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Online Conference
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To participate from China, please contact IEREK's chinese representative:
Rachel Meng
Tel: +86 (0) 1059105326
Email: [email protected]
IEREK is an official partner of IFGICT membership numberAG05082Z18
Prof. Dr. Alaa Abdelbary
Vice President for Post Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport
Dr. Khaled Elsaadany
Coordinator of Agro-food Industries Alliance
Scientific Committee Coordinator
Sara Youssef
Conference Coordinator
[email protected]
(+2) 03 5763828 | (+2) 02 33037810
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The 1st Edition of the international conference on FNSSA is organized by the Agro-Food Industries Alliance (funded by Academy of Scientific Research and Technology in Egypt), World Food Program, the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT, Alexandria), Alexandria University, Egypt, and IEREK – International Experts for Research Enrichment and Knowledge Exchange in collaboration with Springer as a publishing partner.
To take place in Cairo from 1 to 3 December of 2019, the conference will be an opportunity to present and discuss the newest researches related to food, nutrition and sustainable agriculture as well as to shed light on their relationships with the industry. The scientific committee welcomes contributions from academics, researchers and interested participants.
Aim and Scope of FNSSA 2019
The conference will focus on the recent trends and discoveries in the area of functional foods, nutraceuticals, food safety, food security, sustainable agriculture, and agro-food engineering and technology.
It will offer a unique opportunity for researchers in academia and private sector, youthful scientists across the globe, experts, founders, CEOs’, SMEs, industrials, and business delegates to meet, network and publish the latest results and advances in the field. This exchange of knowledge will provide researchers, practitioners, educators, and investors with the most recent innovations, trends, and challenges in the field while presenting solutions to achieving food security and a sustainable agricultural development.
The selected contributions from this conference will be published in Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (ASTI), a book series by Springer. Moreover, authors of the best papers will be selected for publication in special issues of a number of indexed journals by Springer.
1. Food & Nutrition
This track will discuss the metabolism of the various nutrients and their nutritive value. It will focus on functional foods, probiotics and similar products that may confer health benefits when consumed.
Similarly, the process of food fortification through vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and botanicals, and many other products such as dietary supplements that come in a variety of forms play an important role in nutrition. Nutraceuticals, which are pharmaceutical-grades and dietary supplements, are a hybrid of nutrition and pharmaceuticals that have introduced a new era of medicine and health.
The rising awareness of consumers toward the health benefits of foods and their nutritional benefits for potential health enhancement and disease prevention is the driving force of the global functional food and nutraceutical market, thus, making it an essential discussion topic.
Ehab Khedr (Egypt), Morsi EL Soda (Egypt), and Nayra Shaker Mehanna (Egypt)
2. Food Safety and Control
Food can transmit disease from person to person as well as serve as a growth medium for bacteria that can cause food poisoning. Every year death of approximately 2 million people occurs due to unsafe food. Food safety is a significant public health issue.
This topic discusses handling, preparation and storage of food in order to prevent foodborne illness. An effective food legislation and food control is required for every nation to promote a safety food supply to protect consumers from contaminated foods. Quality control is a process through which a business seeks to ensure that product quality is maintained or improved with either reduced or zero errors. Quality control requires the business to create an environment in which both management and employees strive for perfection.
Ibrahim ELSayed (Egypt), Norhasinda Zawawi (Malaysia), and Srinivasan Damodaran (USA)
3. Industry 4.0 for Agro-Food Industry Development
Agro-Food Engineering & Technology is leading a new revolution in sustainable agriculture and food industry. Food technology is the conversion of agricultural products into food or of one form of food into other forms.
This track focuses on food technology derived into new methods and systems to create new food products as well as keep them safe. Agricultural Engineering increasingly relies on emerging technologies to expand food production. With a focus on machinery, Irrigation, renewable energy and development, it will lead to efficient food security and crop production.
