IEREK is proud to host its second Heritage Week, following the success of our first International workshop on Urban Conservation in Historical Cities. The Heritage week will be held parallel to the 2nd international conference on the conservation of Architecture Heritage, from the 5th to the 8th of February, 2018, which will be discussing how to conserve and preserve historical and Heritage Buildings and sites. On a Nile Cruise from Luxor – Aswan. It is an opportunity to bring people from diverse places, cultures, and backgrounds together to collaborate and exchange information with one another.
Register now and save a seat as they are very limited!
The fees do not only include the attendance of the "Urban Conservation in Historical Cities" workshop but also includes the attendance of the CAH conference and the "New Trends in Scientific Publishing" workshop.
Special Offer: If you pay your accommodation fees before the end of November, you won't pay any attendance fees.
Workshop Outlines
Cultural and Religious Identities and their Manifestation of Heritage.
Cultural and Religious Identities and their Manifestation of Heritage.
Economics of Conservation and Sustainable Environment.
Promotion of Heritage and Cultural Tourism.
New approaches and Concepts in Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Historic Cities.
Interior Design Solutions for Historical Buildings and Authenticity of the Place.
Conservation of Tradition and Identity.
Tourism and Archaeology.
Benefits Of Attending
There are many different beneficial factors at play in all sorts of workshops and conferences due to the difference of topics it has, but they all may share similar points of which will be listed below:
1. Promoting new ideas, which will expand your knowledge and will undoubtedly help your career.
2. Learn from experts in several fields, which is a great opportunity to learn more about your field.
3. You not only get to hear presentations, but also converse with other researchers from different universities.
4. You will get an overview of the city where the workshop is being held and learn about its people and culture.
The conference will be held in the River Nile cruiser "Grand Princess" from Luxor to Aswan. A nonstop 4 days cruise will cover the most important heritage and cultural sites in the world. All of the visits to the spots and sites include free pickups and drop offs from and to the cruise boat. Spending your time in Egypt in the river cruise will let you enjoy seeing the most exciting, pleasant and historic places, and having the most competitive prices and fees of the accommodation.
It will also grant you a luxurious 5-star experience and services.The accommodation covers the sightseeing fees, all meals as per itinerary, and the transportation from Luxor airport to the cruise boat and from the city to Aswan airport as well.
Find below shots from the Nile cruiser along with the outstanding services:
إنه من المقرر إنعقاد هذ الحدث العلمي العظيم على ظهر واحدة من أرقى البواخر النيلية مع توفير إقامة فندقية على متن الباخرة، وتستمر هذه الرحلة النيلية الخلابة لمدة أربعة أيام نزور فيها أعرق وأهم المواقع الأثرية والثقافية في العالم. جميع هذه الزيارات والإنتقالات من وإلى الباخرة النيلية مجاناً
إن قضاء رحلة نيلية كهذه لسوف يحقق لك الفائدة على المستوى الثقافي والترفيهي من خلال زيارة مثل هذه الأماكن التاريخية العريقة بأقل التكاليف التنافسية وأعلى جودة خدمة
:الخدمات تشمل
خدمة فندقية 5 نجوم على أعلى مستوى -
تكاليف التسكين والانتقالات من مطار الأقصر إلى الباخرة ومن المدينة إلى مطار أسوان -
3 وجبات أساسية: الإفطار، الغداء والعشاء -
:شاهد بالأسفل صور من الفندق العائم والخدمات المتميزة المتاحة
Kindly, note that the number of single rooms available is very limited.
The policy of “First Paid, First Served” will be followed!
Due to many requests, The payment deadline for accommodation has been extended to the 5th of December 2017
Fees for Non-Egyptians
Before the 5th of December
4 Nights for single occupancy in a Double Room
4 Nights Single Room
After the 5th of December
4 Nights for single occupancy in a Double Room
4 Nights Single Room
Fees for Egyptians
Before the 5th of December
4 Nights for single occupancy in a Double Room
EGP 2800
4 Nights Single Room
EGP 5200
After the 5th of December
4 Nights for single occupancy in a Double Room
EGP 3200
4 Nights Single Room
EGP 5600
Note: Upgrading from a double room to a single room is only possible if you pay the price difference.
Travel Information
Luxor: The conference starts at Luxor, a city that is located about 670 kilometers away from Cairo, the Nile cruise will be starting from the city of Luxor down to Aswan and the duration of the trip 4 days.
Conference participants from outside of Egypt, upon arrival at the Cairo International Airport, you must travel to the city of Luxor by a domestic flight, the duration of the trip will be about 1 hour and 15 minutes. There are several domestic flights from the city of Cairo to the city of Luxor, almost every hour.
Upon arrival at the airport in Luxor, you must rent a taxi in order to arrive at the site of the Nile Cruise. Taxi fees will be around 2 euros, and it’ll be a 20-minutes long journey.
If you prefer to travel by train, you’ll have to go to the railway station by Taxi and it’s about 19 km from the airport in Cairo, and then travel by the sleeping train to the city of Luxor and the trip duration is around 9 to 10 hours. The cost of the trip is about 50 euros, round trip Ticket to Luxor and the return from the city of Aswan where the Nile cruise trip is concluded.
If you choose to travel by bus, you must also go to Downtown Cairo and you’ll find the bus station booking besides the railway station, it’s about 20 km from the airport in Cairo.
The journey to the city of Luxor by bus duration is about from 8 to 9 hours, and the cost of the trip is about 10 euros, one-way ticket, to the city of Luxor. After you’ve arrived at the Luxor bus station, you must rent a taxi to arrive at the location of the Nile cruise. The cost of a taxi will also be about 2 euros and will arrive within 15 minutes.
As for the participants in the conference from Egypt, if you reside in Cairo, you’ll need to travel by bus or by the sleeping train, and if you reside in other cities, outside the city of Cairo, you must travel by bus or by the Express train from wherever you are in Cairo, then you can change trains and complete your trip by the sleeping train.
The conference venue starts from Luxor, which has often been called the world's greatest open air museum, as indeed it is and much more. The number of monuments and their preservation in the Luxor area is unparalleled anywhere else in the world. Actually, what most people think of Luxor to consist of is really three different areas, consisting of the city of Luxor on the east side of the Nile, the town of Karnak just north of Luxor, and Thebes, which the ancient Egyptians called Waset, which is on the west side of the Nile across from Luxor.
Television, Luxor, Madinet Al Bayadeyah, Luxor Governorate, Egypt
Workshop Fees
Due to many requests, The payment deadline has been extended to the 5th of December 2017
The workshop fees will be applied after the 5th of December
Regular Attendance Fees
Workshop attendance fees (Non-Egyptians)
USD 50
Workshop attendance fees (Egyptians)
EGP 500
About The Instructors
Dr. Maria Luisa Germanà
Associate Professor of Architectural Technology at Palermo University