Geographic Perspectives on Climate Change Mitigation in Urban and Rural Environments
Geographic Perspectives on Climate Change Mitigation in Urban and Rural Environments

Conference Overview

ASTI Scopus-Indexed Book Series

  • 25, Jun / 27, Jun 2024
  • In Collaboration with University of Salento, Italy.
Conference Email
[email protected]

The first edition of the International Conference on “Geographic Perspectives on Climate Change Mitigation in Urban and Rural Environments” was held at the University of Salento, Italy as the main host. The conference took place physically and virtually from the 25th of June till the 27th of June 2024, including attendees from all corners of the world.

This conference aim was to disseminate knowledge and enhance the research community. IEREK invited all interested environmentalists, and university students from all over the world to discuss and elaborate on topics about climatic mitigation in urban and rural environments, specifically in a geographic context. The conference covered a wide array of topics that pertained to sustainable development. Some of the main topics that were discussed include:

  1. Applications of Climatology in Urbanism
  2. The Role of Geography in Climate Change Mitigation
  3. Wind Energy Resource Assessment and Optimization
  4. Meteorology and Disaster Prevention in Urban and Rural Environments
  5. Urban Planning and Climate Change Mitigation
  6. Rural Land Use and Climate Change Mitigation
  7. Geography Mapping and Innovative Systems for Rural Fragmentation Protection
  8. Food Crisis in Climate Change phenomenon
  9. Heritage Conservation with Climate Change Hazards
  10. Sustainable Transportation and Transit Systems
  11. Climatic Impacts and Response Methods in Rural Environments
  12. Environmental Impacts on Human Geography and Culture
  13. Sustainable Governmental Policy and Leadership

Day 1:

Welcoming Session:

The Opening Ceremony started with registration and welcoming speeches from the Chancellor of the University of Salento, Prof. Fabio Pollice, and Dr. Hind Al-Shoubaki Institute Social Planning, Organizational Change and Urban Development the University of Applied Science FHNW, Switzerland, and IEREK’s founder, Dr. Mourad Amer.

Following the speeches, a brief presentation was given that introduced IEREK and its activities to the audience.

Following the session, and the welcoming notes lunch break started.

Plenary sessions:

A plenary session followed introducing the keynote speakers Egidio Dansero Full Professor of Political and Economic Geography at the University of Turin and Vice-Rector for Sustainability and Development Cooperation, and Massimo De Marchi Associate Professor of Geography at the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Padua.

Following the keynote speeches, parallel sessions 1 and 2 started right away.

The First Session of the conference titled “Urban Climate Dynamics: Insights and Adaptations” was moderated by Valentina Albanese and Giovanna Zavettieri.

The Second Session of the conference titled “Ecological Insights and Ecosystems in Climate Change” was moderated by Patrizia Miggiano and Sara Nocco.

As the sessions went on, multiple authors presented their research in person and online, taking questions from the audience, and answering them as best they could.

After the discussions and Q&A, the first conference day ended with a Panel session where final remarks and feedback were discussed.

Day 2:

Welcoming Session:

The second day started with registrations and then the welcome speech by our keynote speaker Teresa Amodio, Full Professor of Political and Economic Geography at the University of Salerno and Vice-Rector for Third Mission – Social Impact, Antonella Ambrosino PhD student in “Risk and Sustainability in civil, architectural and environmental engineering systems at the University of Salerno, Lucrezia Lopez, Ph.D. in Geography (University of Santiago de Compostela, 2012) an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography at the USC and Piero Lionello, Full professor of Atmospheric Physics and Oceanography, director of the Museum of the Environment at the University of Salento.

Following the keynote speech, parallel sessions 3 and 4 started right away.

The Third Session of the conference titled “Urban Planning, Architectural Design, and Heritage Management in Climate Mitigation” was moderated by Gustavo D'Aversa and Federica Epifani.

The Fourth Session of the conference titled “Innovative Approaches to Sustainable Urban Development, Climate Mitigation, and Policy Integration” was moderated by Cristina Baglivo and Piero Lionello.

As the sessions went on, multiple authors presented their research in person and online, taking questions from the audience, and answering them as best they could.

After a discussion and a Questions and Answers session, the second conference day ended with a Panel session where final remarks and feedback were discussed.

Day 3:

Welcoming Session:

On the final day of the GCUE 2024, the third day began with registrations and then a welcome speech by our keynote speaker Giuseppina Padeletti, Research Director at the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) Institute for the Study of Nanostructured Materials (ISMN-CNR) and Marco Grasso, Professor of Political Geography at the University of Milano-Bicocca.

Following the keynote speech, the last session took place.

The fifth Session of the conference titled “Climate Resilience: Innovations in Hazard Management” was moderated by Valentina Albanese and Federica Epifani.

Wrapping up, a final remarks session and a closing ceremony were held.


Breaking News: Highlights from "Geographic Perspectives on Climate Change Mitigation in Urban and Rural Environments” conference! Click Here

The field of geographic sciences takes many forms and has been continuously evolving over the years. Physical geography specifically deals with aspects of climate, weather, wind currents, and aquatic movements. A subfield of physical geography is the field of climatology. As a recently established field under the umbrella of geographic sciences, climatology aims to address the continuous damage mankind is inflicting upon the earth’s natural atmosphere, weather, and climate by studying its causes, effects, and practical mitigation techniques.

Developments in the field are becoming increasingly needed by the day, as the devastating effects of climate change take hold, and are unleashed upon cities, and human settlements. The biggest offender that contributes to the threat of climate change is the consumption of fossil fuels and other non-renewable resources of energy, namely to meet the rising demand for energy in urban environments. In pursuit of technological advancement, economic prowess, and global success, many cities have turned a blind eye to the harmful effects of unsustainable practices in urban development. These practices cost the world, and the cities, their respective livability, habitability, and continuity. They are short-term solutions to long-term problems.

While the spotlight is often shed on urban environments when it comes to the discussion of climate change, the environment that takes on the brunt of climate change’s detriments is the rural counterpart. Isolated from the interconnected network of cities, rural areas suffer the most due to physical isolation, limited access to infrastructural services, economic stagnation, and a reliance on natural habitats and environments such as rivers, lakes, fertile land, and wildlife. The sustainability of natural habitats and ecological structures is of utmost importance for the flourishing of rural environments, and climate change poses a direct threat to them. The livelihoods of people in rural areas are in danger due to climate change, which causes degradation of coastal areas effectively inhibiting fishing activities, floods and droughts that limit agricultural developments, and so on.

Geographers and climatologists have been sounding the alarm about climate change for several years, presenting undeniable evidence of mankind’s undue influence on the climate, marine and land life, as well as the topography of Earth’s crust. Urban environments are the locus of discussion when it comes to climate change mitigation, due to housing a vast majority of humanity’s population, and the requirements of meeting the demands of a dense population. Perhaps furthering the detrimental effects of climate change, the degradation of rural areas causes migration waves to urban environments, further exacerbating climate-impacting activities, and hindering adaptation capabilities in rural environments. Sustainable techniques that aim to lessen the acceleration of climate change include shifting away from automobile dependence, the inclusion of green public spaces, incorporating energy-saving techniques in cities, and the utilization of renewable energy.

The first international conference on “Geographic Perspectives on Climate Change Mitigation in Urban and Rural Environments” will highlight advancements and innovations in geography and climatology, and their role in climate change mitigation and adaptation techniques in urban and rural environments.


The first edition of the Geographic Perspectives on Climate Change Mitigation in Urban and Rural Environments conference aims to discuss and elaborate on topics pertaining to climatic mitigation in urban and rural environments in nations and cities, specifically in a geographic context. These geographic contexts include Hydrology, Climatology, Digital Geography, and more. The conference will aggregate research that innovates and disseminates upon topics pertaining to climatic mitigation in urban and rural environments, weather forecasting, atmospheric pollution, governmental policies affecting climate change, geographic cultural shifts due to climate change, sustainable transit systems, and more.

Statement of Purpose

The first edition of the Geographic Perspectives on Climate Change Mitigation in Urban and Rural Environments conference will raise awareness of the impacts of climate change on rural and urban environments. Not only does the conference aim to shed light on this critical issue, it looks to seek out geographic solutions to this problem, discussing the contribution of hydrology, climatology, geomorphology, and many more fields of geography to this ever-emerging problem.


Highlights on "Geographic Perspectives on Climate Change Mitigation in Urban and Rural Environments” conference!

IEREK exerts efforts in continuous pursuit of your utmost satisfaction, the CEO has recently been to Lecce, Italy, for a meeting with Professor Fabio Pollice, the chair of the "Geographic Perspectives on Climate Change Mitigation in Urban and Rural Environments" conference. Professor Fabio Pollice also serves as the Rector of Salento University. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss strategies to enhance the overall experience for conference attendees.