Abd Allah Zein ElDein (Egypt), Albert Jan Dijkstra (Netherlands), Huda El-Kateb (UK), Samir M. Ismail (Egypt), Saphwan Al-Assaf (UK), and Tamer Gamal (Egypt)
4. Agro-Food Business and Food security
Food Security is the condition in which all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences. The three determinants of food security are food availability, food access, and food utilization and depending upon them are its nutritional impacts.
Agro-food business is the business of agricultural production and food processing. It includes agrichemicals, breeding, crop circulation, farm machinery, processing, and seed accumulation, food production, fast food as well as marketing and retail sales. The agribusiness systems pathway includes occupations involved in the coordination of all activities that contribute to the production, processing, marketing, distribution, financing and development of agricultural commodities, plant and animal products, and other natural resources.
Dina C. Magnaye (Philippines), Giulia Bartezzaghi (Italy), and Pietro Columba (Italy)
5. Water, Food & Energy
This track enables a discussion on how water–energy–food nexus can support food security and sustainable agriculture. Population growth, rapid urbanization, changing diets and economic development are just some of the factors driving increased demand for water, energy and food. Agriculture is the largest consumer of the world's freshwater resources, and more than one-quarter of the energy used globally is expended on food production and supply. Concurrently, the demands for water, food and energy are increasing within cities, and unless a balance is struck the livability of these cities will soon be compromised. Thus, solutions such as solar irrigation as a reliable, non-costly and clean-energy solution are presented.
The demand for environmental resources is increasing globally as populations and incomes grow. Undoubtedly, there is a need to increase production to meet future demand, but it is also necessary to make better use of the food that is already being produced. Food losses and waste are a missed opportunity to improve global food and nutrition security, a squandering of environmental resources, and a contributor to climate change. Agro-Food Engineering & Technology pay attention to how to transfer Agro-Food waste to added value products and energy.
Arruje Hameed (Pakistan), Maria Antonella (Italy), and Mohamed Nabil (Egypt)
6. Sustainable Agriculture
This session focuses on healthy environment, economic profitability, social and economic equity through sustainable agriculture focus.
It aims to sustain farmers, resources, and communities by promoting profitable methods and farming practices.
In the present, its main goal is to meet society's needs without the need of compromising the ability of future generations in order to meet their own needs.
Sustainable agriculture is the way to sustain resources, profit and promote farming practices. The goal of sustainable agriculture is to meet society’s needs in the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In this track, economic profitability, social and economic quality and a healthy environment are considered. Approaches to farming such as integrated agricultural production, in hopes of promoting environmentally friendly farming practices, are presented.
This track emphasizes on agricultural production systems modelling improvement and incorporating new capabilities enabling analyses in the domains of greenhouse gas emissions, soil carbon changes, ecosystem services, food security, pests and disease losses, livestock and climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Anis S. Hussin (Egypt), Marco Esti (Italy), and Phebe Ding (Malaysia)
1.1 Role of Functional Foods in Disease Prevention
1.2 Nutraceuticals
1.3 Functional Foods & Dietary Supplement
1.4 Medical and Aromatic Plant
2.1 Food Preservation
2.2 Bio-Preservation
2.3 Quality Control & Sanitation
3.1 Automation and data exchange
3.2 Smart Packaging
3.3 Robotics in Food Science and Agriculture
3.4 Agricultural machinery
3.5 Food and Bioprocess Technology
3.6 Dairy Technology
3.7 Food Additives
4.1 Job creation / start-up
4.2 SMEs role in Agro-Food Industries Sector
4.3 Agro-Food Economics
