Urban Regeneration in the World


What is the Concept of Urban Regeneration?

Urban regeneration is a complete and integrated vision and action which ends up in resolution of city troubles and which seeks to bring about a lasting improvement in the economic, physical, social and environmental condition of an area. The term “urban regeneration” and “urban revitalization” are often used in the literature alternatively.

Described urban regeneration as a field of public policy refers to the redevelopment of economic activity, restoration of environmental quality and recovery of social inclusion.

Why Urban Regeneration is very important today?

Urban regeneration includes many facets, from renewing the urban landscape and restructuring its design, to regenerating civilization, and making an overall concept of national identity. This kind of regeneration can be exactly what a society needs to turn it around, make new centers and create new homes.

Urban regeneration has been in practice for years, with cities remodeling themselves in order this can mean creating more roads, motorways and transport systems, as well as creating new residential areas, industrial sites, and commercial areas. All of these factors come together to contribute to a better society.

Regenerated cities can also take place on the earth, rather than just through building work. Urban renewals are currently taking place all over the world to create jobs for people in order to give them and their families a better quality of life. With all the benefits that urban renewal brings, these countries will grow up culturally, economically and politically so that they can have a rank in the world.


Which Countries are famous with the urban regeneration?

In some countries, urban regeneration policies have existed before the formation of policies at the European Union. This is the case of France, Great Britain and even Spain has created a new approach in the urban development field. In the Irish capital, Dublin, urban regeneration projects have started, primarily due to uneven designs of buildings and due to poor management of buildings.

Urban Regeneration in France

French cities have much higher densities than Australian cities. For instance, Paris has 10,000 inhabitants per square kilometer, which is more than five times the population density of Sydney’s 1,900/km2. Higher density and more accessibility to public transport are important for successful urban regeneration. However, this is not the only explanation for its success in France.

With the post-industrial society, new approaches are emerging to solve planning challenges in France. Since the nation began decentralization in 1982, local authorities have gained more power to implement planning strategies.

At the same time, the multiplicity of urban stakeholders makes decision-making difficult. Since the 1990s, legal commitments to consult with residents have increased. Regeneration projects have to follow general planning principles but must also allow some elasticity to enable the local community to have an input.

Urban Regeneration in Italy

The issue of sustainable urban regeneration is a concern of the improvement guidelines within the coming years in all countries. For example, for Italian architects, metropolis development troubles are, and could be the principal subject inside the coming length.

In Italy, as in most international locations of the arena, the cities are at chance because of strength depletion and due to the bad state of put up-struggle building fund. National Council of Architects, Planners and landscape Architects of Italy, considers that it became a true urban dehumanization; due to the absence of public spaces, land intake reached to an alert level, out of control growth of some of automobiles, immoderate intake and excessive rate of strength, waste and recyclable substances.

In general, the purpose of city regeneration programs is the enhancing of the city effect by improving the city lifestyles. These programs identified strategic directions and created conditions for strengthening and improving social capital, attracting monetary resources to convert public and private areas for regeneration of historic centers, housing districts, private homes and the landscape. Suburbs have to be no longer be disregarded, their rehabilitation need to represent the first step in solving tough conditions regarding the city and environmental aspects.

Urban Regeneration in Spain

Barcelona’s urban regeneration has become a prominent example to different cultural regeneration strategies inside that followed the approach of ‘urban design, cultural planning and creative quarter approach’ and included cultural thoughts in the redevelopment of areas alongside other activities inside the environmental, social and economic sphere.

While we agree with other academics that the lifestyle and simple software of a completely unique ‘Barcelona model’ of city renewal, is still questionable. You can still perceive extraordinary capabilities in Barcelona’s city development due to the era of the 1980s. The city’s innovative mix of cultural activity and urban regeneration has been underlined by a unique governance fashion primarily based upon sturdy citizen assist, which few have dared to challenge.

The reason for the lack of criticism is that urban quality and social dignity have been combined in the renewal of Barcelona with the aim of enhancing social cohesion and ‘a sense of belonging to the city’.

Urban Regeneration in Turkey

In Turkey, rapid population growth, informal settlements, and buildings and infrastructures vulnerable to natural hazards are considered the most crucial problems of the towns. Mainly disaster hazards cannot be overlooked, as large elements of numerous cities are going through risks from earthquakes, floods and landslides and have experienced lack of lives in the recent time. Urban regeneration is an important planning tool implemented by local and central governments in order to reduce to disaster risk and to design livable environments for the citizens.

The Law on the Regeneration of Areas under Disaster Risk, commonly known as the Urban Regeneration Law, was enacted in 2012.The regulation on implementation of the law explains the fundamental steps of the urban regeneration process. The relevant institutions furnished with various authorities such as expropriation, confiscation and changing the type and place of your property, which makes urban regeneration projects very important in terms of property rights.

Consequently, urban regeneration tasks need to be transparent, comprehensible and suitable for all parties in the projects. So that you can apprehend the urban regeneration technique, the legislation and initiatives of various municipalities in Istanbul were analyzed.


Urban Regeneration in Iraq

In the Iraqi context, the value of urban regeneration in improving the conditions of the physical environment remains not recognized. Furthermore, the rise of urban regeneration initiatives in Iraq due to the deterioration of the physical urban heritage in Iraqi cities, results in raising the questions about the extent of achievement of these initiatives in locating and finding sustainable solutions to the urban troubles with regard to history conservation.

Recently, there were attempts to develop a suitable assessment strategy for local regeneration projects and to explore possible alternatives that can assist in reorienting city design techniques towards greater sustainability primarily based on evaluation of the city layout aspects in opposition to a fixed of overall performance criteria and indicators. Urban design is integral to the process of urban regeneration achievement, through figuring out the relationship among urban design principles and sustainable development objectives in the regeneration practices.

URS Conference:

Urban Regeneration is the main topic in the International Conference “Urban Regeneration and Sustainability“. This conference will be held in University of East London from 15th to 17th of October 2018

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