Gis Certificate Levels
GIS RESEARCHER Certificate Level
Duration: 72 Hours
Prerequisite: General knowledge of Windows and Microsoft Office
Contents: Based on international standards, this course qualifies students as GIS Researchers. The certificate comprises of two sub modules; Mapping and Cartography and Basic Vector Analysis and Layout. By achieving this certificate, from a theoretical standpoint, students will grasp the concepts and enrich their knowledge on the different applications of GIS in multidisciplinary fields and how GIS is used to support decision-making. By the end of this course, technically using AutoCAD and ArcGIS, students will be able to create and edit spatial data along with its attributes, present their maps professionally, and make different kind of basic vector based analysis and queries needed for decision-making.
GIS SPECIALIST Certificate Level
Duration: 72 Hours
Prerequisite: The GIS Researcher Certificate
Contents: Based on international standards, this course qualifies students as GIS Specialists. The certificate comprises of two sub modules entitled Geodatabase Design and Geodatabase Applications. By achieving this certificate, students will get acquainted with main concepts and definitions of geodatabases with empathizing on how to build a geodatabase using personal or file geodatabases, feature classes, domains and subtypes along with geographic relationships and topographies. Moreover, through hands-on experience, students will learn how to do routing and navigation through Network Analyst. Validating infrastructure systems will also be taught through Geometric Networks. By the end of this course, after the hands on experience, students will be able to be initiate, handle and be completely in charge of GIS real life projects.
GIS ANALYST Certificate Level
Duration: 72 Hours
Prerequisite: The GIS Specialist Certificate
Contents: Based on international standards, this course qualifies students as GIS Analysts. Comprised of two sub modules entitled Remote Sensing and Raster Analysis and Advanced Vector and Raster Analysis. By achieving this certificate, students will learn the fundamentals of remote sensing and will be able to model and solve spatial problems through conducting supervised and unsupervised classifications and through learning how to create digital elevation models and consequently conducting different basic and advanced surface raster analyses in addition to advanced vector analysis. Furthermore, students will also learn how to manage spatial data in 3D formats to create 3D models and animations to effectively visualize and present their work.
GIS DEVELOPER Certificate Level
Duration: To be determined
Prerequisite: The GIS Analyst Certificate
Contents: Based on international standards, this course qualifies students as GIS Developers. By the end of this course, students will be able to develop Desktop and Web applications related to GIS. The Course might also extend to accommodate IOS and Android GIS applications on handheld devices. The notion of this certificate arose due to the increasing market demand on programing and coding to deliver IT solutions that enable proper management of businesses.