4.4 Food Industry Management
4.5 Food Security and poverty fighting
4.6 Agro-Food / Nutrition Alliance/Cluster
4.7 Agro-Food Global Investment
5.1 Water & Energy management
5.2 Agro-Food waste management
5.3 Energy and Agro-Food Industries Sector
6.1 Farming and Innovative Technologies
6.2 Postharvest Physiology & Technology
6.3 Organic Farming and Biological Control
6.4 Efficient crop production
6.5 Greenhouse & Horticulture
6.6 Application of fertilizers & pesticides
6.7 Animal and plant nutrition
6.8 Horticultural produce marketing and value chains
Title | Date |
Abstract Submissions Deadline | 14 Oct 2019 |
Last Notification for Abstract Acceptance | 14 Oct 2019 |
Full Paper Submission Deadline | 14 Jan 2020 |
Last Notification for Full-Paper Acceptance | 14 Mar 2020 |
Early Payment Deadline | 14 Oct 2019 |
Regular Payment Deadline | 29 Oct 2019 |
Late Payment Deadline | 14 Nov 2019 |
Letter of Visa (for delegates who need visa entry) | 04 Oct 2019 |
Letter of Final Acceptance | 14 Oct 2019 |
Conference Program | 19 Nov 2019 |
Conference Launch | 30 Nov 2019 |
DAY 1 | 1 Dec, 2019 |
08:00—9:30 | Arrival and Registration |
09:30—11:30 | Opening session |
11:30—12:00 | Coffee Break |
12:00—12:30 | KEYNOTE 1 |
12:30—13:00 | KEYNOTE 2 |
13:00—13:30 | KEYNOTE 3 |
13:30—14:00 | KEYNOTE 4 |
14:00—14:30 | KEYNOTE 5 |
14:30—15:15 | Lunch |
15:15—18:45 |
Session 1: Moderator undefined yet Session 2: Moderator undefined yet Session 3: Moderator undefined yet Session 4: Moderator undefined yet Session 5: Moderator undefined yet |
DAY 2 | 2 Dec, 2019 |
09:00—11:20 |
Session 1: Moderator undefined yet Session 2: Moderator undefined yet Session 3: Moderator undefined yet Session 4: Moderator undefined yet Session 5: Moderator undefined yet |
11:40—14:00 | Coffee Break |
14:00—15:40 |
Session 1: Moderator undefined yet Session 2: Moderator undefined yet Session 3: Moderator undefined yet Session 4: Moderator undefined yet Session 5: Moderator undefined yet |
16:00—16:20 | Lunch |
16:20—19:00 |
Session 1: Moderator undefined yet Session 2: Moderator undefined yet Session 3: Moderator undefined yet Session 4: Moderator undefined yet Session 5: Moderator undefined yet |
20:00—23:00 | Gala Dinner |
DAY 3 | 3 Dec, 2019 |
09:00—10:40 |
Session 1: Moderator undefined yet Session 2: Moderator undefined yet Session 3: Moderator undefined yet |
11:00—11:30 | Coffee Break |
11:20—11:40 |
Session 1: Moderator undefined yet Session 2: Moderator undefined yet |
12:40—13:30 | Chairman Word |
12:40—13:30 | Closing Ceremony |
13:40 - 20:00 | Visit to the City of Pompeii/ Amalfi Coast/ Ravello |
More keynote speakers covering each track will be announced soon. If you are interested to present your newest research, please click on “Become a speaker”.
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Steering Committee
Name |
Responsibility |
Alaa Abdelbary, Egypt |
"Conference Chairman" |
Khaled Elsaadany, Egypt |
"Conference Co-Chairman" |
Morsi ElSoda, Egypt |
"Scientific Committee Chairman" |
Nabil Khelifi, Germany |
"Publication Chairman" |
Mourad Amer, Egypt |
"Conference Supervisor" |
Local Organizing Team
Name |
Organization name |
Dairy Science & Technology Dept |
Alexandria University, Egypt |
Nabil Omr |
Agriculture Research Center, Egypt |
Tarek El-Arabi |
Ain Shams university, Egypt |
Hussin Motawoa |
Damnhour University, Egypt |
Amin Ammar |
Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt |
Nayra Mehanna |
National Research Center, Egypt |
Amr Mohamed Helal |
International Trade and Marketing company, Egypt |
Amr Mohamed Taha |
Industrial Modernization Center, Egypt |
Doaa Kandil |
El-Beheira Investors Association, Egypt |
Nizar Elshnawy |
Arab Academy for Science and Technology, Egypt |
Rfik Abd Elrhman |
Suez Canal University, Egypt |
Abd Aziz Omara |
Alexandria University, Egypt |
Ahmed ElDesoki |
Alexandria University, Egypt |
Mohamed ElShabory |
Alexandria University, Egypt |
Ebthal Yousef |
Alexandria University, Egypt |
Marwa Shaban |
Alexandria University, Egypt |
Edited Volume in Springer/IEREK ASTI Book Series:
The conference proceedings will be published after the conference through the book series "Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation" (ASTI) by Springer.
