Pollution, Waste Management, Health Risk ……………Going Green


Did you know that the hidden effects of pollution and waste are more likely to exceed the apparent effects?

The effect of waste is not an easy thing to measure, after all how can we measure the future health risks, and how can we measure the pollution effect on the surrounding of any factory, building, and so on. Taking health hazards into account will lead to the unavoidable must of using Green Energy, and Green technology.

Green technology, Environmental technology, or Clean technology are different terminologies referring to any technology which is environmentally friendly, used to save the environment, and conserve natural resources.

Knowing that more than 90% of the world population lives in areas with excessive air pollution, leading to serious health issues like strokes, heart disease, and lung cancer. Therefore, managing waste and pollution, and applying green building technologies are essential; finding the appropriate methods to go green is an issue that needs focus, effort, and lots of research and development to find the appropriate way that best suits each firm, organization, city, or even country.

The involvements of governments, private sector, and non-governmental organizations in spreading the awareness of using green energy, green technology and Eco-friendly transportation is very essential; and the very first step is always about identifying the sources of waste and pollution; the following steps are all about reducing the amount of waste and pollution produced.

The methods of waste and pollution reduction are simple they just need guidance from the law makers and creativity from the employees and workers. Pollution can be eliminated by lowering the waste produced though the usage of clean energy and alternative materials, and so on. Pollution can also be reduced by recycling, reusing materials instead of disposal, and recovering energy from waste.

So for a better future, and to solve the pollution issues, we all need to Think Green …… GO GREEN.


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