Place-making as an innovative tool of urban planning


Place-making & Urban Planning

Urban Planning became a vital need for every city to achieve sustainable development. Cities and countries are changing rapidly, therefore planners, environmentalists, architects, engineers, policy makers, urban designers and economists have to work together in order to ensure that planning and development can meet our present needs without compromising the ability of future generations.

Unfortunately, the Urban Planning process, nowadays, doesn’t pay attention to stakeholders’ opinions. So architects, designers and planners have to adopt the concept of “place-making” when they plan for cities.

Place-making Definition

Place-making is a people-centered approach in the process of planning and designing public spaces in cities.  This approach pays attention to the opinions of the people living in a particular place and to discover their needs from this place and their aspirations towards it.

The main perspective of using place-making in urban planning is to create places where the citizens feel engaged. And importantly, these designs should meet the basic human needs through a place-making perspective.

Place-making & Sustainable Societies

Place-making & Sustainable Societies

Place-making plays an important role in achieving sustainable societies, by empowering communities and inclosing between cultures and societies. Designers and planners should incorporate green thinking and technology into their designs for public spaces. Building great public spaces helps in connecting neighborhoods and promoting more sustainable environments.

Features of a good public space

Features of a good public space

There are a lot of features that may lead to a good public space. However, PPS (project for public spaces) mentioned the four qualities to evaluate good public space.


Accessible place refers to how it’s available and easy to get to and get through the place, the availability of transportations to the place’s location, and the connection between the place and adjacent buildings.


A comfortable place makes a good impression for its visitors. With a beautiful image, safety, cleanliness and the availability of seats, comes a memorable impression.


Activities in a certain place attracts people to visit and to return back. A good place offers equality between men and women of different ages in its activities.


Sociability refers to the ability of a certain place to attract friends and neighbors to meet and sit together.

Urban Planning and Architectural Design for Sustainable Development

Urban Planning and Architectural Design for Sustainable Development

The main goal of sustainable development is to preserve the natural resources and use them very cautiously to protect our planet from devastation. So planners, environmentalists, architects, engineers, policy makers and economists have to work together in order to ensure achieving sustainable global development.

The 2nd Conference on “Urban Planning and Architectural Design for Sustainable Development” (UPADSD), to be held in Italy, aims to bring scientists, urban planners, architects and other stakeholders from across the globe, together, to discuss the latest scientific advances in the field.

Kindly, visit the following link to know more about the conference:

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