During the meeting, it was decided to:

- Engage prominent institutions and geographical societies to participate in the conference, aiming to maximize the benefits for all involved.
-Professor Fabio Pollice took the initiative to use the Castello Carlo V for the opening session venue. This magnificent castle, constructed in the 12th century AD, provides a captivating setting for our event.
-Monastero Degli Olivetani is secured as the venue for the parallel sessions. The Monastero, built between 1171 and 1174 AD, offers a serene and historically rich environment for our conference.                                                                
We are truly excited about these arrangements, as they will undoubtedly contribute to the success of the conference and create a memorable experience for all participants. To accommodate the inclusion of these institutions and secure the booking of these remarkable buildings, the university Rector has proposed extending the conference dates to June 25-27, 2024. Consequently, the deadline for abstract submission has been extended to February 29, 2024.

Publication Information:

Volume 1: Pre-conference publication:

For authors who have submitted their full papers, the publication process and peer review will commence this week for (Volume 1). As long as authors promptly respond to the editors' comments and revisions, their publications will be available online before the conference.

Authors who have submitted abstracts or new applicants will also have the opportunity to publish in Volume 1 by the deadline of December 15th.

Volume 2: Post-conference publication:

This volume will include the remaining papers from the conference, as well as any new papers that may be received in May. We strongly encourage authors to promptly address any comments provided by the editors, we kindly request that you submit them before April 30, 2024.

We hope these adjustments provide ample time for authors to prepare their submissions and contribute to the success of the conference. If you have any further inquiries or require additional information, please feel free to contact us.

Conference Topics
  • 1. Applications of Climatology in Urbanism

    1.1. Climatic Factors Influencing Urban Planning and Development

    1.2. Urban Mapping for Environmental Spatial Data Analysis, Monitoring and Assessment

    1.3. Satellite Imaging and Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Effects, monitoring land cover changes

    1.4. Effect of Weather Variability on Agriculture & Vegetation in Cities

    1.5. Urban wind patterns and airflow modeling

    1.6. Mitigation of the Urban Heat Island Effect

    1.7. Urban stormwater management and Urban flooding and drainage systems

  • 2. The Role of Geography in Climate Change Mitigation

    2.1. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Climate Mitigation Planning

    2.2. Spatial Analysis and Mapping of Climate Change Impacts

    2.3. Geographical Factors Influencing Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience

    2.4. Coastal vulnerability and sea-level rise

    2.5. Mountainous regions and climate change impacts

    2.6. Regional Disparities in Climate Change Mitigation Efforts

    2.7. Geographical Considerations in Renewable Energy Deployment and Resource Assessment

  • 3. Wind Energy Resource Assessment and Optimization

    3.1. Geographic Mapping, wind atlas development, and modelling of Wind Energy Potential

    3.2. Wind climate analysis and modeling and characterization

    3.3. Site Selection for Wind Farms Using Geographical Factors

    3.4. Land use compatibility and wind farm siting

    3.5. Environmental impact assessment for wind energy projects

    3.6. Wind Resource Assessment Techniques and Data Collection

    3.7. Wind turbine layout optimization considering geographic constraints

  • 4. Meteorology and Disaster Prevention in Urban and Rural Environments

    4.1. Climate Disaster Forecasting and Early Warning Systems

    4.2. Monitoring Atmospheric Pollution and Particulate Matter Concentration in Cities

    4.3. Innovations in Emergency Response and Warning Tools for Climate Disasters

    4.4. Forestry and Agriculture to Mitigate Climate Change in Urban and Rural Areas

    4.5. Climate-smart agriculture and sustainable land management

    4.6. Integration of Meteorological and Innovative Geographical Approaches to Forecasting Systems

    4.7. Decision Support Systems for Climate Disaster Preparedness and Response

    4.8. Geospatial decision support tools for disaster management

  • 5. Urban Planning and Climate Change Mitigation

    5.1. Sustainable Urban Design Principles: Urban green spaces and parks

    5.2. Compact and mixed-use urban development

    5.3. Low-Carbon Transportation Systems

    5.4. Green Infrastructure and Urban Forestry

    5.5. Stormwater management through green infrastructure

    5.6. Urban Heat Island Mitigation Strategies: greening for temperature reduction

    5.7. Energy-Efficient: Passive design strategies for energy efficiency

    5.8. Waste Management and Recycling Initiatives

  • 6. Rural Land Use and Climate Change Mitigation

    6.1. Sustainable Agriculture and Land Management Practices

    6.2. Precision agriculture and smart farming techniques

    6.3. Forest Conservation and Reforestation Efforts

    6.4. Agroforestry and carbon farming practices

    6.5. Off-grid and decentralized renewable energy systems

    6.6. Bioenergy and biomass utilization in rural contexts

    6.7. Sustainable water resource management

    6.8. Biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services

  • 7. Geography Mapping and Innovative Systems for Rural Fragmentation Protection

    7.1. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Rural Land-Use Planning

    7.2. Identifying and quantifying rural fragmentation patterns

    7.3. Assessing the ecological and socio-economic vulnerability of rural areas

    7.4. Geospatial Tools for Monitoring and Managing Rural Development

    7.5. Landscape Connectivity Analysis for Preserving Ecological Corridors

    7.6. Conservation strategies for maintaining ecological corridors

    7.7. Innovative Planning Approaches for Rural Land Conservation and Protection

  • 8. Food Crisis in Climate Change phenomenon

    8.1. Impact of climate change on agricultural productivity

    8.2. Changing patterns of food production and consumption

    8.3. Vulnerability of small-scale farmers to climate change

    8.4. Strategies for climate-resilient agriculture

    8.5. Urban agriculture as a solution to food insecurity

    8.6. Sustainable food systems and climate change mitigation

    8.7. Policy interventions for sustainable food production and climate adaptation

  • 9. Heritage Conservation with Climate Change Hazards

    9.1. Vulnerability of cultural heritage sites to climate change

    9.2. Climate change adaptation strategies for heritage conservation

    9.3. Integrating climate change considerations into heritage management plans

    9.4. Community engagement and participation in heritage conservation

    9.5. Role of technology in assessing and monitoring climate change impacts on heritage

    9.6. Funding mechanisms for climate-resilient heritage conservation

    9.7. Balancing conservation and development in the context of climate change

  • 10. Sustainable Transportation and Transit Systems

    10.1. Minimizing the Carbon Footprint of Urban Transportation Systems

    10.2. Utilization of Geographic Data and GIS in Transit System Design

    10.3. Shifting Away from Automobile Reliance: Active Transportation and Non-Motorized Modes

    10.4. Designing Pathways and Pedestrian-Centric Urban Environments of the City

    10.5. Intelligent Transportation Systems and Sustainable Urban Transportation Planning

    10.6. Integrating Electric Vehicles into Urban Transportation Systems

    10.7. Promoting Public Transport and Mass Transit Solutions

    10.8. Enhancing Bike Infrastructure and Bike-Sharing Programs

  • 11. Climatic Impacts and Response Methods in Rural Environments

    11.1 Geographic Obstacles Hindering Rural Areas’ Climatic Adaptation

    11.2. Rural to Urban Migration and Social Geographic Shifts as a Result of Climate Change

    11.3. Climatology within a Rural Context

    11.4. Ecological Geographic Shifts and Natural Habitat Destruction in Rural Areas due to Climate Change

    11.5. Rural Economies’ Influence on Climatic Adaptation

    11.6. Governmental Policies, and NGO’s Influence on Rural Climatic Adaptation

  • 12. Environmental Impacts on Human Geography and Culture

    12.1. Cultural Habits and Their Environmental Effects

    12.2. Social Norms’ Contributions to Climate Change Mitigation

    12.3. Reciprocal Environmental Relation Establishment

    12.4. Revitalization of Green Public Spaces and Livability in Cities

    12.5. Integration of Greenery in Urban Development

    12.6. Creative Expression and Media for Promoting Climate Change Awareness

  • 13. Sustainable Governmental Policy and Leadership

    13.1. Governmental Influence Towards Carbon Neutrality in Cities

    13.2. Implementation of Sustainable Energy Infrastructures and Networks

    13.3. Geographic Measurement, Assessment, and Analysis Tools and Design Methods

    13.4. Data-driven Green Policy and Decision-making

    13.5. Food Policies in Urban Space

Important Dates
Title Date
Abstract Submission Deadline (Final Round) 29 Feb 2024
Letter of Visa (for delegates who need visa entry) *payment required 30 March 2024
Last Notification for Abstract Acceptance & Approval to present 15 March 2024
Start Payment Date 01 Nov 2023
End Payment Date 30 April 2024
Extended Abstract / Short Paper Submission Deadline 15 April 2024
Notification of acceptance/ rejection of submitted extended abstract/ short paper 20 April 2024
Conference Program 25 May 2024
Conference Launch 25 Jun 2024


Registration & Fees

A. Physical Attendance

Type of Registration ASTI Book by Springer Scopus indexed Open Access IEREK press Journals Co-author/ Audience Payment Deadline
Student 300 € 250 € 150 €


30 April 2024

Academic 350 € 300 € 200 €
Professional 400 € 350 € 200 €
  • The Confirmation/Payment Completion period will take place from 01 November 2023 to 30 April 2024.
  • The registration fee does not cover accommodation or travel expenses. A list of accommodation options can only be suggested by our team if available. Contact [email protected] to inquire.

