Urban Conservation in Historical Cities 2nd
Urban Conservation in Historical Cities 2nd

IEREK Workshop

  • 05, Feb / 08, Feb 2018
  • Luxor & Aswan, Egypt
Workshop Email

IEREK is proud to host its second Heritage Week, following the success of our first International workshop on Urban Conservation in Historical Cities.
The Heritage week will be held parallel to the 2nd international conference on the conservation of Architecture Heritage, from the 5th to the 8th of February, 2018, which will be discussing how to conserve and preserve historical and Heritage Buildings and sites. On a Nile Cruise from Luxor – Aswan. It is an opportunity to bring people from diverse places, cultures, and backgrounds together to collaborate and exchange information with one another.

Register now and save a seat as they are very limited!

The fees do not only include the attendance of the "Urban Conservation in Historical Cities" workshop but also includes the attendance of the CAH conference and the "New Trends in Scientific Publishing" workshop.

Special Offer: If you pay your accommodation fees before the end of November, you won't pay any attendance fees.