Public Transport


Public Transport:

Public transport is a local passenger-transport service which is publically used by the whole community, such as taxicab, hired buses and transportation network companies.

Public Transportation Consists of a Variety of Modes:

1. Buses.
2. Trolleys and light rail.
3. Subways.
4. Commuter trains.
5. Street cars.
6. Cable cars.
7. Para transit services for Senior citizens and people with disabilities.
8. Ferries and water taxis.
9. Monorails and tramways.

Advantages of Public Transport:

Public Transportation improves personal chances like going to your job early. Added to this, a record of reducing congestion has been proven by public transport. The latest research shows that in 2011, U.S. public transportation use saved millions of hours in travel time a coupled with millions of fuel gallons in 498 urban areas as well as saving money. Public transportation provides an affordable, and for many, necessary, alternative to driving. As number of vehicles on the road decrease, greenhouse effect decrease. A single commuter switching his or her commute to public transportation can reduce a household’s carbon emissions by 10 % and up to 30 % if he or she eliminates a second car.

Disadvantages of Public Transport:

Public transportation like a train system or buses, follow a pre-set route. The route is set from station to station taking on and letting off passengers at a number of specific stops. This can be very annoying for travellers with tight schedule. Many travellers may need another vehicle or will have to walk to reach their final destination. Another disadvantage is the waiting time, which can be too long and at the end you would sit in a low comfort level. There is the lack of privacy in public transportation. Travellers are congested in and don’t have much personal space. There is nothing you can do to prevent the person sitting next to you from reading documents or the screen of your laptop, listening in on your phone conversations or looking at the contents of your handbag.

Improvements to Public Transport:

Commuters can also have a long-lasting ticket which they can use without swiping it through a gate or reader makes travel more efficient and provides better usage data. As the smartphone trend is rising, travellers can look up for live schedules of the train or bus instead of waiting.

Urban Transit and Sustainable Networks (UTSN)

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