The physical fee covers:

  • The conference Kit inclusive of: a softcopy of the abstracts book on a USB/CD, Conference notebook, IEREK pen, Conference Flyers/ Printouts.

  • IEREK Participation/ Contribution Certificate

  • Preliminary Acceptance Letters

  • Consideration for publishing in the IEREK ASTI series by Springer or IEREK Press

  • Lunches and Coffee Breaks

  • If multiple abstracts are submitted by the same first author submitted to the conference, a 25% discount is applied to each additional submission.

  • Each research paper should have one main author who should pay the full fee (Author fees) regardless of attendance. Co-authors, each, have their own fees to pay to attend the event. This applies to online attendance as well as physical attendance.

  • A research paper fee allows only one author, whether main or co-author, to attend the conference and receive only one copy of the conference Abstract book in both hard and soft copies. Extras can be requested for an additional fee.

  • Professionals are categorized as participants who are not affiliated with universities such as practitioners, policymakers, entrepreneurs etc.

  • Students must provide proof of enrollment in a university by providing an enrollment certificate or a valid university ID (with issue/ expiry date) etc.

  • Additionally, you have the option to present your submitted abstract as a presentation without the intention of publishing your work, for information about the fees and additional details, please feel free to get in touch with us at: [email protected].

B. Online Attendance

Type of Registration ASTI Book by Springer Scopus indexed Open Access IEREK press Journals Co-author/ Audience Payment Deadline
Student 250 € 200 € 50 €


30 April 2024

Academic 300 € 250 € 100 €
Professional 350 € 300 € 100 €
The online fee covers:
  • A softcopy of the abstracts book and/ or hard copy (excluding shipping)

  • IEREK Participation/ Contribution Certificate in softcopy

  • Acceptance Letters in softcopy

  • Consideration for publishing in the IEREK ASTI series by Springer or IEREK Press

  • Access to conference recordings

C. Extra Fees

*Authors may request that their kits be delivered, for an additional fee decided by the courier, and upon request. Alternatively, authors located in Egypt can pick them up from Cairo/ Alexandria office.

Additional Conference Kit (Excluding Delivery) *Contact us for a quotation on shipping fees.   

100 €

Loyalty Membership Discounts

The more you attend, the more you're rewarded! 
IEREK offers its loyal participants with the following discounts depending on his/her attendance: 











*The aforementioned discounts are only applicable during Regular and Late Payment times. For more information, please refer to 'Important Dates'.

Payment Methods

 Payment of the registration fee can be made via the following methods (only after online registration):

1. Bank transfer 

Kindly send a request to the conference coordinator/ email and CC [email protected] to receive bank details to complete the payment.

2. Online payment gateway (PayPal)

Participants who would like to complete their payments online must send a request to the conference coordinator/ email and CC [email protected] to receive a customized link to complete their payments.

3. Cash in IEREK branches

Payment in person can be arranged. Please contact the conference coordinator/ Email to receive further information.

Payment Terms and Guidelines:

  • Read more on Important Dates. For information on payment dates, kindly send a request to the conference coordinator/email and CC [email protected] to receive payment details to complete the payment.

  • Authors who have registered and completed payment for virtual attendance CAN request a change to physical attendance. However, a change from physical to virtual is NOT possible.

  • After online registration and payment, the registration fee cannot be reimbursed.

  • Final Acceptance/ rejection of your full/ extended paper (if submitted) can only be given after the peer review process.

  • Inclusion in the conference program, acceptance letters issuance and consideration for publication must be preceded by registration and payment completion.

  • Online Payment (only) should only be completed once a proforma invoice is issued with respective instructions for successful payment.

  • Contact our Financial Department for inquiries/ requests.

Publishing Opportunities

All accepted submissions to the conference, after a rigorous double-blinded peer-review process by the respective and a highly-extinguished Editorial Board, will be published in one of the following:

  • Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation (ASTI), an IEREK Interdisciplinary book series published by Springer Nature. (Scopus indexed)  

About ASTI

Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (ASTI) is a series of peer-reviewed books based on important emerging research that redefines the current disciplinary boundaries in science, technology and innovation (STI) in order to develop integrated concepts for sustainable development. It not only discusses the progress made towards securing more resources, allocating smarter solutions, and rebalancing the relationship between nature and people, but also provides in-depth insights from comprehensive research that addresses the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) as set out by the UN for 2030.

The series draws on the best research papers from various IEREK and other international conferences to promote the creation and development of viable solutions for a sustainable future and a positive societal transformation with the help of integrated and innovative science-based approaches. Including interdisciplinary contributions, it presents innovative approaches and highlights how they can best support both economic and sustainable development, through better use of data, more effective institutions, and global, local and individual action, for the welfare of all societies. The series particularly features conceptual and empirical contributions from various interrelated fields of science, technology and innovation, with an emphasis on digital transformation, that focus on providing practical solutions to ensure food, water and energy security to achieve the SDGs. It also presents new case studies offering concrete examples of how to resolve sustainable urbanization and environmental issues in different regions of the world. Read More.

The ASTI series is fully indexed in Scopus and any chapter/ paper published as part of this series will be seen on the Scopus database. Some titles have been successfully indexed or submitted for indexation in the Web of Science (ISI).


      • IEREK Press Journals, a multidisciplinary publisher that aims to cultivate and disseminate research.

Environmental Science & Sustainable Development (ESSD)

ESSD is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal that aims to systematically develop the research-driven curiosity and evidence-based discourse of aspiring scholars that seek to contribute to the academic community. As the world is currently living in an age of information where sources are widely available on the Internet, we at ESSD seek to efficiently utilize the available information to help create robust and evidence-based knowledge. In the process, we offer researchers, in general, and young and aspiring ones in particular a quicker way to get their work published and gain exposure through online open access. We pride ourselves on getting submitted work to be published quickly, through the use of our worldwide pool of subject specialist peer reviewers. Find out more about ESSD International Journal here.


The Academic Research Community Publication (ARChive)

ARChive is an open-access journal that publishes conference proceedings on a wide range of topics relating to social sciences. Consequently, it accepts original research papers on a wide spectrum of subjects. ARChive is a journal published on behalf of researchers that perpetually make an effort to contribute to their fields and provide them with high visibility of research submitted. The series publishes, both, theoretical and experimental high-quality papers of current and perpetual interest. It serves to cultivate, propagate, and essentially archive academic research that has been authored and submitted for academic conferences.

Find out more about ARChive International Journal here.


Proceedings of Science and Technology (Resourceedings)

Resourceedings is an open access journal that publishes conference proceedings. Conference proceedings compromise of different disciplines, ranging from Engineering including built environments, architecture, and sustainability. Disciplines also include Technology and Energy. Resourceedings is a journal that publishes research articles that shed light on different crucial issues in order to provide them with solutions and suggestions. The journal publishes articles submitted by researchers of interest in different fields.

Find out more about Resourceedings International Journal here.


BAHETH International Journal - Arabian Researchers Database (Arabic Papers only)

“BAHETH” in Architecture, Engineering, and Technology, is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original academic research in the fields of Architecture, Engineering, and Technology. The journal welcomes research in the Arabic Language with an English Abstract. Papers submitted to this journal in Arabic must be presented in the English Language in the conference.

Find out more about BAHETH International Journal here.

Participants’ Instructions

Participants’ Instructions


To help the organizers plan for inter-disciplinary dialogue, participants are requested to choose from the conference themes/ Topics upon registration.

They must also refer to, and abide by, the following instructions in registering and/ or submitting their contributions:

NOTE: If you are contributing as an Author of a submitted abstract (for publishing consideration and/or presentation), and regardless of attendance, the fee for the registration is the same. See and Registration & Fees for more information.

Types of Participation

1. Attend/ Present in-person or Online and Publish in indexed Conference proceedings

The conference offers a Physical attendance option for your convenience. That said, participants will have a chance to present their abstract/research, on campus, and have their work considered for publication in the ASTI Series by Springer as part of the conference proceedings.

See Author Instructions and Registration & Fees for more information.

2. Registration to publish in the proceedings without presenting/ attending

If your full paper is accepted, it may be published in the conference proceedings book in the Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation Book Series by Springer (indexed in Scopus) even if you are not attending the conference. In this case, the accepted work will not be included in the final conference program. See Author Instructions and Publishing Opportunities for more information.

3. Non-presenting participant

Non-presenting participants may also wish to attend the conference as Audience Members or Co-authors contributing to an already submitted abstract/ paper. See Registration & Fees for more information.

Notes to consider:
Attendance online and in-person are possible upon confirmation with the conference secretariat/ coordinator at [email protected] and following Registration & Fees covered.

* The participation fee is uninform for all options presented above.

* For participants wishing to attend in-person, a visa invitation letter will be provided upon request, for which case a copy of your passport will be required. The invitation letter can only be provided after acceptance and full payment.

