Environmental Integration on ...
Online Conference
10 Apr 2025 / 12 Apr 2025 read moreSubscribe to our newsletter
The international conference on Resilient and Responsible Architecture and Urbanism was IEREK's first initiative in the Netherlands. In collaboration with Hanze University, this conference provided participants with a well-rounded cultured and academic experience that surely allowed scholars to build on their knowledge and expertise.
During the opening session on the first day of the conference, participants were welcomed by the distinguished professors, Mark Mobach, Mieke Oostra, and Rob Verhofstad. This was followed by a series of presentations that the participants found very beneficial and eye-opening: The Value of Architecture in Circular City Making by Marthijn Pool, Towards a New Paradigm: The Living Building Approach as a Co-Creation Beyond Classical Supply and Demand, and Resilience, Resourcefulness and Spatial Planning by Ina Horlings.
The opening session was then followed by an individual session where participants of the conference presented their research. The following days included several other parallel sessions with topics ranging from Sustainable Architecture to Economics and governance.
On the last day of the conference, the participants were all invited to join us for a walk in the cultured city of Groningen after receiving their certificates for attending the conference. All the research papers presented at this conference are being processed for publishing in a book series by Springer titled "Advances in Science Technology & Innovation."
Our attitudes, business models, products, services and actions related to the design, build, maintenance and transformation of our Built Environments have to change fundamentally. New build, renovation, and restoration projects increasingly focus on energy efficiency, renewable energy generation, sustainable building, water management and resource efficiency. This is not so strange when you consider the implications of a growing global population and rise in living standards. More and more Resources will be necessary to meet global demand.
For a long time, we have treated natural resources as if they were infinite and the use of toxic substances as something of little significance. Those times now seem to be well and truly over. From studies towards major turnarounds in our society by Economists, we know that major transitions occur when Structural social changes meet major economic developments and new disruptive technology. Recent financial crises, a major increase of world population, growing resource usage, Changing Demographics (e.g. aging & urbanization) in combination with the possibilities created by the disruptive information and communication technologies is an indication that we are currently on the threshold of such a period in history. This presents major challenges to our society, the current built environment and consequently to architecture, urban planning, and the construction sector.
The built environment has a major impact on how we experience the quality of our daily life. With a world population that is predicted to grow considerably, the demand for Energy and resources is likely to increase and not diminish. Since the construction sector is currently responsible for 40% of energy consumption, 40% resource usage and 40% of waste globally, it is one of the most important sectors in which a real impact can be made to improve our ecological footprint. This means Architecture and Urbanism are facing a major challenge. But then still, finding answers in designing and realizing green objects and Sustainable Urban only will not be enough. Addressing these issues successfully can never be done without considering how man experiences the quality of the built environment. More than ever architecture and urbanism have the responsibility to include issues important to ordinary people, e.g. the affordability of housing, the accessibility of the Urban Environment for elderly, healthy and comfortable places to live, safe working conditions, new jobs and maintaining the quality of life in regional areas with a shrinking population.
This demands an interdisciplinary approach for architects as well as urban designers and an integrated supply chain to execute the developed plans.
The aim of this Conference is to exchange knowledge and experience in ramping up the future-proofing of new and existing dwellings and communities.
Title | Date |
Abstract Submissions Deadline | 09 Dec 2017 |
Last Notification for Abstract Acceptance | 16 Dec 2017 |
Full Paper Submission Deadline | 10 Jan 2018 |
Last Notification for Full-Paper Acceptance | 08 Mar 2018 |
Early Payment Deadline | 09 Jan 2018 |
Regular Payment Deadline | 12 Mar 2018 |
Late Payment Deadline | 10 Apr 2018 |
Letter of Visa (for delegates who need visa entry) | 08 Mar 2018 |
Letter of Final Acceptance | 08 Mar 2018 |
Conference Program | 10 Mar 2018 |
Conference Launch | 10 Apr 2018 |
- Each research paper should have at least one main author who should pay the full fees (Author’s fees + Publication Fees), even if the main author is a Master’s or a Ph.D. candidate, and even if the author won’t be able to attend the conference.