All authors should submit an extended version of their accepted and presented abstracts before 10th January 2020. Papers will go through a peer review process of two/three rounds. The proceedings will appear online before 30 June 2020. ASTI book series has been submitted for evaluating its indexation by Scopus. If accepted, all the FNSSA proceedings will be indexed in Scopus.
Special Issues or Topical Collections:
Selected papers will have the chance to be published in a special issue/topical collection of one of the following journals.
Impact Factor : 2.598
Impact Factor : 1.747
Impact Factor : 1.8
Indexed in : Web of Science SCIE, PubMed and Scopus
Indexed in : Web of Science ESCI
Indexed in : Web of Science ESCI and Scopus
Impact Factor : 1.15
Indexed in : Web of Science ESCI and Scopus
Indexed in : Google Scholar, EBSCO Discovery Service, OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service, ProQuest-ExLibris Primo, ProQuest-ExLibris Summon
Indexed in : Web of Science ESCI and Scopus
Indexed in : AGRICOLA and Scopus
More partnered journals will be announced soon.
Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation Book Series
IEREK Series for Interdisciplinary Studies
- On 10 May 1842 (his 25th birthday), Julius Springer founded his bookstore and publishing house in Berlin, laying the foundation for today’s company.
- After 175 dynamic years, the name Springer stands for a globally active publisher dedicated to the advancement of science, putting its authors and editors at the heart of the company’s publishing activities.
- Springer is a leading global scientific, technical and medical portfolio, providing researchers in academia, scientific institutions and corporate R&D departments with quality content through innovative information, products and services.
- Springer has one of the strongest STM and HSS eBook collections and archives, as well as a comprehensive range of hybrid and open access journals.
- Springer is part of Springer Nature, a global publisher that serves and supports the research community. Springer Nature aims to advance discovery by publishing robust and insightful science, supporting the development of new areas of research and making ideas and knowledge accessible around the world.
- As part of Springer Nature, Springer sits alongside other trusted brands like Nature Research, BioMed Central, and Palgrave Macmillan.
About the Series:
Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (ASTI) is a series of peer-reviewed books based on the best studies on emerging research that redefines existing disciplinary boundaries in science, technology, and innovation (STI) in order to develop integrated concepts for sustainable development. The series is mainly based on the best research papers from various IEREK and other international conferences or direct submissions and is intended to promote the creation and development of viable solutions for a sustainable future and a positive societal transformation with the help of integrated and innovative science-based approaches. Offering interdisciplinary coverage, the series presents innovative approaches and highlights how they can best support both the economic and sustainable development for the welfare of all societies. In particular, the series includes conceptual and empirical contributions from different interrelated fields of science, technology, and innovation that focus on providing practical solutions to ensure food, water, and energy security. It also presents new case studies offering concrete examples of how to resolve sustainable urbanization and environmental issues. The series is addressed to professionals in research and teaching, consultancies and industry, and government and international organizations. Published in collaboration with Springer, the IEREK Interdisciplinary Series for Sustainable Development will acquaint readers with essential new studies in STI for sustainable development.
Publishing your paper with a reputable and renowned publisher is necessary to maintain the high quality standards of the scientific process along with retaining your copyright. It is even more advantageous to increase the exposure of your paper to the rest of the scientific community either online, offline, or in both versions.
