3rd Architecture Week
3rd Architecture Week

IEREK Workshop

  • 06, Feb / 10, Feb 2017
  • Barcelona, Spain
Workshop Email
Workshop Introduction

Achieving almost Zero Energy in all our civilization facilities became a n international target  for all Developing Communities, As all these communities are working on decreasing Energy  consumption of all these factors, Buildings which is consider to be the most important factors in the human lifecycle, So all energy communities are working on achieving almost Zero Energy Building.

The building sector is one of the key sectors to achieve the 20/20/20 targets of the EU. Beyond these targets, Europe also aims at bringing about drastic reductions of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, In the residential and service sectors of 88% to 91% compared to 1990 by 2050. With the recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), the framework has been set to proceed along this track.

Member States have to report to the European Commission regarding the related activities, progress and results and the European Commission has to set out rules regarding the methodology – explicitly for the methodology to calculate cost optimal levels, but in a guiding sense also for the principle of nearly Zero Energy Buildings. Above, the European Commission needs to facilitate, steer and evaluate the reporting and implementation activiti