* Before planning your trip, be sure to check travel restrictions to the conference’s hosting country. Visit travel information and restrictions, and send in your questions if you have any to the conference coordinator at the email [email protected]

Authors' Instructions

IEREK has an unyielding policy regarding plagiarism. We believe that copying/taking the ideas and work of other Authors without permission and credit is fraudulent. The Reviewing committee and IEREK employees have the authority to reject a paper during its reviewing process, based on the paper being subjected to either minor or major plagiarism.

Authors must refer to, and abide by, the following instructions in submitting their abstracts/ papers:

Step 1: Abstract Submission Process

  • The author should prepare and submit an Abstract of at least 150 – 300 words through the website.
  • The abstract should be concise and clearly state the proposed research study's purpose, results, and conclusions.
  • The author should select the most relevant topic for the paper from the corresponding conference topics.
  • The author can use/download an Abstract Writing Template prior to submission
  • To submit your abstract, you first need to (1) click on the “Register” button on the conference page, (2) click on “Submit Now” and:
    • Select the Topic in which you are making the submission
    • Insert the title of your study in the "Paper Title" section
    • Insert the full abstract in the "Abstract" section/upload a file in the .pdf, .doc, .docm, or .docx format
    • Add in writing 3 – 5 keywords that define the field, subfield, topic, and research area covered by the article to help other researchers understand and find your work.
    • Provide the names, affiliations, and E-mails of all authors/ co-authors involved
    • Confirm your submission by ticking having read the instructions and “submit Abstract”

Step 2.1: Abstract Acceptance

  • After acceptance of your abstract of at least (150 – 300 words), you will receive a proforma invoice and specific instructions to complete the payment online or by bank transfer (See Registration & Fees) to confirm your participation,
  • Once your abstract has been accepted, please refer to the important dates tab and carefully review the announced dates to avoid late payment, as late payment comes at an extra charge (early bird/regular/late).
  • After successfully completing payment, you will be issued upon request with the following:
    • A signed/ stamped abstract acceptance letter
    • Please note that acceptance of participation, abstract submission, and extended abstract/short paper submissions all have different deadlines. To stay up to date and avoid paying extra fees, or delaying your paper, please carefully review the important dates tab.
    • Receipt of Payment/ Payment Invoice
    • Visa Invitation Letter, if needed
  • After abstract acceptance, you may be given the option to extend the abstract to publish your work in the conference proceedings in ASTI published by Springer Nature (indexed in Scopus/SCImago) (optional not obligatory).

    This is not a prerequisite for presenting your work at the conference. Meaning, you can present your submitted abstract without intending to publish your work.

Step 2.2: Abstract Extension / Short Paper (Optional)

  • Your short paper / extended abstract should be 4 – 6 pages long and submitted before the paper submission deadline, in English, and fit within one of the conference topics.
  • The Extended abstract i.e., the short paper should follow the research paper structure as follows: Abstract (+keywords), Introduction, problem statement, and study aim, Review of the Literature, Methodology, results and conclusion/ discussion, References list using the Paper Writing Template.
  • The submission (short paper i.e. extended abstract) should be made following the same procedure followed for the abstract or sent to the conference email.
  • Here: Authors may need more pages than the allotted maximum of 6 to insert figures, tables, appendixes, etc. In this case, they can submit regular papers (max. 12 pages) with the same fixed fee. For a detailed outline of the fees, please refer to the payment table in the conference fees tab.
  • The conference does welcome Arabic submissions (with abstracts written in the english language), which will only be considered for publication in BAHETH by IEREK Press.

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Step 3: Rigorous Peer Review Process (double-blind)

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  • If submitted, the extension (short paper) will be preliminarily checked (iThenticate plagiarism/ similarity screening Software, readability, and scope) and it will be peer-reviewed. If similarity issues are detected, the following will apply:
    • % from all sources: 10-15%
    • % from one source: 3-5%
    • Higher than 30% (all sources): Reject completely
    • Lower than 30% (all sources): Ask for revision to decrease the similarities
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  • If your short paper is accepted by the Editors for publishing with comments/ requested modifications, our Editors (publishing department) will contact you once a decision is made and you will be asked to revise and correct it. After resubmission, it will be re-checked. Note: There may be more than one round of peer review and the decision rests with the editors of the title. Missed deadlines may result in complete exclusion/ rejection from the final publication.
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Step 4: Extended paper 

  • After the conference, the authors of the best papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their research, 8 – 12+ pages in length, (optional) of their short papers for publishing in an edited volume to be published by Springer Nature.
  • Publishing your short paper (i.e., extended abstract) in the conference proceedings does not prevent the submission of the full version for publishing consideration after the conference if the similarity percentages (SR%) in Step 3 are taken into account.
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Keynote Speakers

Egidio Dansero

Full Professor of Political and Economic Geography at the University of Turin and Vice-Rector for Sustainability and Development Cooperation, and President of the “Società di Studi Geografici”

He has a PhD in Urban and Regional Geography, Since the first studies of urban and industrial geography, his research interests have unfolded in the field of political and economic geography, spatial, environmental and development policies and in the last ten years focus on alternative food networks, local and urban food policies and strategies. He is coordinator of: the Italian Network on Local Policies of Food (www.politichedelcibo.it); the working group Food of the RUS (https://reterus.it/cibo/); the Atlas of Turin Food System www.atlantedelcibo.it.

Massimo De Marchi

Associate Professor of Geography at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Padua.

He is Associate Professor of Geography at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Padua. Academic coordinator of the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence on climate justice. Director of the Advanced Master in GIScience and Unmanned Systems for the integrated management of the territory and natural resources (EQF8). Coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus International Joint Master Programme on Climate Change and Diversity, Sustainable Territorial Development (CCD-STeDe, EQF7). Deputy director of the international professional mastere "Cambio Climático y Agro ecosystems sostenibles", in collaboration between the University of Padua and Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito, Ecuador (EQF 7). Professor of Environmental Assessment and Evaluation (Master's Degree in Environmental Sustainability and Education), Agroecology and territorial management (Master in Environmental Sustainability and Education), Environmental Policies (Degree in Natural Sciences, University of Padua). Research activities concern climate justice and the just transition from fossil fuels, participatory processes, the management of environmental conflicts in complex territories, GIScience and citizen science.

Marco Grasso

Professor of Political Geography at the University of Milano-Bicocca

He works on climate change policy, governance, and ethics. He has worked at Birkbeck, University of London, and has been a Visiting Scholar at universities and research centers in Europe, the United States, and Australia. He is the author of ‘From Big Oil to Big Green. Holding the oil industry to account for the climate crisis’ (MIT Press, 2022; Chinese translation 2023), of ‘Tutte le colpe dei petrolieri. Come le grandi conpagnie ci hanno portato sull’orlo del collasso climatico’ (Piemme, 2020, with Stefano Vergine) and ‘Justice in funding adaptation under the international climate change regime’ (Springer, 2010) and has published widely in leading international scientific journals. His work has been frequently reported by major media: among others, The Guardian, Financial Times, Il Fatto Quotidiano, Domani, RAI, and LA7.

Teresa Amodio

Full Professor of Political and Economic Geography at the University of Salerno and Vice-Rector for Third Mission – Social Impact.

She has a PhD in Geopolitics and Geoeconomics, at Trieste University. The main research topics concern urban transformations, at different scales, environmental dynamics and related geographical implications, and the geopolitics of transportation. About this topic is Responsible of many international research projects. Research are all supported by thematic mapping also carried out using satellite data. As well as teaching Context Analysis, Economic Political Geography, and Cartography and GIS, is Professor for Phd in Territory Innovation and Sustainability, at Cusano University of Rome. She is Scientific Coordinator of the Geographic Information Systems for Land Organization (SIGOT) Laboratory; Component of the Scientific Committee of LabGeoNet, President of the Salerno Provincial Section of the Italian Association of Teachers of Geography (AIIG) and Component of the Scientific Committee of the Bulletin of the Italian Association of Cartography (AIC).

Antonella Ambrosino

PhD student in “Risk and sustainability in civil, architectural and environmental engineering systems” at the University of Salerno

She is a PhD student in Risk and Sustainability in Engineering Systems and has a degree in Environmental Science. Her research interests are in natural hazard monitoring with satellite and terrestrial techniques such as: evaluation of protective forests into rockfall risk analysis, interaction between human activities and flood risk, climate change and precision farming, fire risk monitoring and evaluation of biodiversity loss, mapping and assessing the state of ecosystems and their services in highly urbanized territories. She was part of environmental staff to support the public administration and has been a member of the organizing committee of Local Conference of Youth on Climate change (LCOY) Italia 2021.

Lucrezia Lopez

Ph.D. in Geography (University of Santiago de Compostela, 2012) and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography at the USC.