All of the papers present in the book either belong to the best research papers in IEREK’s conferences or the authors’ direct submissions.Fees for direct submission: - The revision process: 200$ (nonrefundable)- Once the paper is accepted and approved: 200$.
Click on the below image to learn more about the editors
Delegates in any event who cancel their registration before 15 November 2019 due to special circumstances for any reason (including visa rejection) will receive refunds of 30% of the paid registration fee.
After 15 November 2019, refunds will not be possible.
Reason and proof of rejection must be submitted before 15 November 2019 to: [email protected]
Scientists interested in participating at the conference as Authors/co-Authors should submit an abstract (250 – 300 words) as a short version of their research contribution before 30 September 2019.
Elementary Review:
Once an abstract has been submitted to our website, it is assigned for revision by the reviewers/experts in the field. Your abstract should belong to one of the themes covered by the conference (See Program & Committee). It should be written clearly with aim of the study, methods used, results obtained and major conclusions. The abstract is then subject to:
- Acceptance (with minor editing changes).
- Conditional acceptance (with revisions provided to authors).
- Rejection but encouraged for re-submission after major modifications.
- Rejection as inappropriate or unworthy of presentation in the conference.
IEREK provides its non-attending authors with the opportunity to present their research virtually and through pre-recorded videos. In hopes of making conferences more productive and rewarding, both for the audience members and the author, IEREK has established this as a solution that would provide the author’s research with the attention it deserves.
Both authors interested in publishing their manuscripts in the conference proceedings with Springer (ASTI series) and authors of the best (selected) abstracts interested in publishing their manuscript in journal special issues with Springer will be required to submit an extended version (10 -15 pages long) of their abstracts which will be subject to a rigorous revision process as follows:
Uploading Full-Length Paper:
Authors who are allowed to upload their full-length paper(s) should use the same account details to upload their full paper(s) before 10 January 2020.
First Acceptance:
The final paper will proceed to the primary revision to be checked if it meets the proceedings or journal standards by Springer. Once it is accepted, the author will be informed to resubmit a revised version so that the paper continues to the next step which is sending it for the final revision(s) by the scientific committee.
Papers handled for publication in ASTI series or papers handled for publication in special issues will follow the same evaluation process in order to ensure that quality is in line with Springer standards. Accordingly, authors should be prepared for more than two rounds of revision process.
Inspections and Final Approval of Full Papers:
The full papers will get a final inspection, both, scientifically and linguistically. There will be a final rigorous review process of full papers following the previous process according to the following criteria:
(1) Is the topic relevant to the conference and its proceedings / special issues?
(2) Are the writing and structure clear?
(3) Are graphics, photos, illustrations of high quality and used where needed?
(4) Are the aims of the study clearly stated?
(5) Are the objectives of the study achieved?
(6) Is the literature review relevant and adequate?
(7) Has the author used the appropriate methodology and explained them clearly?
(8) Has the author interpreted the findings correctly?
(9) Is the paper a significant contribution to the field?
These are the registration and revision procedures for publication that all authors should follow.
Papers will be published in the proceedings in ASTI book series by Springer before 30 June.
Each paper accepted in a special issue will appear online shortly after finishing the proofreading process by Springer, i.e. without waiting for all other special issue papers to be finalized by their authors.
Instructions of Extended Abstract Submissions: Authors whom like to submit Extended Abstracts should be informed that the structure of an Extended Abstract should contain its abstract, keywords, introduction, problem statements and the hypothetical solution along with further studies that they will go through when they want to extend their paper to be published online. An Extended Abstract will not have a chance to be published unless the author extends their work to a full length paper and pay the requested fee.
To download the writing template for an exteded, Click here
- Final acceptance (not in the conference but in the proceedings and special issues) of papers will be based on the quality of the full-length version and whether it has successfully passed the several rounds of the evaluation process.Writing Templates: Authors are strongly encouraged to use the formatting style described below for submitting an abstract as this format is required for the full paper.