- These fees include the registration of only one author to the conference. (As shown in the table, row 1, for the early payment or row 2 or normal payment)
- A research paper fees allow only one author, whether he is the corresponding author or any co-author to attend the conference and receive only one copy of the conference book in both hard and soft copy (a Printed book + a CD)
- In case of there are co-authors (1-5 maximum) Each Co-Author has to pay the specified fees (As shown in the table, row 4) without attending. In case of one or more of these authors need to attend the conference, they should complete the fees to attend as audience (Shown in the table, row 5)
- The fees for Conference book (hard copy + CD) for audiences and co-authors, is shown in the table row 3
- In case students or interested audience want to attend the conference without presenting a paper, they must pay the specified fees. (As shown in the table, row 5).
Cancellations / Refunds
- Delegates who cancel their registration due to special circumstances less than 60 days before the start of the conference and do not have a paper published in the proceedings will receive a complete refund minus a €100 administration charge.
- Once an acceptance letter has been issued, this means that the publishing of the proceedings book is in the process, and a refund will not be possible.
- Please notice that we will endeavor to assist you in obtaining a visa (if needed), by sending an invitation letter, but the responsibility is yours and the decision rests solely with the appropriate Embassy.
- Cancellation or withdrawal of a paper or an abstract from our system after it has been revised and receiving its accepted, has a penalty to be paid, in the case of either previous payment or not, €50 for the abstract and € 150 for the full paper before its delegation.
Regular Attendance Fees | |
Fees for Audiences (Co-authors, Learners, and Interests) | EUR 250 |
Fees for Non-attending Co-authors | EUR 50 |
Fees for Audiences (Learners, Interests) | EUR 250 |
Fees for Attending Co-Authors | EUR 250 |
Fees for Non-attending Co-Authors | EUR 50 |
Author fees for Early Payment (Before January 10, 2018) | EUR 400 |
Author fees for Regular Payment (Before March 12, 2018) | EUR 500 |
Author fees for Late Payment (after March 12, 2018) | EUR 600 |
test fees | EUR 1 |
Conference book (Hard copy + CD) | EUR 100 |
Please note that we will endeavor to assist you in obtaining a visa if needed, by sending an invitation letter, but the responsibility is yours and the decision rests solely with the appropriate Embassy.
Delegates in any event who cancel their registration due to special circumstances for any reason will receive refunds according to the following plan and according to the number of days from the start of the event:
Cancellation Policy | Up to 60 days before the event | Up to 50 days before the event | Up to 40 days before the event | 39 days before the event |
Penalty | 20% | 50% | 70% | 100% |
A refund is not possible if
-An acceptance letter has been issued (Authors only)
-The proceedings of the event have been published (Authors only)
-All matters have been finalized (accommodation/travel expenses paid for)
Visa Rejection Cases
Reason and proof of rejection must be submitted. If the reason for rejection is due to an error on our part, the participant will be refunded their full fee with a deduction of a 20% administration fee.
Documents to be issued by IEREK to acquire a visa are as follows:
*Final Acceptance Letter (Authors only)
*Visa Invitation Letter
*Invoice/proof of payment
We encourage all authors and attendees to ensure their having acquired all documents (those applicable) mentioned.
If the reason for rejection is not related to any of the aforementioned and is an error on the participant’s part, the following will apply:
*Authors: may choose to let their co-author present his/her research on his/her behalf free of charge. If the author does not have a co-author, a member of the scientific committee shall present on the author’s behalf.
*Audience members/Registrants: will only be allowed to attend another similar event of their choosing that is organized by IEREK free of charge.
Once an abstract is submitted, it will be sent to the reviewers' committee to go through the revision process:
Once an abstract has been submitted to our website, it is assigned for review by the reviewers using the abstract review sheet and validation of publication. This is based on four criteria:
· Accepted for publication (with minor editing changes).
· Conditionally accepted for publication (with revisions provided to authors).
· Rejected but encouraged for re-submission with major modifications.
· Rejected as inappropriate or unworthy of publication in this certain conference.