She is Academic Coordinator of the International Master's Degree “Challenges of the Cities”. Since March 2023, she is treasurer of the Galician Delegation of the Board of Geographers, and since January 2024 she is member of the National Government Board of Geographers, Education Council. In addition, she is Academic Coordinator of ERAMUS Mobility for the Department of Geography (USC). Apart from having taking part at various international and national research projects (as PI and as researcher), she has carried out research stays in foreign centres, such as Royal Holloway, University of London (United Kingdom) and Université Paris 1-7, Panthéon, Sorbonne (France), among others. Her main research lines concern geography of tourism, cultural geography (especially geo-humanities and heritage), cultural itineraries (especially the Way of St. James), and Mediterranean studies. She has published articles in scientific journals and book chapters in international publishing houses; moreover, she is guest editor of special issues in peer-reviewed Journals and serves as reviewer and member of the scientific committee of international reviews.

Dr Giuseppina Padeletti

Research Director at the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) Institute for the Study of Nanostructured Materials (ISMN-CNR)

Her expertise is in the field of innovative materials, particularly related with the realization and study of thin and thick film materials of III-V semiconductors, electroceramics and DLC coatings for fundamental studies, microelectronics and mechanical applications. She is also an expert of advanced materials and technologies applied to Cultural Heritage, to assess the nature of art artefacts, related to degradation, restoration and conservation problems, too. Furthermore, she is involved in studying materials and systems related to security/safety sector. She was directly involved in the coordination of many labs such as MBE lab (semiconducting materials), MOCVD lab (electroceramic materials), and PE-CVD lab (coatings). As well as, she designed and realised the MOCVD apparatus, actually in use at ISMN and she set up the chemical deposition, the AFM and chemical synthesis labs. She makes and made training activity at ISMN and in collaboration with Italian and Foreigners Universities (PhD thesis). In the past she did stages at Laboratoire Central des Recherches, Thomson-CSF, Orsay (France); Max-Planck Institute, Goettingen (Germany) were acquired experience on the study and growth of materials of technological interest. She has many national and international cooperation (Max- Planck Institute, Goettingen; Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, USA; C2RMF, Paris (France), among others. She coordinates the European project GreenHeritage Erasmus Plus, funded under Horizon Europe. She coordinated the European Project HERACLES, funded under Horizon 2020, and the project Fabricsafe, funded by the Italian Defence Ministry. In the past, she coordinated Research Units in different projects, (FISR, FIRB, Legge 297) and promoted and realised a Project in collaboration with Louvre Museum financed by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di PerugiaShe is author of more than 120 papers on International Journals and patents. Since 2003 she organised and organises international conferences in the materials field (E-MRS Symposia and Conferences). She is EMRS Vice President and member of EMRS Governing Board. She is member of the UNESCO Chair on Materials Committee at Strasbourg University (FR). She is a member of Heritage Board of Editor.

Piero Lionello

Full professor of Atmospheric Physics and Oceanography, director of the Museum of the Environment at the University of Salento;

He is full professor of Atmospheric Physics and Oceanography, director of the Museum of the Environment at the University of Salento and coordinator of the PhD Programme in “Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies”. He is chair of the MedCLIVAR (Mediterranean CLImate Variability) network, leading author of the “Europe” and “Mediterranean” chapters of IPCC WG2-AR6 (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and coordinating lead author of chapter 2 “Drivers of Change” of the 1st Mediterranean Assessment report published by the MedECC network (Mediterranean Experts on Climate and Environmental Change). He has played important roles in the international scientific community, as co-coordinator of the HyMeX (Hydrological Mediterranean Experiment) program, member of the Scientific Council of the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), contributing to numerous projects and initiatives. Piero Lionello is author of more than 150 publications in international scientific journals on modelling, evolution and impacts of climate change in the Mediterranean region, climate dynamics at global scale, synoptic climatology, prediction of coastal waves and floods; air-sea interaction and extreme events. His activity includes the organization of scientific meetings and international schools and his involvement as a lecturer and invited speaker. He has carried out an intense editorial activity, which has led to the publication of three books and numerous thematic collections.

Asti Book Editors

Fabio Pollice

Geographer, Rector of the University of Salento.

Fabio Pollice (PhD in Political Geography) is Full Professor of Economics and Political Geography at the University of Salento; He previously taught at the Universities of Naples "Federico II" and Rome "La Sapienza". Since November 2019 is the Rector of University of Salento. He has been Director of the Department of History, Society and Human Studies at the University of Salento (2016-2019) and Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Human and Social Sciences at the University of Salento from 2014 to 2016. He has been for a long time a member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Geographic Society. Actually is a member of the Scientific Committee of the European University Center for Cultural Heritage, and has the same role in Eurispes and Foundation La Notte della Taranta. He is the Director of the Placetelling ™ School that he founded in 2016. He deals with topics of economic geography applied with particular regard to the issues related to territorial development and local-global relations with insights on the relationship between tourism and culture and the role of culture in local development processes. He is the author of over 150 national and international scientific publications.

Domenico M. Doronzo

Researcher at Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy.

Dr. Domenico M. Doronzo holds a B.Sc., a M.Sc., and a Ph.D. degree in Earth Sciences from Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Italy. Investigation specialties related to those degrees are physical volcanology, experimental and computational fluid dynamics, petrology, and natural hazards. Then, he has worked in volcanology and sedimentology, fluid dynamics and combustion, environmental sciences, and rock physics in the United States, Mexico, Spain, and Italy. Currently, he is a contract Researcher at Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy. Particularly, he has received the Rittmann Medal from Associazione Italiana di Vulcanologia and Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, which is assigned to the best young Italian volcanologist. His research interests focus on integrating theory, field measurements, numerical modelling, laboratory and outdoor experiments to study geological processes and products in volcanic areas (Vesuvio, Campi Flegrei, Etna, Vulcano, Colli Albani, Tenerife, Altiplano Puna, Colima) from fluid dynamic and natural hazard perspectives. He studies specifically pyroclastic energy currents, pre-eruption conditions, ground deformations, eruption forecasting, lahars and debris flows, flow- building interactions, sand and dust storms, turbidity currents, man-made environmental phenomena, and geo-resources. Recently, he has published the first comprehensive review on the famous 79 CE ‘‘Pompeii’’ Plinian eruption of Vesuvius by means of a multidisciplinary approach in volcanology. He is a Chief Editor of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences responsible for evaluating submissions in the fields of Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology, and Volcanology.

Jesús Rodrigo Comino

Professor Assistant Doctor, Department of Regional Geographic Analysis and Physical Geography

PhD DEng Jesús Rodrigo Comino has a PhD in Geography from the University of Málaga (Spain) and the second one in Geomatics and Topography from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He is an expert on regional geography, soil geography and land degradation processes. He is an Editor-in-Chief of Air, Soil and Water Research (SAGE) and the Euro Mediterranean Journal of Environmental Integration (Springer). Currently, he is coordinating the Terra-Lab 2 (EGEMAP: Environmental Geography and Mapping ) and COST-Action Firelinks (CA18135) as a grant holder at the University of Granada (Spain).

Scientific Committee

Stefania CERUTTI

Associate Professor of Economic and Political Geography at the Department of Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition of the University of Piemonte Orientale (UPO)

She is the director of the Interdepartmental Study Centre Upontourism. Vision, strategy, and research for innovative and sustainable tourism. She is a member of the Interdepartmental Study Centre UPO Sustainability and other boards both scientific and editorial. She is involved in many international research groups. She is president of the UPO Alumni Association and the Ars.Uni.VCO association. She is the scientific head of the UPO Spoke within the PNRR NODES project. She is a member of the doctoral board of the International and Interdisciplinary PhD Programme in Sustainable Development and Cooperation (UPO), University of Torino, University of Antananarivo). She teaches courses in Landscape, Tourism and Sustainability, Laboratory of Geography of Tourism and Geography, and Territorial Policies for the Environment. Her current research themes are concentrated on sustainable tourism, religious tourism, cultural heritage, food culture in tourism, participatory governance, inland and mountain areas, climate change, and the rural environment. She is the author of books and several articles published in national and international journals, mainly focused on tourist and local development fields.

Federica Epifani

Senior researcher of Economic and Political Geography, Department of Social and Human Sciences, University of Salento

Geographer, Ph.D. in Human and social Sciences (cycle XXIX), from 2018 to 2020, she held a research fellowship at the Department of History, Society, and Human Studies at the University of Salento. Since December 2020, she has been a junior researcher, working on the project "Tools and methodologies for a smart evolution of governance" at the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Salento. In June 2022, she was an invited researcher at IDEGA - Instituto de Estudos e Desenvolvimento de Galicia (University of Santiago de Compostela). Since October 2022, she has been a senior researcher in Economic-Political Geography at the Department of Human and Social Sciences of the same University. In June 2023, she obtained the National Scientific Qualification for the position of associate professor in Geography. Her research interests focus on the enhancement of territorial cultural heritage, sustainable tourism, vulnerability and resilience, and smartness, with a preference for a critical approach. She has participated and is involved in numerous national and international research projects (PNRR, PRIN, Interreg, Erasmus+). She is the author of numerous national and international communications and publications in the field of geography. In 2021, she published the book "Competitive or inclusive? La smart city tra neoliberismo e innovazione sociale" (Competitive or inclusive? The smart city between neoliberalism and social innovation), published by WIP Edizioni. Since September 2021, she has been a member of the steering committee of AGeI - Associazione Geografi Italiani (Association of Italian Geographers). She is a member of the scientific committee of "Geotema," a Class A journal for the competition sector 11/B1. Additionally, she serves as an associated editor of the scientific journal CEJGSD - Central European Journal of Geography and Sustainable Development. She actively collaborates as a member of the operational committee with the European University Center for Cultural Heritage in Ravello (SA), providing support for project planning (Erasmus+, Creative Europe). She is a member of the organizational secretariat of the Placetelling™ School. She contributed to the drafting of the Strategic Plan for Culture of the Puglia Region (2016-2017), the Economic and Territorial Development Plan of Martina Franca (2020), the Tourist Development Plan of Grecìa Salentina (2021-2022), and the Tourist Development Plan of the Municipality of Lecce.