To download the writing template for an Abstract | Click here |
To download the writing template for a full-length paper | Click here |
Abstract and full paper submission instructions | Click here |
The best papers will be selected and excluded from publication in the proceedings. The plan is to publish these papers in special issues or topical collections in Springer journals.
Inspections and Final Approval of Full Papers:
The full papers will get a final inspection, both, scientifically and linguistically. There will be a final rigorous review process of full papers following the previous process according to the following criteria:
(1) Is the topic relevant to the conference and its proceedings / special issues?
(2) Are the writing and structure clear?
(3) Are graphics, photos, illustrations of high quality and used where needed?
(4) Are the aims of the study clearly stated?
(5) Are the objectives of the study achieved?
(6) Is the literature review relevant and adequate?
(7) Has the author used the appropriate methodology and explained them clearly?
(8) Has the author interpreted the findings correctly?
(9) Is the paper a significant contribution to the field?
These are the registration and revision procedures for publication that all authors should follow.
Papers will be published in the proceedings in ASTI book series by Springer before 30 June.
Each paper accepted in a special issue will appear online shortly after finishing the proofreading process by Springer, i.e. without waiting for all other special issue papers to be finalized by their authors.
- IEREK provides you the English Review service; where we will be responsible for the language review process of your paper. This service will get your paper revised in terms of grammar, punctuation, and language structure; without changing the scientific content.
- This service will ensure you have the perfect language structure, to get your perfect paper published. This will help you increase the number of citations and make it easier for others access the information provided in your paper.
Fees for the editing process:
Paper Pages | Papers 4-5 pages long | Papers 8-12 pages long |
Editing fees | 80$ | 150$ |
If you are interested in getting this service, please email us your paper on: [email protected]
- We have an unyielding policy regarding plagiarism. We believe that copying/taking the ideas and work of other authors without permission and credit is fraudulent.
- The reviewing committee have the authority to reject a paper during its reviewing process, on the basis of the paper being subjected to either minor or major plagiarism.
- Duplicating any content, even if it is one sentence or one table without the consent of its original author, will lead to the paper’s refusal upon the complaint of the plagiarism victim.
Grand Nile Tower (Grand Hayat), Cairo
Address: Corniche El Nil, Garden City, Cairo, Egypt.
Please note that the conference fees does not include accomodation.
Please see the following table for the hotel names and prices for 1 night bed and breakfast single bedroom.
Hotel Name | Stars | Price in USD |
Grand Nile Towers (Conference Venue) | ***** | $133 |
Hilton Ramsees Hotel | ***** | $150 |
Conrad Hotel | ***** | $170 |
Novotal El Borg Hotel | **** | $100 |
Golden Toilp Flamenco ElZamalik Hotel | *** | $79 |
Farimon Nil City Hotel | ***** | $230 |
Stigenberger Hotel | *** | $80 |
Please contact [email protected] for more information regarding accomodation payment.
Hotel Name | Stars | Price in EGP |
Grand Nile Towers (Conference Venue) | ***** | 1400 |
Hilton Ramsees Hotel | ***** | 900 |
Conrad Hotel | ***** | 1900 |
Novotal El Borg Hotel | **** | 900 |
Golden Toilp Flamenco ElZamalik Hotel | *** | 750 |
Farimon Nil City Hotel | ***** | 2800 |
Stigenberger Hotel | *** | 1000 |
Egypt is a spectacularly beautiful country filled with cultural gems. A country will be lucky enough to experience and check off your bucket list. Cairo is the capital of Egypt and the largest city in Africa, with a name that means "the victorious city." It is located on both banks of the River Nile near the head of the river's delta in northern Egypt and has been settled for more than 6,000 years, serving as the capital of numerous Egyptian kingdoms. Cairo is known locally as "Misr," which is the Arabic name for Egypt, because of its centrality to Egyptian life.
