping in cities in between, so those cities and their citizens didn’t benefit from the big event of Olympics happening right in their own country, nor benefited from the new facilities built to serve tourism after the Olympics.

 The same can be said for the new stadiums, hotels, restaurants, cafeterias, and other service facilities that the country built. Therefore, those facilities might be abandoned after the Olympics, because they weren’t designed to benefit the local tourism as well.

The outstanding architecture of new building that was made, the new stadiums, the new restaurants, the new cafeterias, and so on did not help the economics of Brazilians’ small companies nor the local tourism.

In conclusion, when designing a new building the architecture has to adopt a flexible approach, so the new building can service for many purposes and to serve the local tourism as well. Tourism must serve the biggest number of people, whether locals or foreigners.

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