Antonella Rinella

Full professor of Political-Economic Geography and vice-coordinator of the Ph.D. program “Human and Social Sciences - In Memory of Giulio Regeni” at the Department of Human and Social Sciences, University of Salento

She is a trustee for the Puglia region of the Società Geografica Italiana, a board member of the Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Heritage Agency, a member of the International Advisory Board of the Central European Journal of Geography and Sustainable Development (CEJGSD) and of the Advisory Board of the Springer LITES (Legal Issues in Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies) series. Her research activity mainly concerns the relationship between comics and geography and the analysis of local sustainable development processes, with a focus on the storytelling of cultural and environmental heritage in inland areas.

Simone Bozzato

Associate Professor of Geography M-GGR/01 at the University of Rome Tor Vergata

Currently coordinator of the professionalizing degree course TUREG (food and wine tourism), presently coordinator for the curriculum “Landscape and Territory” of the Ph.D. Cultural Heritage, Education and Society and from November 2023 president of DTC Lazio consortium (Centre of Excellence of the Lazio Region Culture Technology District). Since 2019, director of the «Tourism and Territories of Hospitality» series, Armando Editore. Since 2018, in the direction board of the scientific Journal «documenti geografici» (recognized as “fascia A” by ANVUR and indexed Scopus); part of the Scientific Technical Committee of the ITS Turismo Foundation; member of the Pa.Ter. research centre (Landscape and Territory) established by the University of Rome Tor Vergata and currently responsible for the homonym geo-cartographic laboratory. Research interests: cultural geography, landscape, sustainability, community-based tourism, cultural itineraries. Among the most recent publications: (edts.) Turismo comunità territori: Frontiere di sostenibilità, Milano, Mimesis, 2021; Ambiente, paesaggio e territorio: teorie e casi, Roma, UniversItalia, 2018; with Ceschin F. and Ferrara G., Del viaggio lento e della mobilità sostenibile. Itinerari, paesaggi, territori, esperienze, Roma, Exorma editore, 2017.

Valentina E. Albanese

Senior Lecturer, University of Insubria, Como seat, Italy

She has a Ph.D. in economic and political geography, past Research Fellow at the University of Parma and University of Pisa, was Assistant Professor at the University of Bologna, visiting researcher at the Technological University of Dublin, and visiting research fellow at the Maynooth University (Ireland). Among others, she is the PI of the project: COSMO - Environmental Crisis and Climate Change: an observatory for social mobilisation and new forms of digital activism. She focused her studies on the relationship between real and virtual space, deepening the role of cyberplace as a contemporary geographical realm. Her main fields of research are digital and media geography with a specific focus on territorial identities, including the field of surveillance capitalism and climate change as narrative streams re-shaping the places. Her studies are molded in the decolonial and feminist framework. She is a board member of the Media and Communication Geography Group (AAG) and is the founder of the Decolonial Geographies Speciality Group (AGeI). She is a council member of the Italian Geographical Society (SGI). She is author of three books and various national and international papers and book chapters.

Irene Petrosillo

Associate Professor of Ecology, University of Salento

She is a professor of ecology at the University of Salento (Italy). From 2015 to 2023 she served the International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE) as elected Treasurer. Her research interests cover aspects related to landscape ecology, socio-environmental landscape management, ecological resilience, and urban ecology. She knows in-depth remote sensing techniques and makes use of vegetation indices and GIS for solving some ecological monitoring problems crucial for effective environmental management. She teaches courses in ecology and landscape ecology, and in environmental strategic assessment. She is the author of several articles, book chapters, and a Springer book on Environmental Security. Since 2018 she has been associate editor of the Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier), and since 2023 she has been associate editor of Ecological Indicators. She is guest editor of several virtual special issues in peer-reviewed Journals of Elsevier and MDPI.

Stefano De Rubertis

Full professor at the University of Salento

Ph.D. in Economic Geography (University of Bari, 1998), is a full professor at the University of Salento, where he currently teaches "Sustainable tourism and territorial development", "Economic geography" and "Territorial organization and planning". His research activity mainly concerns territorial development processes, especially in rural contexts, and related governance issues.

Marco Grasso

Professor of Political Geography at the University of Milano-Bicocca

He works on climate change policy, governance, and ethics. He has worked at Birkbeck, University of London, and has been a Visiting Scholar at universities and research centers in Europe, the United States, and Australia. He is the author of ‘From Big Oil to Big Green. Holding the oil industry to account for the climate crisis’ (MIT Press, 2022; Chinese translation 2023), of ‘Tutte le colpe dei petrolieri. Come le grandi conpagnie ci hanno portato sull’orlo del collasso climatico’ (Piemme, 2020, with Stefano Vergine) and ‘Justice in funding adaptation under the international climate change regime’ (Springer, 2010) and has published widely in leading international scientific journals. His work has been frequently reported by major media: among others, The Guardian, Financial Times, Il Fatto Quotidiano, Domani, RAI, and LA7.

Gabriele Pizzileo

He works in CMCC for the IAFES Division – Impacts on Agriculture, Forests and Ecosystem Services, in Lecce

He is an agronomist and he has a master’s degree in Agricultural and Ambiental Sciences. He studied at the University of Viterbo and works on research topics related to the impacts of climate change on agri-food and forest systems and on the adaptation strategies in the agricultural sector. He currently works on various projects: The research & development project “Rigenerazione Sostenibile dell’agricoltura nei terreni colpiti da Xylella fastidiosa” in which his work is focused on the assessment of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the agricultural sector and on the analysis of the suitability of different crops in Salento; The rural development program of the Apulia region “Simple” focused in creating a smart vegetable greenhouse system (Agriculture 4.0); The Horizon Europe projects “FOODCLIC” and “SWITCH” whose aim is to promote an healthy sustainable diet in different City-region systems in Europe involving all the stakeholders from the field to the retailer. The PNRR “AGRITECH” on the assessment of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in agriculture possible mitigation strategies (task 7.1.4) and on the monitoring of physiology responses of plants to the adoption of mitigation options (task 7.4.1).

Maria Vincenza Chiriacò

Senior researcher at the CMCC Foundation in Italy

She focuses on investigating the pivotal role of agro-forest ecosystems within the carbon cycle. Her expertise lies in the sustainable management of the land sector, designing pathways for carbon neutrality, and fostering climate change mitigation and adaptation. At the forefront of her responsibilities is the coordination of various national and international projects dedicated to enhancing the sustainability of land use and management, with a particular emphasis on agri-food and forestry systems. She is also an expert in climate and environmental policies and in the application and development of tools for assessing environmental sustainability, such as the life-cycle assessment (LCA), in agri-food value chains and farming enterprises. As an expert in GHG inventories in the land sector, she is involved in the compilation of the National Inventory Report of Italy (2018, 2019, 2020). Furthermore, her dedication to advancing climate science is underscored by her participation as one of the authors of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Elena dell'Agnese

Full professor of geography at the University of Milano-Bicocca

Her research interests focus on cultural and political geography, in which field she has published over a hundred articles and contributions and a dozen volumes. She is currently president of the Association of Italian Geographers (AGeI), after previously holding organisational positions in various international geography societies.

Egidio Dansero

Full Professor of Political and Economic Geography at the University of Turin and Vice-Rector for Sustainability and Development Cooperation, and President of the “Società di Studi Geografici”

He has a PhD in Urban and Regional Geography, Since the first studies of urban and industrial geography, his research interests have unfolded in the field of political and economic geography, spatial, environmental and development policies and in the last ten years focus on alternative food networks, local and urban food policies and strategies. He is coordinator of: the Italian Network on Local Policies of Food (www.politichedelcibo.it); the working group Food of the RUS (https://reterus.it/cibo/); the Atlas of Turin Food System www.atlantedelcibo.it.