The criteria for accepting abstracts for the conference are as follows; a relevant topic of the conference should be proposed with clear writing, aims, and objectives of the study clearly presented, as well as a sound literature and methodology of the work.
Authors will receive a notification message to know the feedback of the reviewers' committee. If an author receives the acceptance of his or her abstract, he or she has to continue writing the full-length paper using the requested templates.
Authors who are allowed to upload their full-length paper(s) should use the same account details to upload their full paper(s).
The final paper will proceed to the primary revision to be checked if it meets the conference proceedings standards. Once it gets accepted, the author of the paper will be informed to pay the fees so that it could be sent for the final revision by the scientific committee.
In this step, and to proceed paper(s) that passed to the final revision process and to get the final approval, authors have to pay the requested fees. Otherwise, the final revision process will not be considered for their papers.
Those with full papers and who have paid the requested fees will get finally inspected, either scientifically or linguistically. There will be a rigorous review process of full papers following the previous process according to the following criteria:
(1) Is the topic relevant to the conference?
(2) Are the writing and structure clear?
(3) Are graphics, photos, illustrations used where needed?
(4) Are the aims of the study clearly stated?
(5) Are the objectives of the study achieved?
(6) Is the literature review relevant and adequate?
(7) Has the author used an appropriate methodology and has it been clearly explained?
(8) Has the author interpreted the findings correctly?
(9) Is the paper a significant contribution to the field?
These are the registration and revision procedures for publication that all authors should follow.
- IEREK provides you the English Review service; where we will be responsible for the language review process of your paper. This service will get your paper revised in terms of grammar, punctuation, and language structure; without changing the scientific content.
- This service will ensure you have the perfect language structure, to get your perfect paper published. This will help you increase the number of citations and make it easier for others access the information provided in your paper.
Fees for the editing process:
Paper Pages | Papers 4-5 pages long | Papers 8-12 pages long |
Editing fees | 80$ | 150$ |
If you are interested in getting this service, please email us your paper on: [email protected]
- Abstracts should clearly state the purpose, results, and conclusions of the work to be described in the final paper.
- After you have received the acceptance of your abstract, please continue to write your full paper with the requested template (please download from the link provided below).
Final acceptance will be based on the full-length paper. For publication, the accepted papers must be presented at the conference.
- English will be the official language of the Conference
- Writing Templates: Authors are strongly encouraged to use the formatting style described below for submitting an abstract as this format is required for the full paper.
To download Resourceeding's template, Click Here
Abstract and full paper submission instructions, Click Here
IEREK has an unyielding policy regarding plagiarism. We believe that copying/taking the ideas and work of other Authors without permission and credit is fraudulent. The Reviewing committee and IEREK employees have the authority to reject a paper during its reviewing process, on the basis of the paper being subjected to either minor or major plagiarism. Duplicating any content, even if it is one sentence or one table without the consent of its original Author, will lead to the paper’s refusal upon the complaint of the plagiarism victim.
Attending conferences is very beneficial on the professional level. Conferences are full of people promoting new ideas which will expand your knowledge and undoubtedly help your career.
You not only get to hear presentations but also converse with other researchers from different universities and even countries you may have only heard or read about. You learn from experts in the field. It is a great opportunity to find more about your field and listen to ideas that could help inspire research ideas of your own.
Not to mention, getting an overview of the place or city where the conference is being held and learning about its people and culture.
Conferences also can expand your resources by providing a great opportunity to promote gathered information on new technologies related to your research. Moreover, they let you test them out, share teaching tools and techniques, or even obtain samples of textbooks.
It is an opportunity to engage with respectable professors and discuss with them the very latest research projects they could be working on.
Delegates will have the choice of receiving the conference proceedings as either a hard cover book or in digital format on a CD. The CD will additionally contain proceedings from previous conferences in this series.
Indexing and Archiving Papers presented at IEREK conferences regularly appear in notable reviews, publications, and databases, including referencing and abstract.
Digital Archive All conference papers are archived online in the IEREK E-Library (http://www.IEREK.com) where they are immediately and permanently available to the international scientific community.
