New Conference on Applied Sports Sciences


IEREK is happy to announce our new conference “The International scientific conference on Applied Sports sciences- ISCASS” In collaboration with the Faculty of Physical Education for Men, Alexandria University.

The conference will cover diversified topics covering multiple aspects related to sports such as Future Trends and Challenges in Physical Education & Sports, Sports Nutrition, Exercise Metabolism and Sports Performance. It will present recent Trends in health and Sports Science, Sports Medicine and Exercise Physiology, Sports Management, Sports Tourism and Economy of Nation, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Sports, Sports Industrialization, Sports Journalism, Ethics & Legal Issues in Sports, Sports Performance, Sports Training and Sports Biomechanics, Exercise and Physical Fitness, Sport Pedagogy, Psychological Interventions and Mental Health, Socialization through Sports.

Stay tuned for more information about our latest conference, for more information about the conference check the following link:

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