Dr Giuseppina Padeletti

Research Director at the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) Institute for the Study of Nanostructured Materials (ISMN-CNR)

Her expertise is in the field of innovative materials, particularly related with the realization and study of thin and thick film materials of III-V semiconductors, electroceramics and DLC coatings for fundamental studies, microelectronics and mechanical applications. She is also an expert of advanced materials and technologies applied to Cultural Heritage, to assess the nature of art artefacts, related to degradation, restoration and conservation problems, too. Furthermore, she is involved in studying materials and systems related to security/safety sector. She was directly involved in the coordination of many labs such as MBE lab (semiconducting materials), MOCVD lab (electroceramic materials), and PE-CVD lab (coatings). As well as, she designed and realised the MOCVD apparatus, actually in use at ISMN and she set up the chemical deposition, the AFM and chemical synthesis labs. She makes and made training activity at ISMN and in collaboration with Italian and Foreigners Universities (PhD thesis). In the past she did stages at Laboratoire Central des Recherches, Thomson-CSF, Orsay (France); Max-Planck Institute, Goettingen (Germany) were acquired experience on the study and growth of materials of technological interest. She has many national and international cooperation (Max- Planck Institute, Goettingen; Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, USA; C2RMF, Paris (France), among others. She coordinates the European project GreenHeritage Erasmus Plus, funded under Horizon Europe. She coordinated the European Project HERACLES, funded under Horizon 2020, and the project Fabricsafe, funded by the Italian Defence Ministry. In the past, she coordinated Research Units in different projects, (FISR, FIRB, Legge 297) and promoted and realised a Project in collaboration with Louvre Museum financed by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di PerugiaShe is author of more than 120 papers on International Journals and patents. Since 2003 she organised and organises international conferences in the materials field (E-MRS Symposia and Conferences). She is EMRS Vice President and member of EMRS Governing Board. She is member of the UNESCO Chair on Materials Committee at Strasbourg University (FR). She is a member of Heritage Board of Editor.

Massimiliano Tabusi

Professor of Geography at Università per Stranieri di Siena

His research is mainly focused on Social Geography, Labour Geography, Geography of the Information Society and Cyberspace, connections between Arts and Geographical thought. He is Secretary General of the Association of Geographical Societies in Europe (EUGEO), Italian Geographical Society Vice-President and his Rector’s Delegate for Sustainability and for Academic Democracy.

Alfredo Reder

Researcher at the REMHI division of the CMCC Foundation

He has a PhD in Geotechnical Engineering. He is responsible for a working group dealing with risk analysis and climate change adaptation solutions in the built environment. His expertise covers climatology, climate change impacts, adaptation in built environment, landslides and geotechnics. Alfredo is the author of more than 35 publications in peer-reviewed journals and has participated as co-convenor, invited speaker, lecturer and co-author at several national and international conferences. He is also part of several European and national projects on his research topics, especially urban climate adaptation and impact analysis.


1. Vinita Vishwakarma, Prof. and Additional Dean (Research), Galgotias University, Greater Noida-203201, Delhi, NCR, INDIA

2. Mahesh Kumar Jat, Professor Dr eng., Dept. of Civil Engineering, MNIT Jaipur, water Resources Modelling & Management and Geospatial Technologies

3. Uznir Ujang, Associate Professor, Head of 3D GIS Research Group. Geoinformation, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

4. Alkan Mehmet, Professor in the Department of Geomatics Yıldız Technical University, Turkey. He graduated from Department of Geodesy and Photogrammetry

5. Ashraf Aboulfetooh Mostafa, Professor of Geomorphology, department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, Suez University, Suez, Egypt

6. Alaa Morsy, Dean, Port Training Institute, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Specialized Organization of Arab League Consultant Engineer of Structural Engineering, Egyptian Engineers Syndicate

7. Trapani Ferdinando, Professor of Urban and Regional Spatial Planning, City and Territory Department, University of Palermo, Italy

8. Francesco Alberti, Associate Professor in Regional and Urban Planning and Design, University of Florence (Università degli studi di Firenze) Department of Architecture (DIDA)

Benefits Of Attending

Attending a conference dramatically enhances both your professional and personal development. They help you sharpen the saw, meet and converse with industry experts, expand your resources and grow your professional network. IEREK Conference will help you:

  1. Open Discussions: We bring together leading academic scientists, from different universities and countries, to exchange and share their experiences and research results.
  2. Internationally Accredited Certificate: The participants are granted internationally recognized certificates acknowledged by IEREK, the University, and Partner Organizations.
  3. Publication:Selected high-quality manuscripts will be published, after peer review, in index journals/ book series. See Publishing Opportunities for more information.
  4. Research Technologies: Conferences can expand your resources by providing a great opportunity to promote gathered information on new technologies related to your research.
  5. Networking:You can engage with industry experts to discuss with them the very latest research projects they could be working on and increase your chances of collaboration in future projects.
  6. Academic Reputation: Attending many conferences will make you a known figure in academic circles and an active member of the academic community.
  7. Conference Abstracts Material:Delegates will receive the conference Abstracts book in hardcover (physical attendance for which Shipping fees may apply) and/ or digital format (online attendees). See the conference fees tab.
Conference Issn Number

- The Print ISSN for “ Geographic Perspectives on Climate Change Mitigation in Urban and Rural Environment ” is 3009-7983.

- The Online ISSN for “Geographic Perspectives on Climate Change Mitigation in Urban and Rural Environment ” is 3009-7088.

Visa Application

- For participants who need Entry Visas to the country where the conference will be held, IEREK will issue the corresponding invitation letter for accepted applicants to facilitate visa issuance.

- Please notice that we will endeavor to assist you in obtaining a visa but the responsibility is yours and the decision rests solely with the appropriate Embassy.

Invitation Letter Issuance Process

1- In case the participant is an author who has submitted a research paper to the conference, it must get accepted by the Scientific Committee

2- Required participation fees must be paid

3- The participant should send the following information to the conference's official email:

* A clear copy of passport

* Passport number

* Full name as written in your passport.

* Date of Issuing and Expiration

* Date of Birth

* Email address of the nearest Embassy/Consulate to you

* Mobile Number including country code

4- Conference coordinator will issue the needful invitation letter and send a copy to the participant's email, in addition to another one to the corresponding email address of embassy/consulate

5- The participant should print out the invitation letter along with all other required documents by the embassy/consulate and apply for VISA

Conference Venue
University of Salento
Piazza Tancredi, 7, 73100 Lecce LE, Italy.

Supporting Organizations

CNR: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

The National Research Council (CNR) is the largest public research institution in Italy, the only one under the Research Ministry performing multidisciplinary activities. Founded as a legal person on 18 November 1923, CNR’s mission is to perform research in its own Institutes, to promote innovation and competitiveness of the national industrial system, to promote the internationalization of the national research system, to provide technologies and solutions to emerging public and private needs, to advice Government and other public bodies, and to contribute to the qualification of human resources. In the CNR's research world, the main resource is the available knowledge which means people, with their skills, commitment, and ideas. This capital comprises more than 8.000 employees, of whom more than half are researchers and technologists. Some 4.000 young researchers are engaged in postgraduate studies and research training at CNR within the organization’s top-priority areas of interest. A significant contribution also comes from research associates: researchers, from universities or private firms, who take part in CNR’s research activities.

CMCC: Centro Euro-mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici

The CMCC is an international research center that collaborates with scientists, economists, and technicians who work together to provide in-depth analyses of the impacts of climate on socioeconomic systems. The CMCC also supports policymakers in developing and evaluating costs, mitigation, and adaptation policies. Furthermore, the Foundation promotes and carries out basic and applied scientific research, develops operational services with a high content of knowledge and technological innovation in the various sectors influenced by climate change, and encourages collaboration between universities, national and international research bodies, local authorities, and manufacturing sectors. The CMCC takes advantage of the vast experience in the research field of its Founders: National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, University of Salento, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, University of Sassari, University of Tuscia, Polytechnic of Milan, Resources for the Future, University of Bologna. The CMCC was founded in 2005 with the financial support of the Ministry of Education, University and Research, and the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea, and has been operational since 2006. On 10 December 2015, the Centro became a Foundation, which represents its legal status, contents, objectives, and operating methods.

SGI: Società Geografica Italiana

The Italian Geographical Society was founded in Florence in 1867 with the aim of promoting culture and geographical knowledge and since its inception, it has been involved in the exploration of recently discovered lands. A non-profit organization since 1869, it moved to Rome in 1872, where it is still based in a recently restored sixteenth-century building - the Palazzetto Mattei - inside the Villa Celimontana. Currently, the Company's activity is mainly concentrated on the promotion of scientific research and dissemination activities, which are carried out through study and research 192_4programs on the territory and the environment, a lively editorial activity, the organization of conferences and studies, and through close collaboration with associations and institutions with similar interests and with other geographical, Italian and foreign societies.