Visiting the most ancient of the Seven Wonders of the World (and the only wonder that survived the ages) should be on every bucket list. For me, it certainly was a dream come true.
you really have to visit the Sphinx as well. It marks the entrance to an ancient mortuary temple and many myths are told about its construction. Some claim it’s over 10,000 years old, while others believe it was built by the Pharao of the second pyramid, Khafra, around 2,500 BC. As I am no Egyptologist, I stuck to admiring the ancient landmark.
There is no place in the world where you will find more artifacts from ancient Egypt than in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Located right on the famous Tahrir Square the colonial building houses the golden hoard from the tomb of Tutankhamun and so many other old Egyptian artifacts.
There is no finer place to go shopping than the Khan el-Kahlili district in the historic center of Islamic Cairo. It is not only incredibly pretty with all its mosques and ancient arches, it’s also a buzzing area with souvenir shops, restaurants, street cafes and quite a history. For me, it’s one of the most fun things to do in Cairo at night.
Considerably younger, but still a must-see in Cairo is the Cairo Citadel sitting on the hills on the east side of the Nile. It once served as a fortress and now houses a couple of beautiful mosques and the National Military Museum of Egypt.
our first and foremost reason to go there should be visiting the Mosque of Muhammad Ali (not the boxer!) or Alabaster Mosque how it is often called. It’s the grandest sacred building in the city and quite the iconic sight.
- For participants who need an entry visa to Egypt, an invitation letter will be sent on 5 October 2019 to the applicants who will be accepted to present at our conference. Attendees without a presentation will also receive an invitation letter after they register their names online.
- Please notice that we will endeavor to assist you in obtaining a visa but the responsibility is yours and the decision rests solely with the appropriate Embassy
- Documents to be issued to acquire a visa are as follows:
We encourage all authors and attendees to ensure acquiring all documents (those applicable) mentioned.
Conference Audience
The Conference brings together public sector, policy makers, local authorities, SMEs, companies, NGOs and entrepreneurs, academic institutions, including universities, research centers, and publishers.
On other hand, representatives of regional and international universities, companies and associations will attend the conference.
Key components of the sponsorship packages available at FNSSA 2019 are the active marketing and branding opportunities for both your company and the products you promote - these are detailed in the accompanying Sponsorship Benefits Grid.
* All prices are in USD or the equivalent in any currency.
To apply for sponsorship please email the completed form with your company's artwork to: [email protected] or [email protected]
We invite you to be part of this event and hereby offer you the opportunity to become an exhibitor at FNSSA 2019. Exhibitions are more about relationship-building than selling a product; they are the most explicit form of direct marketing.
Exhibitions have a number of advantages over other media. They are powerful tools for:
- Bringing your customers and most active prospects to you
- Allowing you to meet your market face-to-face
- Allowing you to demonstrate products, answer questions and overcome objections
- Using all five senses to communicate a message
- Representing the marketplace in one place and time, bringing together suppliers, buyers, purchase influencers, consultants and media
Exhibition Opportunities:
A. Single Stand (3m x 2m) |
$1500 |
B. Double Stand (5m x 2m) |
$2000 |
C. Triple Stand (6m x 2m) |
$2500 |
* All prices are in USD or the equivalent in any currency.
Payment information:
You will receive an invoice by Arab Academy for science, Technology and Maritime Transport.
To book your sponsorship to our event conference, please send the sponsorship form to: [email protected] or [email protected]
You will then receive an e-mail confirming your reservation, the related invoice, and all information needed to proceed with payment. Your booking will be final only upon receipt of payment of the invoice.
Sustainable Urban and Community development Institute
To participate from China, please contact IEREK's chinese representative:
Rachel Meng
Tel: +86 (0) 1059105326
Email: [email protected]
IEREK is an official partner of IFGICT membership numberAG05082Z18
Prof. Dr. Alaa Abdelbary
Vice President for Post Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport
Dr. Khaled Elsaadany
Coordinator of Agro-food Industries Alliance
Scientific Committee Coordinator
Sara Youssef
Conference Coordinator
[email protected]
(+2) 03 5763828 | (+2) 02 33037810
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