Journal participants may attend the conference to submit an enhanced version of their research for possible publication in our journal on IEREK website.
For participants who need Entry Visas, IEREK will issue a visa letter for applicants who are accepted to present at our conferences.
Please notice that we will endeavor to assist you in obtaining a visa but the responsibility is yours and the decision rests solely with the appropriate Embassy.
However, you are required to prepare your papers according to the regulations of your country’s embassy/consulate. To do this, you will need to visit the embassy/consulate website or by contacting them.
In the case of any missing document during the appointment or any other unfortunate incident that leads to your rejection, IEREK clears its responsibility as we will have done our part in providing the documents we can provide to ease the process.
International conference on Resilient and Responsible Architecture & Urbanism (RRAU) 2018
Download the official program
Between 10-12 April 2018 the Research Centre for Built Environment NoorderRuimte, part of the Hanze University of Applied Sciences will host an international conference on resilient and responsible architecture and urbanism.
In three days, more than 30 international experts will present the latest developments related to resilient and responsible interventions to buildings, towns and regions. On the final day the participants in the conference will be part of an exclusive excursion in the old city of Groningen.
Topics include:
Tuesday April 10
09.15 Registration & coffee
10.00 Welcome by Mark Mobach (Research Centre for Built Environment NoorderRuimte)
10.10 Welcome by Mieke Oostra (Platform Urban Energy & chair)
10.15 Opening Rob Verhofstad (board Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen)
10.30 Marthijn Pool - ‘The value of Architecture in Circular City making’
11.00 Harry Vedder ‘Towards a new paradigm: the Living Building approach as a co-creation beyond classical supply and demand’
11.30 Coffee break
12.00 Ina Horlings - 'Resilience, resourcefulness and spatial planning’
12.30 LUNCH
13.30 Paper presentations
14.30 Break
15.00 Workshops
16.00 Visiting local projects
Wednesday April 11
9.30 Wim Bakens - ‘International Cooperation in Research for Building and Construction’
10.00 Amira Osman – ‘Resilience and responsibility: unique challenges and opportunities in the South African built environment’
10.30 Wafaa Nadeem - ‘Housing in Egypt. Back to the Future. The triad of living, working and mobility’
11.00 Coffee break
11.30 Paper presentations
13.00 Lunch
14.30 Paper presentations
15.30 Refreshments
16.00 Paper presentations
17.00 Drinks
19.00 DINNER
Thursday April 12
9.30 Excursion Groningen City Walk
Registration for attendees is still open. Conference fee is € 200 for three days or €125 for one day (including excursion on day 3). Please send an email to [email protected] before 4 April 2018
RRAU 2018 is being organised by Research Centre for Built Environment NoorderRuimte together with IEREK – (International Experts for Research Enrichment and Knowledge Exchange), the Platform Urban Energy and CIB, International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction.
More information can be found on https://www.ierek.com/events/resilient-responsible-architecture-urbanism#introduction or on Twitter https://twitter.com/rrau2018
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Mieke Oostra Mieke Oostra is an architect, building expert and researcher and focuses on product, process and concept innovation. Her current position is professor in Spatial Transformations at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences. She is interested in issues related to energy and raw material use in the built environment and is currently focusing on the circular economy as well.
Mieke Oostra studied Architecture at Delft University of Technology and graduated there on the thesis Component design: The role of the architect in product innovation. After that, she worked for four years at Slavenburg's Bouwbedrijven. Here she was responsible for the embedding of customer-oriented innovations in the business process. She then worked for more than eight years as a senior researcher at TNO in the Energy and Comfort Systems department as an expert in the field of building process innovation, aimed at realizing sustainability goals and meeting the needs of clients and end-users. |
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Ina Horlings Ina Horlings is Professor Socio-Spatial Planning at the Faculty of Spatial Sciences at the University of Groningen. She is interested in topics like place-based development, Socio-Spatial Planning, Sense of Place, Leadership and Sustainable spatial (urban/rural/regional) Development. Currently she is involved in the European projects: SUSPLACE on practices of sustainable place-shaping, and RECOMS, investigating resourceful communities.