AGeI:Associazione Geografi Italiani

The A.Ge.I. has set itself the task of giving proactive and innovative responses to the increasingly complex qualitative and quantitative demand for information, updating, and production of geographical knowledge with strong social motivation and particular attention to the Italian space. In this framework, the A.Ge.I. maintains relations with the MIUR, the CRUI, and the CUN for the redefinition of the declarations for competition purposes; expresses opinions regarding the redefinition of the SSD (Scientific Disciplinary Sectors); provides information to public administrations regarding the training requirements necessary to access selections and competitions for archivist positions in the public sector. Through the revision of concepts and methods, thanks to a broad interdisciplinary opening and international collaborations, geographers have developed research apparatuses that are increasingly more concretely oriented toward the needs of contemporary society. Therefore, the A.Ge.I. supports with incisive action the inclusion of the geographer in the management and organization of the territory. The Association also intends to enhance the image of geography externally, indicate what contribution it can actually make, and above all encourage the exchange of experiences and information with other operational research bodies and bodies, defining a common intervention policy with them.

AIIG: Associazione Italiana Insegnanti di Geografia

Founded in 1954 by Elio Migliorini, it has had 6 national Presidents so far: Elio Migliorini (1955 – 1976), Aldo Sestini (from 14 October 1976 to 25 October 1977), the beloved Giorgio Valussi, unforgettable protagonist of our Association for 13 years ( 1978 – 1990), Peris Persi who boasts a series of three consecutive mandates (1990 – 2002) and Gino De Vecchis, the first university professor of Geography Education in Italy, in office continuously with great consensus for 16 years (2002 – 2018). It is currently chaired by Riccardo Morri, associate professor of Geography at the Department of Modern Letters and Cultures of the Sapienza University of Rome (read 50 years of history of the Association here ). The Statute provides for the possibility of establishing regional Sections, which can be divided within their territorial scope into provincial, inter-provincial and city Sections: AIIG Sections currently exist in all the Regions and in almost all the Italian Provinces. AIIG is a qualified body for the training of school staff accredited by the MIUR (DM 27.02.2003, DIRECTIVE 170/2016) and a local cultural society. AIIG is a Member of the European Standing Conference of Geography Teachers and of the Association of Geographical Societies in Europe (EUGEO). In 2015 the magazine Ambiente Società Territorio, published in December 1955 with the title Geography in schools, crossed the finish line of 60 years of activity without any interruption. For further information on this, read the 60 years of our magazine. We were three friends at the bar… by Gino De Vecchis and the 60 years of “Ambiente Società Territorio. Geography in Schools” (Rome, 16 November 2015) by Monica De Filpo.

AIC: Associazione Italiana di Cartografia

AIC is an Association of a cultural nature and has the aim of promoting technical and scientific development among its members in all fields of cartography, illustrating the cultural, social, and economic importance of cartographic activity on a national level and promoting knowledge of the aims and potential of the Association is suitable, to document the developments of the national activity in the sector on an international level. To achieve these goals, the AIC aims to promote studies, research, conferences, and seminars, spread the use of cartography in its various forms, present the cartographic production of its members, publish its own periodical magazine and other scientific material, technical or educational, maintain relationships with other associations, contribute to the training of cartographers.

Flyer & Poster

Click here to download the flyer & Poster.

Your Trip To Lecce

Lecce is famous with the best-knowns sights in Italy that it would take weeks to see everything in it, also it is one of Europe’s most popular cities. It has many breathtaking views and tourist attractions from museums to churches and palaces.

The following are some suggestions of places to visit while you are in Lecce, Italy:

Roman Amphitheatre in Piazza Sant’Oronzo

The highlight is the large Roman amphitheatre which once seated 14,000 spectators on its two tiers, although only the lower tier remains. Sometimes concerts still take place here.

In the piazza, you can also see the column of Sant’Oronzo and an unusual 20-meter-high bronze clock, the Orologio Delle Meraviglie, created in 1955 on the wall of the Banco di Napoli.

Lecce Cathedral

Lecce’s Cathedral is on one of the most beautiful squares in Lecce, the Piazza del Duomo.

Piazza del Duomo has a more intimate feel and is enclosed by ornate buildings including the bishop’s residence and seminary.

The Cathedral was originally built in 1144 and was rebuilt in the 17th century by architect Giuseppe Zimbalo in the decorative baroque style that now characterises the city.

Lecce’s Portas

The three remaining city gates of the previously walled city are useful landmarks for navigating the city, and all are decorative and worth seeing.

Once you pass through the gates, you leave the historic centre behind for the modern part of the city which is less attractive, but it does have some good restaurants and shops.

The main city gate is Porta Napoli built in 1548 for a state visit from Charles V and modelled on a Roman triumphal arch. Just outside the arch is the obelisk and beyond this is the university area.

Basilica di Santa Croce

Lecce’s most extravagant baroque church is Santa Croce, also designed by Zimbalo. If you only visit one church in Lecce, make it this one.

The facade features intricate carved figures and a rosette window, and inside are ornate columns and a decorative ceiling, next to Santa Croce is another Zimbalo creation, the Palazzo dei Celestini, now the seat of the local government.

After admiring the exterior, you can walk through the courtyard and out the archway to reach Lecce’s park, just beyond the church and palace is a lovely little street full of wine bars—perfect for a light lunch or aperitivo.


Travel Information

By Train

You can reach Lecce easily by direct Trenitalia train from cities such as Brindisi (30 minutes), Bari (1.5 hours), Rome (5.5 hours), and Bologna (7 hours). From Naples you’ll have to change trains at Caserta (5.5 hours total).

You can check timetables and book tickets in advance for the best rates from the Trenitalia website. You need to use Italian place names (i.e. Torino not Turin). 

The Bari to Lecce Trenitalia train stops at a number of places in Puglia including Polignano a Mare, Monopoli, Cisternino, and Ostuni.

By Plane

The nearest airport to Lecce is Brindisi (30-minute drive), while Bari airport is a 2-hour drive away.

You can rent a car at Brindisi airport or take a shuttle bus from the airport to Lecce (40 minutes).

By Car 

From Bari (150Km), via a freeway. Just follow the signs to Brindisi-Lecce. Rental cars are available in the main Italian airports, including the airports of Brindisi and Bari. This could be a good idea if you wish to join a visit to the South of Italy to the conference.

Accommodation In Lecce

Grand Hotel Tiziano e dei Congressi

Address: Viale Porta D'Europa, 73100 Lecce, Italy.

Location on map: Grand Hotel Tiziano e dei Congressi

Suite Hotel Santa Chiara

Address: Via degli Ammirati, 24, 73100 Lecce, Italy.

Location on map: Suite Hotel Santa Chiara

Eos Hotel - VESTAS Hotels & Resorts

Address: Viale Alfieri, 11, 73100 Lecce, Italy.

Location on map: Eos Hotel - VESTAS Hotels & Resorts 

Rudiae Boutique

Address: 73 Via Dalmazio Birago, 73100 Lecce, Italy.

Location on map: Rudiae Boutique

Ada Suites & Spa

Address: 15 Via di Valesio, 73100 Lecce, Italy.

Location on map: Ada Suites & Spa

Palazzo Bernardini Suites

Address: Via Marco Basseo 25 , 73100 Lecce, Italy.

Location on map: Palazzo Bernardini Suites

B&B La Corte Lecce

Address: Via Roberto Caracciolo 24, 73100 Lecce, Italy.

Location on map: B&B La Corte Lecce

Hotel Delle Palme

Address: Via Di Leuca 90, 73100 Lecce, Italy.

Location on map: Hotel Delle Palme

Donna Teresa Guest House

Address: Via Giuseppe Libertini n. 41, Palazzo Luperto, scala unica, 2 piano, 73100 Lecce, Italy.

Location on map: Donna Teresa Guest House

Nonna Jole

Address: Via Guglielmo Paladini 26, 73100 Lecce, Italy

Location on map: Nonna Jole

Conference Program

To download the conference program Click here.

*IMPORTANT: Minor changes could occur and the program could be updated accordingly. All participants should regularly check the program until the event's launch.

To download the presentation template Click here.

Refund Policy

A.Physical Attendance

Delegates in any event who cancel their registration due to special circumstances will receive refunds according to the following plan:

Cancellation Policy

Up to 60 days before the event

Up to 50 days before the event

Up to 40 days before the event

39 days before the event







A refund is not possible if

-An acceptance letter has been issued (Authors only)

-The proceedings of the event have been published (Authors only)

-A visa invitation letter has been issued (All participants)

-All matters have been finalized (accommodation/travel expenses paid for)

Visa Rejection Cases

Reason and proof of rejection must be submitted. If the reason for rejection is due to an error on our part, the participant will be refunded their full fee with a deduction of a 20% administration fee.

Documents to be issued by IEREK to acquire a visa are as follows:

*Final Acceptance Letter (Authors only)

*Visa Invitation Letter

*Invoice/proof of payment

We encourage all authors and attendees to ensure their having acquired all documents (those applicable) mentioned.

If the reason for rejection is not related to any of the aforementioned and is an error on the participant’s part, the following will apply:

*Authors: may choose to let their co-author present his/her research on his/her behalf free of charge. If the author does not have a co-author, a member of the scientific committee shall present on the author’s behalf.

*Audience members/Registrants: will only be allowed to attend another similar event of their choosing that is organized by IEREK free of charge.