Ina Horlings studied at the University of Nijmegen and has been working as a policy advisor, consultant and researcher. She has been involved in developing a national strategy for a versatile countryside. Before moving to the University of Groningen she worked as an assistant professor at the University of Wageningen. |
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Amira Osman Amira Omer Siddig Osman is a Sudanese/South African architect/lecturer/researcher. She is a professor of architecture at the Tshwane University of Technology. Amira studied at the University of Khartoum in Sudan in 1988 (B.Sc.) and 1996 (M.Sc.). She also obtained a diploma from the Institute for Housing Studies in Rotterdam (IHS) in 1992 and PhD in Architecture from the University of Pretoria in 2004.
She worked as an architect in Khartoum during the period 1988- 1997 with various practices on small and large projects and was a United Nations Volunteer (UNV) in Maseru, Lesotho 1997-1998, as an architect with the Department of Public Works. She has participated in a number of projects in South Africa including a hostel upgrade and designs for social housing in Pretoria. Amira is a registered Professional Architect with the South African Council for the Architectural Profession (SACAP) and while her focus is academic and research-oriented, she continues to practice on a small scale.
She previously worked as a Senior Researcher at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in Pretoria (2010-2012) where she collaborated with a team from the Department of Human Settlements, the South African Institute of Architects (SAIA) and other councils and private sector representatives in the development of ten points for sustainable human(e) settlements which she proceeded to disseminate widely. |
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Professor Dr. Denise Morado Developments in Brasil PRAXIS (Social Practices in Urban Space), School of Architecture, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil |
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Wafaa Nadeem Associate Professor Dr. Wafaa Nadeem is currently working at the German University in Cairo- Architecture and Urban Design. She has an expertise in Architectural Engineering and is interested in 'theorising' practice and 'particularising' theory by integrating research with industry in a proactive approach to improve the built environment. Currently she is the Principle Investigator of a two-year German Egyptian Research Fund investigating the future housing in Egypt as a nucleus for living, working, and mobility to achieve an integrative built environment. Wafaa has extensive working experience in both the construction industry and scientific research. Wafaa has authored and co-authored several journal articles and book chapters addressing the challenges to improve the quality of living while making benefit of technological advancements. She is also Africa Regional Editor for the Smart and Sustainable Built Environment Journal (SASBE).
Wafaa graduated as an architect from Cairo University and received her MSc. in IT management in construction and her PhD in Industrialising the Construction Industry from the University of Salford (Manchester), UK. |
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Wim Bakens Wim Bakens is Senior Program Advisor for CIB, the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction. Before that, he has been the Secretary General for CIB for more than 20 years. He is interested in innovation and research and the technical, economic, environmental, organizational and other aspects of the built environment during all stages of its life cycle and transfer of the research results, and their implementation and actual application.
Wim Bakens graduated and obtained his PhD from Eindhoven University of Technology and before moving to CIB he was a partner at Bakkenist Management Consultants. Wim is also Visiting Professor at the University of Westminster in London |
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Harry Vedder Harry Vedder is co-founder and owner of the consultancy firm M3V that provides consultancy and management services in the areas of education and sports accommodation. Sustainability, functionality and affordable operation are the guiding principles for him. He is interested in the whole process of building and approaches a project in a holistic way, by not only focusing on the construction process, but throughout the 'Life Cycle' of the building.
Harry Vedder graduated in Civil Engineering at Delft University of Technology and worked as Head Advising from 1989 to 1997 at the Sector Sports Facilities of the Dutch Olympic Federation NOC * NSF (the later ISA Sport). |
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Professor Marthijn Pool Marthijn Pool is a trained architect and founding partner of Space & Matter, an architecture and urbanism office that is defining new development strategies at the intersection of online platforms and the built-environment.
Marthijn Pool graduated in 2005 from Delft University of Technology. After that he started working at ONL [Oosterhuis_Lenard] where he set up the ONL_Hungary office for the Budapest CET project. After this experience, he started space & matter in 2009 with Tjeerd Haccou and Sascha Glasl. Marthijn Pool also carries out research and is part of the board of The Mobile City Foundation. |
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